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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Top image - Oh look - Fox's Pressed Steel bogies Which suggests this gun carriage was made by other than a mainline railway company. Where's my anorak?
  2. Look forward to seeing them. A few words of caution - don't let Andy Fowler anywhere near it - he'll persuade you to swap the front end of it for the front end of Daisy, so he can make up one of those New Zealand Exlorers :-D But goodness knows what the two halfs you'd be left with would look like once put together :shake:
  3. Wow, now that is a really tidy truck. The fine condition suggests it has been stored undercover for quite a while?
  4. That's what's fascinating about this place - the way threads go off at interetsing tangents :-D The floor of that jeep is well rotted out though - was it scrapped or restored?
  5. Suppose you could use 1 x car and jump leads to parallel whichever truck battery is flat. If both flat and you want to use 2 car batteries and jump leads - Neg. post car 1 to pos. post car 2 - neg. post car 2 to neg. post truck (earth lead) - pos. post truck (24V ouput) to pos. post car 1. Only need to remove neg lead on car 1 battery as car 2 and truck (the one with earth lead) neg.s are both to earth. Always get a grownup to check my advice - the usual disclaimers apply
  6. I'll have to have a look, Richard. These tyres were fitted to Eager Beavers weren't they? Did they have Bedford type rims or split?
  7. I have a Beford MJR with two of these 12.00 tyres on the front, so they will take a tube OK (at least I'm assuming they have tubes in them as the rims are tube type). The XL/XLB tyres were common fitment on Electricity Board Bedfords at one time, before the Goodyear G299 became popular.
  8. Per tyre sounds about right - Welcome to the world of rubber! :banana: XLB (think it's just a different compound - harder?)possibly available from agricultural/plant tyre dealers. 12.00 x 20 are probably going to be much easier to find. Might be worth trying: Rocklug Tyres (stock Michelin new and part-worn) 01361 884777 or Kirkby Tyres 08702428800 or JB Rubber at Corby (if still trading?)
  9. If it had you would have certainly known about it, Tony. Meanwhile it is safe with me. A certain very thoughtful couple (no longer on here) gave me some poppy seeds to sow around the stone when I relocate it next year in our garden. Any info you'd care to share? All the information I have is on here. While we wait for some mysterious benefactor to bless the Regimental Museum with funding for more permanent display space, I ground to halt with the trench maps - I have not been able to find a detailed map showing names of trenches/local roads, in order to accuratley position the fateful action on 1st/2nd September.
  10. Jackson, Bernard Ivo 29539 Private 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment, enrolled at Thetford KIA 02.09.18 Rick - I didn't search National Archive as I was able to source info direct from Norfolk Regiment Museum. I wonder what additional information might be gleaned from NA?
  11. Sorry Clive, that's all. My friend was driving along, spotted it, did an emergency stop (much to his wife's alarm) and grabbed these two before she started asking awkwards questions! It was in the late 90's. Tony
  12. If you're interested, here are two shots taken in Cyprus by a friend a few years back - it used to be parked up in this layby in between transformer moving jobs for the electricity authority
  13. Yeah, I think that would be a nice thing to do. The ambulances are always much admired at airfield open days.
  14. Bump - any decision on choice of markings yet, Dave?
  15. What have you got to worry about? When I tell Mrs N.O.S. that, she turns round and says 'so what have you just been out and bought, then?' :shake:
  16. Nice job John. You're using just a wire wheel in a grinder to clean the axles up? Unusual to see oil seals on 1/2 shafts, normally they just let the oil slosh about and mix in with the hub gunge. Cheers, Tony
  17. Mark, exactly what gritineye said. But your comments reflect exactly what I still occasionally think. But gritineye has astutely hit the nail on the head. He might have a beard but he talks a lot of sense at times. Me, I mostly talk scribble. I pulled what I thought was a fascinating photo a few weeks ago because nobody commented on it. Sometimes a bit of encouragement helps.
  18. I think it was a LCVP (what does that stand for?), with a Gray marine engine (Detroit 2 stroke 6 cyl).
  19. Yep, he drank me out of coffee and woofed down an entire packet of Nato 11x20 tyres before my eyes :shocked: I'm just left with a 1/2 packet of stale jammy dodgers.....
  20. Great post, we need more of this. So easy to become absorbed in technical manuals and spare parts, and forget the important stuff.
  21. A friend acquired something very similar (ex usaf, I think he got it from Witham's?) 2-3 years back - strange thing, he offered it to me but not much I could use off it. Reckon it got broken up in the end. Well you can't save everything :nono:
  22. If you are considering a DIY transport job, it's as well to know the max. height restriction is lower in France than here in the UK - many bridges are not as high!!
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