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Posts posted by ashley

  1. There is a famous motor museum not to far from me which has definitely sold / swapped vehicles over many years, and at one stage had sold many of the original registration numbers to collectors, or in small print expected a 99 year lease of the vehicle loaned to them for restoration / display.


    Some museums are left exhibits as long as they are never used/driven again by request of the donors.

    A lot of small items...medals uniform items are stored away never to be seen again or lost in storage ?



  2. maybe there are , had this one many many years , its also enameled on the rear ...


    Due to political fever in Germany in the late thirties i belive praticaly every baracks, town, city etc in the father land would of had a A.H strasse.


    But of course they are still produced for the fake market.



  3. Hi al,

    i am surprised that they who make the large scale tanks etc have not had ago.

    On a side note we demoed a tracked wood chipper to day ....remote control with a range apparently of up to 200 meters befor the engine cut out with the weakened signal.


    Gave a crowd of people a fright as it drove down the road (whilst i sat in the van) and stopped at a bus stop before pulling away again and loading it self on to a trailer :-D



  4. Must admit though i was not to happy with the card, i put up in the lounge for all too see............. just to claim the title of having been sent the largest Christmas card (again).

    Though when the good lady had some friends around last night i noticed it was laying face down on the stereo cabinet ? and for sure will be M.I.A. by midweek :).



  5. Hi,


    The "officer" standing by his BMW car is in fact an NCO, a Feldwebel (Company Sergeant major), the badge is an SA Military Sports Badge, which indicates that before being in the Heers (Army) he was in the SA-Sturmabteilung (Brownshirts)




    H is also wearing the M36 tunic with the dark green collar and epaulets {sp?}

    He is also wearing what is known as a crusher cap [schirmutz aller art]

    (old style)favored by many of the old school military men, and also by younger officers who would remove the spring from the peak of their peaked hats to give them the softer (floppy) look but were also easier to stuff into a pocket or opening of a jacket if the need arose.



  6. Heavy bus based on a Bussing chassis, been informed these are NSKK personel


    These must be on a driver training course using Luftwaffe registered buses carrying the phrase "fahrschule" [learner driver] on the left hand of the front bumper.



    sorry didnot se earlier post from DH


  7. :-D..........Yep Ashley, you certainly know your stuff - Enigma wrote that you were the resident German helmet expert.


    I'll show you mine, if you show me yours :-D


    regards Mark.


    I shall probably have to do it by PM but heres a couple to peruse a nice M16 standard camo (1918)

    Also a m35 with subtle 2 tone green camo.

    There are very few experts in this field due to the cunningness of fakers prepared to relieve hard working peoples of there monies.


    I have had to give up collecting these purely due to the price of them.



    view left side.JPG


  8. From what i can see.......

    5 M16 -M17, the helmet front left is a M16,

    3 M35/40 With lufty eagles i.e. centre front ,

    at least 2 armys (one with apple green {early} finish,

    some may have PW[noewegian ]liners judging by the colours but could be just well used.

    A close up of the chin straps would be usefull










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