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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Sorry Jack, if nobody else is going to support you I'll have to change sides :embarrassed: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xRFNBWST25E/SZEgxSZ9YKI/AAAAAAAADEo/CEeftMxnZSQ/s1600-h/Mad+Max+Mod.jpg This would be good at Armour And Embarkation.......
  2. There's a manual for it pinned to his message board........
  3. Very interesting articles Kevin, thanks. There have been several photos of the Watkins trucks over the last 15 years or so in our UK vintage magazines. Has vehicle testing and legislation finally caught up with the old girls, or can you still be tempted to venture out on an unusual haulage job from time to time? :-) Tony
  4. Ah - the joys of time travel, Jack :-)
  5. Depends which old mv too
  6. I don't know about the cubelets, but when I was their age I used to have to watch the Daleks and Cybermen from the safety of behind the sofa - good job no food was involved......the Ice Warriors on the other hand were really funny :-)
  7. Good luck with that project - very worthwhile thing to do. I know of one very good vehicle which was scrapped because the cost of a new ECU was more than the vehicle was worth. I'd be very interested to learn what is involved with this task. Are these engines common rail system or conventional pump / injector?
  8. So tempting!!!!!! On the other hand an American friend's sister and husband have been forced to declare bankrupcy twice in the last 20 years in order to pay for life-sustaining medical treatment (which would have been available free to us here). Not so tempting....... Back on topic - should we kick the idea of 'travel-to-the-vehicle" testing idea into touch now? I honestly can't see VOSA picking up the tab for the significant extra cost of doing this - even if you could get over all the H&S stuff about working off site (yes I know steam boiler examiners work in this way, but generally they are independently employed) - but it is just possible someone might be able to set up as an independent tester at some time in the future.....? Given VOSA's absence, did this come up in talks Mike?
  9. And for anyone who would like a Sterling HC330 - there is one for sale on milweb............
  10. Careful what you wish for - in France you can never put an old vehiocle back on the road if you do not have the original log book or equivalent - the reason why so many old trucks are scrapped. Had the old Autocar U7144T form Beke had papers it could probably not have been bought and brought to UK for an affordable amount! whilst I agree with you that two year testing could have some potential for very low mileage vehicles I would not waste any time on it - we have a system and we have to do our best within it sadly.
  11. Yep, kind of ends the discussion on that one I'd say! Useful comments - at least we understand why it would be so difficult to change the date.
  12. Sounds like it was bought in to use as a spare engine for the generator i.e. intended to use engine only in case generator engine failed. I agree with you Antar that a fluid flywheel is not possible for generator drive.
  13. Not enough bandwidth? What if we posted everything like this? I'm guessing it would take up less width so problem solved maybe? :whistle:
  14. :rotfl: These are U.S. pattern tyres - quite a few suppliers, just look at any REO for a nice selection of brand names. So any major ex. military Reo stockist should be able to supply them, though 14.00s will be not as easy as 12.00s. I might be after some more 12.00s myself.
  15. I can see the mileage going up a fair bit this year!! :cool2: Makes Forceful look almost........new!
  16. Supertrack - I found a new boite de direction at Beke. Always good to have spares 'on the shelf' :-) We should have taken more parts, like fuel tanks, but we ran out of space on the truck :-( Looks like you had a good shop!
  17. Here you go, Mark. You can see the long spigot on the declutch shaft and the corresponding hole in the transfer box shaft. One is going to rotate inside the other. I suspect it could be a problem unless you cut the spigot piece off to avoid friction. Top banana to R3!
  18. Don't panic - the tall one is looking into it. With no front prop on, you will probably find that the de-clutch shaft and front prop flange have been spinning round due to drag on the spigot shaft anyway. With the front prop on, there may not be enough drag to turn it, so the spigot will spin in thge transfer box shaft. I'm just saying it could lead to friction and going tight therefore worst casde scenario the front prop may end up turning. All you need to do is cut off the spigot which is shaded on the superb quality drawing below and problem solved (sadly no sectional drawings in the WLF manuals!!!). Don't take the pee out of my drawing - I'm in a rush to cook supper before Mrs. NOS gets back, and she can be worse than a tired lorry driver sometimes about supper on the table oh b*gger she's just driven in the yard............
  19. The air plate still looks good in red! Don't you just love that MADE BY "OTHERS" on the axle plate - given all the patent detail as well, perhaps Timken insisted on installation of this plate to preserve their reputation?
  20. Typing UNLADEN into the search engine bings up just one thread with UNLADEN in the title - this one :laugh: Or did you mean another subject? Well actually two, the other was asking for unladen weight of a Bedford MW. The point is - no other thread titles looked remotely applicable to anyone wanting to read up on discussions about unladen use and what can be carried. I'll try advanced search......
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