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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. just finished another recon and explored the street level buttons many features , while not every area I looked had it , the ones that did were eye popping , able to go right down at 6 feet off the ground and swing 360 degrees and zoom in on house fronts , almost able to read licence plates ! As for the big picture I don't know what the rate at which they update, if I knew I could wave when the satellite went by LOL
  2. so many creative brain's that worked on so many special projects that I m sure we have not found out about all of them yet from WWII. So lite the blue touch paper and retire now , shall we?
  3. it will be interesting to see just how much height you may gain when you go to roll the bogies back underneath the rear end ... as in how much you will have to jack it up? :dunno:
  4. true and do you really buy the story he made all the gifts with elves I think there a bit of shop lifting going on !!
  5. what kind of tree did you crush and what kind of tree will you plant in its place this spring ?
  6. Will you be leaving a bit of Stinking Bishop out for Santa then ?
  7. Well done , how distorted were the leaf springs before you had them rebuilt/re-arched compared to them now?Thats great news on the final clean out of the axle housings from the earlier photo's and descriptions it seemed you might have found loads of shavings or crud inside .
  8. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing! I d be careful not to over do it on the lubricant as it cant be that good if you put to much in either .
  9. Thanks I think ???? ;-) Joris I just spent a huge amount of time exploring my old and current neighbourhoods by satellite and even some at street level views , This is all very nice but it takes awhile trying to figure out how old some of the the images were , it really tests your memory. :sweat: All because you have shown me a new Google tool to play with :computerterror:
  10. Quite an interesting bunch of guy's. They Seem to have enough tools and more importantly space to undertake such a huge restoration project . The other things they have finished look first class . Perhaps you sould see if they would like to Join this Forum ??? I m sure others would like the Humber armoured car and the International Halftrack. they have completed
  11. As been said before the poor condition of the engine would be the reason of the increased use of the material , or perhaps to put it the other way round the owner of said knackered engine finds it increasingly the easyest way to get the old engine going instead of biting the bullet and getting the engine rebuilt in which case He's the one hooked on the Ether !! ?? :-) ;-) :-D :dunno:
  12. Its a shame the people from Airfix decided to pick that item to relaunch their company , In hind site they should have done something else but I m not a forecaster of the future. Have you seen these remote control scale model trucks by Tamiya ? here's a link I thought if they could put all that detail into a civilian truck what about doing something like a CCKW , I did write them but was told marketing decisions are made in Japan and when I wrote there they said they had no plans to do such things. Who knows that could change some year ?
  13. a Job Well done and you all should be having a scalding hot cup of tea or since its the season a nice HOT Chocolate while you rest and recover before the next bit of work helping someone else with their repairs ;-) :-D < its so cold even these smileys are wearing hats !
  14. WOW that was a close call !!!How quickly things can go wrong , I m sure everyone here wishes you a speedy recovery and is Very Glad you made it thru ;-) ;-).
  15. thanks for the link , adds a bit more to its history , good job.
  16. the CCKW 353 would be 164" the CCKW 352 would be 145" not a lot of differance turning the minimum outside wheel turning circle for the long is 70' for the short the circle is 68'
  17. Must be true about Women being attracted to Dodges as one of the comments in an earlier thread stated I m guessing that its a 1 1/2 ton since the piano fits inside it . French caption Une jeune femme chante, accompagnée par des musiciens, toute la "troupe" est a bord d'un Dodge Weapon Carrier. Deux de ces femmes sont des membres de l'American Red Cross (Croix Rouge américaine) celle au piano et celle qui chante (avec un an de service au sein de l'ARC, insigne cousu en bas de la manche gauche) translation A young woman sings, accompanied by musicians, all the "troop" is has edge of Dodge Weapon Carrier. Two of these women are members of American Red Cross (American Red Cross) that with the piano and that which sings (with one year of service within the ARC, badge bent in bottom of the left sleeve)
  18. True , they sufferer numerous failures from the control wires breaking which unreeled from the back and from poor batteries which ran out of power before they got close to targets. Still a nasty beast if you were underfire and one of those was headed your way with its load of explosives from what I recall of them being written about in books, but could be corrected .
  19. it that to prevent over reving the engine then ?
  20. Very Nice ,Ivor ...... You must have spent a lot of time to build it . Do you have any more photo's?
  21. a photo of a very heavy door knocker M7 French caption Une colonne du 66th Armored Field Artillery Bn de la 4th Armored. Div.(arrivant de la route de St Lô) Au premier plan un HMC M-7 Priest de la B Btry. A gauche caviardé un char léger M5A1 Stuart du 25th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) de la 4th Armored Div. arrivant de Périers, a sauté sur une mine et a déchenillé. Un panneau blanc placé à l'entrée de la rue porte la mention "Mines" pour en interdire la circulation. nous sommes au carrefour de la Croix Quillard translation A column of the 66th Armored Field Artillery Bn of the 4th Armored. Div. (newcomer of the road of St Lô) In the foreground a HMC M-7 Priest of B Btry. On the left caviardé a light tank M5A1 Stuart of the 25th Cavalry Recognition Squadron (Mechanized) of the 4th Armored Div. newcomer of Périers, jumped on a mine and déchenillé. A white panel placed at l' entered of the street the mention " carries; Mines" to prohibit circulation of it. we are with the crossroads of the Quillard Cross
  22. I d be very careful as a grin of happiness can quickly become into a grimace of being frozen to death :-D :-D :-D and you wondered where these smileys fit in . Speaking of cold last night returning from relatives home about 35 miles away ....left there with temp reading 19 above Fahrenheit past thru a very chilly spot a few miles long and a few miles from home where the temp dropped to -3 Fahrenheit and arrived home with it reading 14 above Fahrenheit .. Aren't modern Car thermometer's Great !!!!! BBBUUUUURRRRRRRR !!! so a bit of change in a short ride ....don't even want to think what the windchill effects would have been like in an open cab unheated vehicle like a GMC in Europe in the winter of 1944!!!!
  23. Half track with 37mm in tow French caption Devant l'église de Roncey, des blindés allemands détruits, une voiture civile, des civils regardent passer un convoi américain. Au fond, détruits : un tracteur semi-chenillé Sdkfz 7 équipé avec un 20mm Anti-Aérien quadruple, à côté un Marder III Sur la route un Half-Track M3A1 de la Maintencance Co, d'un Armored Regiment, de la 3rd Armored Div. tracte un canon Anti-Tank de 37mm. Photo prise le 1 août, les allemands encerclés dans la poche de Roncey suite à la percée de Cobra se sont rendus entre le 28 et le 30 juillet 1944 aux américains des VII et VIII US Corps translation In front of l' church of Roncey, of the destroyed German armoured tanks, a civil car, civilians look at passing an American convoy. At the bottom, destroyed: a half-track tractor Sdkfz 7 equipped with a 20mm Anti-aircraft quadruple, at side Marder III On the road a Half-track vehicle M3A1 of Maintencance Co, d' Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Div. tractor draw an Anti-Tank gun of 37mm. Photo catch on August 1, German encircled in the pocket of Roncey following the opening of Cobra went between the 28 and on July 30, 1944 to American of the VII and VIII US Body
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