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Posts posted by ashley

  1. We are both off this year unlike last year when the boss got called out just as we sat down to eat :{

    Just the three of us +dog i am sure she will need at least 4 short walks, then by the time i cooked most of the lunch drunk a few beers and a few more the TV may be more bearable to watch (hopefully)


    Have a road run with the Dorset group on 30-1-2010 to a pub lunch, hope it aint too cold or i have to put the doors on the jeep.



  2. Is that the one located in that side street across the Branbridges Road petrol station (near the roundabout)?







    Hi david,

    as you head into paddockwood there is an industrial estate sign posted on the left hand side you have to follow the road to the end to find it as i remember there were some dutch guys there one morning with their jeep to whom i chatted.



  3. Enigma,

    you pay to insure the vehicle for road use, you must have an MOT (test) certificate (if applicable) and as you may already know you also need a road fund license Tax disc (displayed )to drive on the public highway.


    As Degsy says you can have named drivers for a particular vehicle but generally if a person needs, say my car for a week i can pay a nominal fee to have them added for a specific time.


    If you have fully comprehensive insurance you can drive other peoples cars (with their permission) but only be covered for third party damages


    Hope this is clearer than mud it is how i understand it .



  4. Hi,

    it is surprising what you can get in tins to-day last year as my chinese friend proudly announced he was eating `english food` i let him know i was having oriental beef in a bean sauce (5 mins)with noodles (3 mins) :) cooked in minutes very easy, tinned mince + pototoes, peas/carrots followed by a good tin of rice pudding and a tea/or beer who needs take aways vans ?



    Though i must admitt the cafe on the industrial estate down the road from beltring make a veryhearty breakfast very reasonably priced indeed and opens at 6 am so you can walk it off (more like waddle) back to camp.



  5. I went to an Auction in Reading yesterday (Sat 13th Nov) and there was a Murcury Army Bike there. The Auction was for vintage bicycle bits and vintage lamps. The Bike went for £100 and it needed cleaning up and new tyres.



    Thanks for that Robert this one is restored, air in tyres for just slightly less than that.


    Enigma depends if i canfforg a pair of dust goggles in matching OD.



  6. Hi Ashley, I notice that you live in Dorset, I did my basic training at Blandford, R.E.M.E. 1956, January - February. For the last 52 years I had only to hear any reference to Dorset County, and my mind immediately flew back to my time spent there..... I thought that it was all very hard at the time, but it has all turned into very fond memories....... Although the R.E.M.E have long gone from Blandford (Training Depot No.1) I believe that the Royal Signals have a camp there, I must call one day to see how much that things have changed.


    Ray :kissoncheek:



    Hi Ray,

    yes the Royal Signals still have thier museum there, but like most military establishments these days i doubt if it is half as large as you remember, so you should have time to visit Bovington as well :-D


    Having lived here permanantly since the the mid seventies i belive it to be one of the most beautifulL counties in the U.K and really do not see me living any where else.



  7. Hi Ray,

    next time you are over that way you should meet up with forum members enigma, Ronnie and Joris, great guys and overflowing with local knowledge of the area and the battles that took place.



  8. Well funnily enough there was one similar to yours offered for sale at Plymouth Auction Rooms last sale which was on wednesday last week!! It was painted black but was complete with panniers, bag mounted inside the frame and clips on top of the cross bar which held the original tyre pump!! Ill have a look later to see if theres a pic.

    We used yo have a baarack bike to get around camp when i was in the army..it was an old mountain bike and was probably the most nicked bike in history!! Was often to be found strung up in the rafters of the MT hanger!!



    thanks any leads would be helpfull, i tried a search on the but found nothing of consequence this one has been local for at least 10 years and i am seriously considering it.



  9. Hi all,

    i have recently been offered a British barrack cycle i have not seen it yet, made by Mercury is apparntly O.D / green in colour and has the bag on the crossbar, but no rifle clips and was used post war (1947-1950`s) as an issue item for getting around camp.


    The cycle is apparently ready to ride away and is no where near the price of the wartime cycles and para cycles.


    Any one heard of these ? and have any been offered for sale recently ??





  10. looks like a nice helmet :thumbsup: ...................but be warned i was once told by a collector that British helmets of this era were padded out with a material which we know to day as asbestos so watch out for any crumbly dust like particles.



  11. Hi,

    last year through another forum i was contacted by a Dutch fellow who with along with some medals had brought a rather battered Luftwffe pilots peaked cap, not being into head gear he put away. some years later on looking carefully at the hat discovered a strip of paper with a guys name on and unit. reserch showed he was killed during a raid on Bristol and shot down near Wareham and buried locally.


    To cut a long story short i was able to photograph the pilots headstone along with the rest of his crew and mail it to him putting a name to a cap and some medals.


    It is surprising how this hobby can send you in different tangents and intrest some of which you may have never previously considered.



  12. What meal was being served that that they were pouring something white over , was that milk or cream ? I could gather that they were having potatos and sauages ?


    To me it looked like a roast dinner (potato`s seen) and did look like cream being poured on to a pudding could be a Sunday lunch or a christmas meal ??



  13. Hi Cardo,

    check with local vehicle (military ) clubs in your area, depending on what has been removed from the engine (it appears to be all there), first of all do the basics, battery (can remain 6 volt) fuel, spark will engine fire up ?

    Timing to check, check fuel lines for debris check all oil levels in engine,gearbox,transferbox, axels.(the area of the manuel that explains on using the vehicle for the first time)

    If successfull and engine runs....... bleed brakes drive it (on private land)


    There have been some post war modifications (indicators) when reading the manuel look for the data plates (glove box) chassis rails to assertain the age of the vehicle, engine and chassis numbers.


    This looks like a great vehicle good luck with it and enjoy.



  14. I think though I can't be sure, the StuG 3 you refer to may be privately owned either on loan or in storage after a display - the Finnish StuG 3 is part of the collection having been gifted to the museum after assistance given in refurbishing the Finnish armour collection Comet.


    IMO a Finnish StuG 3 is just as valid as a StuG 3 which was probably from the same source but has been re-decorated as a Wehrmacht AFV, the Finnish vehicles also served in WW2.




    Iam not sure and may stand to be corrected that though the Finninh army did convert/upgrade Stugs later in life they built thier own under license...but that story is not in line with this thread.



  15. according to chatty (sp) it was going to be restored, not that there looked much wrong with it but i belive it is in another museum at present.


    Another factor may be that due to the good old H&S the number of vehicles exhibited would have to be in ratio to floorspace available, which if nothing else gives you a chance to get some good photos.

    But there are some hidden delights i remember seeing a (cent? ) which was a project vehicle to be a turretless tank (as in the "S" tank )



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