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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. If your taste run more to WW2 and the Red Ball Express there a song on youtube about that , although he's being very negative he does paint a picture of the times http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=F7rslXLtJJs its clean basicly but a bit crude .
  2. Thats more like it , Great collection of Photo's keep em coming !
  3. Can't say as I recall see that post , I m sure other vehicles were used by all Forces for moving wounded , I just wanted to see what other photo's of them might be out there to post .
  4. It has a USA military number on the side of the hood would it still have that if it were being used by another country ? Since the soldier is clearly American as is the landing craft behind him , would he have walked into another landing area Canadian or British ? I had never seen any photo's of American vehicles painted this way hence my interest in this puzzle .
  5. found this so far a artist concept of what the rail gun looked like ? will keep looking for more information like name and spec's
  6. wikipedia's listing of it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Tank another listing http://www.nemo.nu/ibisportal/5pansar/5sidor/tsartank1.htm http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/Boardroom/7104/tsar/tsar_tank_main.htm and lastly a site for all those weird tank designs around the world. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/03/strange-tanks.html
  7. So I can safely say that the Family that restores together stays together ! You must have a very complete workshop to take on the verity of tasks required to do such through work ,Looking foreward to see more of your Family's projects . Like the Dutch say "Keep em Rolling"
  8. here are a few WW1 trucks to try and ID. not sure how many you might be able to even count .from the Life magazine site "Surplus military cars and trucks in storage after World War I. Location: France Date taken: June 06, 1919"
  9. Just imagine telling the "Yoof" of today that they had to spend the night in the conditions shown in the pictures. Screaming and kicking comes to mind. :-D And thats just the parents! One never knows what one will have to endure or suffer through , both sides in that conflict huddled in basements or whatever shelter could be found all praying that this time the bombs would land somewhere else. Hoping for an end to the nightmare being thankful when the all clear sounded then the grime task of searching through the rubble of what was a neighbours home seeing if they made it through or not .
  10. period photo's of the real thing in use at this link, look at the related photo's lower right typical conditions London during the war . http://images.google.com/hosted/life/l?imgurl=dd935662c9560ffe&q=great+britain+1940%27s+source:life&usg=__rB0tbLNzb_RDPS5z-HFdahw7W_Q=&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgreat%2Bbritain%2B1940%2527s%2Bsource:life%26start%3D80%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
  11. the Great Britian 1940's starting page for the Life magazine site so many period photo's you can do the search year by year and country by country still a slow process by WHAT gems ! http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&q=great+britain+1940%27s+source:life&&sa=N&start=20&ndsp=20

  12. Note the markings on the GMC CCKW on the beach June 6th 1944 .in particular the white painted ends of the bumper and the white paint along the edge of the fender and running board likely done for black out conditions in Great Britian before D-Day . Of course the Photo was taken to show the destruction of the Mulberry Harbor complex .From the Life magazine site . "American soldiers and supplies continue to come ashore on Omaha Beach in days following a violent storm which beached ships and wrecked temporary "mulberry" port facilities erected after the D-Day invasion of Europe. Location: Normandy, France Date taken: June 21, 1944 Photographer: Frank Scherschel" "
  13. Not sure if this is the best place please shift if needed. Its not complete just a portion of what I believe is a super cannon of some kind perhaps a "rail gun" but could be mistaken. From the Life magazines site. "Ruins of a bomb-damaged Krupp gun factory after an Allied air attack on this devastated city in the Ruhr Valley. Location: Essen, Germany Date taken: July 1945 Photographer: Margaret Bourke-White"
  14. more of the real thing "American nurse Irene Steffens helping to unload gasoline cans from a C-47 transport plane. Location: Rheims, France Date taken: September 07, 1944"
  15. This is more like I had been looking for other vehicles than standard Ambulances being used to move wounded.Note the second vehicle White Halftrack . "French troops supported by American tanks during the fighting of the Italian campaigns. Location: Italy Date taken: August 1944"
  16. Found this photo from WW2 Denmark 1945 also showing rope on Bumper so it confirmed to WW2 Happy crowd lines the streets of Copenhagen to welcome American troops after the German occupying forces were driven out. Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Date taken: May 1945 Photographer: George Rodger
  17. or are you think more along the lines of mechanical parts like this ?
  18. Found this photo just today , Looks like some one would be very busy making crates for a long time
  19. Another shot of a gmc CCKW353-h1 with mg (thats airportable dump truck) july7th 1950 in Korea from the Life magazine site
  20. An example of what other jobs a CCKW dump truck was put to likely in both WW2 and Korea , this photo is from the LIFE magazine collection Korea 1951 ? I believe
  21. from the Life magazine site note the camo colors was this a UK army vehicle ? American GI looking over disabled vehicle, part of the vast amounts of supplies and equipment which are being unloaded daily onto beaches along French coast following victorious Allied D-Day invasion. Location:Normandy, FranceDate taken:June 07, 1944Photographer:Frank Scherschel
  22. From the Life magazine site Normandy Invasion American soldiers, mostly Army Air Corps, aboard LCT (tank transport) ship check components of field kitchen as others secure rations while en route to beaches of Normandy for Allied invasion of France, aka D-Day. Date taken:June 06, 1944Photographer:Frank Scherschel
  23. And the trailers to go with them
  24. Although this a post WW2 photo , Just imagine how many times this scene was repeated around the world as surplus vehicles were stockpiled awaited to be destroyed now that the war was over !< from the Life magazine files> Old Jeeps parked in a field rusting away unwanted. Location:Okinawa, Japan Date taken December 1949 Photographer:Carl Mydans
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