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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Hi Andy,

    i feel afraid that the big wigs of Bovi are to interested in thier corporate image in the busniess world and the Tanks come second place.

    I am afraid i did not manage the armour through the ages.

    I applied for a space for the local MVT group but was told no space was available unless we paid the entrance fee !! :evil:

    Don`t mention Monkey world as my wife and i paid the entrance with our daughter and all she was interested in was `ice cream ` and the adventure playground!!!!



  2. Hi Andy,

    back in the old days when the museum was free i spent many a day there. These days i usually go 3-4 + times a year and as it was mt turn to amuse my little girl where else was there to go ???



  3. Hi matt,

    i totally agree with your statement as one of the many contributing factors which have led tothe lacking of Brit vehicles, back in 1978 i was trying to buy a guy ant F.A.T. from a local timber merchant in the new forest the truck was in pretty poor shape but just about save able but he would part with it. Mid 1980 he agreed to sell it for £500 but by this time after ten yrs parked under trees the body frame work had collasped and the engine had been sized also the rear had been converted to mount a crane and was too far gone for me.

    This year the truck had been completly `flat packed`for better storage and was still £500 :cry:

    But also on site all this time and still working is a matador with crane but apparently the water pump packed up last year and he reckons it will cost him hundreds to replace :roll: but will he sell it NO

    Therefor the possible end of two fine Brit vehicles.



  4. Hi all,

    i belive tha there are more U.S. vehicles around at the shows because after Dunkirque (sp) most of what we owned was left behind. Even though the British motor industry was still turning out vehicles i belive the lend lease agreement led to American vehicles being available in far greater quanities, and i hate to say i also think they were nicer to drive and quicker than the British ones (JMO :) )

    Also in the early days of military vehicle restoration the image of the gung ho `John Wayne` yank with sub machine guns and pistol holsters and grenades, ammo belts festoonining the uniform was much more attractive than a bristley shirt and blouse with pre war webbing and a rifle

    Or was it even in those days a fact that U.S. vehicles were easily more available.

    Speaking to some one i know not to well who drives a scammell tank transporter tractor unit with lowloader, sexton self propelled gun, 55 tons all in weight on a 102 hp petrol engine at a max speed of 10 mph (with the wind behind you) not to mention the MPG :roll: is a fairly daunting task, and i am sure he is over 70 yrs old ?? wants to pass the vehicle on but cant find no takers, may be i had better extend the garage ?



  5. Once apon a time............

    i used to carry four cans of beer packed in ice in my mounted (pintle hook) bucket for the `on site drink first drink` to wash away the dust, fumes etc in the throat !! on arrival at a w/e show !!. But a conversation with `no sense of humour type policeman` on a motorway one day caused me to cease this activity, but the bucket is still there.



  6. Hi Steve,

    i live in Poole in Dorset, tend not to travle to far in the jeep though have done Beltring for several years on the trot, But the main reason is that there is always some thing happening locally.


    When i get time i will attempt to do some picture posting.



  7. Hi all,

    i have been browsing this site for a while,have joined and decided on a short intro TAAAAA DAAAA.

    I have spent most of my colecting years as a german militaria collector, but after amassing tons if cloth insignia i sold it to by a jeep approx 5 yrs ago.

    The jeep in question, a ford (feb 1945) i have known of since the early eighties, and have driven it on several ocaisions since then, befor accuring it.

    Being different it is painted in Kahki (Dk earth matt)

    Though i still primarilly collect german helmets and iron cross`s (when i can afford them) i have used the jeep as an extension of my intrest in military items (plus it gets me out of the house :P )

    so here`s hoping to see you at the shows



  8. Hi all,

    this was a great day, and a beautifull road run. The parking of the stalwart at the pub caused a few raised eyebrows :lol: . One tip to all who participate in these road runs be sure that any Reo`s which are runninig on old engine oil are down wind as the fumes are naueating :shock: cough, cough.

    Hopefully colin2 will sort out his tent(s) and pole`(s) for the next time :D

    If any members here are wishing to take part i am sure you will be welcome, even if you are here for your holidays.

    P.S. jack you missed a nice breakfast on Sunday morning.

  9. Hi Dog107,

    with only 6 volts to play with if the battry is not running to full strength problems will soon occour, with my ford jeep i had to by a small charger/ discharger unit (from lidl approx £3:00 0and plugged it in for two months continuose (sp) and hve been O.K since



  10. Hi Jack,

    this could be detirmined by what unit you are going to portray the vehicle as, as there are different shades of olive drab :shock: may be a sample (of paint) to many of the suppliers (see milweb) could assist.

    Or paint it german ordanance tan for those Bovvy week ends :wink:

    mien fuhrer.



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