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Everything posted by paul_bish

  1. great attention to detail, its going to be a real proper job
  2. M42 Duster http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_115144-GMC-M42--Duster--1952.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M42_Duster
  3. Welcome on board, your in the right place :-D
  4. Nice. Seems like the body still has some of its equipment which is nice to find
  5. that roof rack will really make it. I have been buying stuff to put in the roofrack on the Bedford, for that travelling circus look
  6. I bought some from Reomie in Holland. They have lots and you have to have a good rummage through. Myself and Jon Hickman bought about 40. Does mean a trip t Holland but they are near Arnhem so make a weekend of it. http://reomie.com/
  7. very impressive, must make you feel very satisfied
  8. good lord, thats a beast!!!
  9. Looks great in green and with the tarp etc, nice work
  10. great to see this saved by someone who will restore it well.
  11. welcome on board. cant say I can help in your quest but can always assist in getting rid of alcohol
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