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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. No problem, Jules. I understand units have had to be fitted out with all this equipment, but in the past it would have been done by the local REME static workshop and subsequently ABRO workshop, to whom the unit was dependant on. Due to the cutting back of these workshops it has thrown the responsablity to the units I guess.
  2. Not true, at the REME District Workshops, there were roller brake testers in use in the 1980's, for anything right up to Fodens and Scammells, etc. Before a vehicle was passed out it underwent brake test and road test.
  3. Hi Graham, No point in making hard work for yourself is there
  4. Hi Graham, Using a gantry to change engines is damned hard work. I used my friend's K6 Gantry to take out a Saracen engine, to renew the gearbox, as can be seen in this photo. Refitted it with a fork lift truck, much easier as it had side shift as well Richard
  5. he must be the Captain...........going down with his ship :-D
  6. :idea: The Foreman Went To War :-D featured a 3 ton 6x4 GS truck, think it was a Crossley..... Richard
  7. The nearest thing to an aircraft toilet truck, at a rally or show, is an ex-RAF Karrier Bantam dustcart, fully restored, although not in the original RAF colour blue. Thinking about it, you do not see many restored road sweepers either :???
  8. Ian, I have seen this Matchless before, recollect the large RMP badge on tank and the front number plate. Think it might have been in the Kent area at one time, or close by. Do you have a list of past owners by chance?
  9. I bought one from them about seven years ago, at that same price, so not much inflation there :-D. It is true to say, they are about the only source. All I can say, is good luck fitting it
  10. You just explain, it is a Vehicle first used before 1960, weighing over 3500 kgs and used unladen, a Humber Pig would fall in to this category. This is category 30 on reverse of form, as already pointed out.
  11. Hi Catweazle, Isn't it always the same, last minute rush to do things that should have been sorted months ago. Have you got involved in Gee again? Hope you can get your own boat ready as well. Sounds like a great event. Best of luck, Captain .....:captain:
  12. Hi Catweazle, My set in the photo came in a crate, unused with toolbox and spare piston rings, valves, plug, etc all encased in grease. Stencilled on end plate that it was inspected by REME FARELF, so looks like it returned home without being issued. The silencer looks a bit like a cigar case, the flexible exhaust pipe can be made from an old Ferret, Saracen, etc speedo cable outer casing, with the plastic stripped off. We made one in REME workshops once when one came in, silencer was still in stock, would have been late '70's I think.
  13. Les, As good as this one? Just so people can spot the difference between the 80 watt and the 300 watt or Chorehorse charging sets.........here is a Stuart Turner built 80 watt. Richard
  14. Tony, Without checking too deeply, I think they were part of BAOR at that time.
  15. The formation sign is not 6th...........but is 5th Infantry Brigade, there should be a figure 5 painted in blue above key and bayonet. The 6th had same design but reversed colours, ie. blue background and red figure 6 Richard
  16. You will be stopping of at Halfords then .............bet the spotty faced youth in charge has never heard of the stuff :-D
  17. Bit of a coincidence as when Beltring was full of hop gardens, men would have been seen using stilts to wire up the hop poles.
  18. I am getting the feeling that you may not like helicopters.........am I correct :confused: Richard :-D
  19. My mistake, it was Chance Bros. until about 1955 when it became Stone-Chance and they moved to Crawley. Specialists in Lighthouse equipment.
  20. CDL...............do you want to know more ? :-D Edit........Robert pipped me to the post
  21. Hi Catweazle, That is for airfields, think it was made by Stone-Chance. In a recent thread on the sunken wartime cargo ship in the Red Sea, one of these is seen in the hold. and the trailer chassis is a Straussler design, with torsion bar suspension, like the RAF fuel bowswers. Richard
  22. Just repainted my Bedford and after 20 years on there, I have painted over the star..........now depicting prior to D-Day. In truth, I have had so many people come up and tell me that the Americans did not have Bedfords......got fed up putting them right :-(
  23. The remote driving was done by powering a large electric motor that drove into the transfer box. On of these Mk5 Coles came into Workshops once, where the motor drive had not disconnected, when the crane was driven away, the speed of the motor being driven on the road at 20 to 30 mph, was far, far greater than it was designed for and it blew apart locking everything up and breaking the transfer box. I seem to recollect the crane was cast as that type of crane was being superceded by the Coles Hydra Husky at that time.
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