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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. have you checked with Sam Winer Motors in Akrok Ohio? he has a few items listed for M4's page 87 Military Vehicle Mag. dec 2007 issue www.samwinermotors.com
  2. Through another site and a Link posted there I found a group of WWII photographs while looking amongst the thousands of pictures , almost all were completely new to me several pictures of bulldozers , cranes, dump trucks and a like this modified bulldozer and one seen any thing like this ? the captions for all the photo's were in french which I can't read but will add if I can cut and paste correctly ! ;-) it worked thought there was more text I gather it say's Normandy in 1944 a bulldozer works in the ruins? "Bataille de Normandie : été 1944 : Un bulldozer dans une ville en ruine"
  3. Now thats some weight the two axles by them selves weigh then about the same as a complete SUV like Land Rover , huh ? You have done a lot having to do this last part single handed . That crane system isn't easy to creep it is it ? its gear and clutch not hydraulic right ?
  4. Are these regular service personal not reserve troops like the American National guard .seems like it's just very risky .
  5. A very nasty hands on learning experience thats for sure . I m guessing a bit of use of a hair drier and a tarp or shelter over the entire hull to keep out any more rain until you seal it up again ....with such cramp conditions things must go slowly , do the spectators turn in to participants by at least handing tools and such ?
  6. the other story below it is a interesting way to deal with things , when at an impass read a book .Wonder how many people were late as a result :? < you got to believe me boss I was really trying to get to work on time and these two drivers blocked the entire street>
  7. What would you estimate it's weight to be? Did you have to do a bit of persuading or did it lift the axle before coming free?
  8. wow a close call , luckily both are OK but I wonder if this will have an effect on both driver training rules and if the lawmakers might be pushed to restrict tanks and tracked vehicles as a result?
  9. I 'd say change its oil and that may give you a clue to its condition , depending on what comes out you either refill and install it or if you find sludge you open it and see how bad it is.
  10. Just uncovered this stock pile of tires. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/1345864398_9e3526a97e.jpg[/img] http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/1345865990_b381922ce5-1.jpg[/img] some are not up to road worthy standards http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/1345865324_7aa27961e0.jpg[/img]
  11. you dont fancy a plank and a bucket , ah whats the world coming to .
  12. I guessing pretty soon you will have it running in and out of the shop under its own power! well done.
  13. Welcome Ryan , I m sure with all the bits and pieces about the Club house and membership that there must be a few suitable vehicles about . Congrats to you for giving an independent film production a try , many hurtles to get past I m sure.
  14. 34 vehicles ? simply normal vehicles owned by those arrested or ? were they replica's?
  15. an other find in a surplus yard
  16. Did they simply tack weld the drain plugs or did they do an entire ring ? odd that they would have them loosen most drain plugs tend to be found over tightened or stuck from lack of use.
  17. found this photo among the pics from a Tennessee Surplus yard taken about 20 yrs ago they had a number of them the operation instruction were on the inside lid of the box mounted on the tow bar . they simply piled them where ever they liked
  18. I 'd agree with you on the poor state of those 432 what with trees or shrubs beginning to take root and every surface is rusting and peeling and what not doing that is broken or missing , makes you wonder just how long in years the stuff been idle!!!
  19. I recently rediscovered this 36 page booklet it has two or three color photographs per page of restored U.S. Military vehicles including Williy's,Dodge,GMC,Diamond T ,White scout car and M274 mule , published 1992 by Verlinden Productions written by Willy Peeters the photo shoot is of vehicles from the Belgian branch of the 82 Airborne Memorial Group . there is no ISBN # Perhaps some of the member of this Forum own these vehicles ?
  20. Hope to be seeing your new CCKW soon , Nice to know another has been saved.
  21. yes the LOTUS was what I was looking for along those lines ...any thing on Land Rover or Rover ? On the other remark We are people divided by a common language . When it comes to slang on either side of the pond ..It's easy to get into hot water when words may have a completely different meaning in another country that's for sure.
  22. are there any other memorably British / United Kingdom makers with witty abbreviations?
  23. Right clever you are , and here's me thinking it might have been for some distant Bomb disposal purpose . Just goes to show you , ask a question and someone will have the answer!
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