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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Tim, This first photo is, I think, a Thornycroft, and in the background, those wheels look like AEC Y type............could be completely wrong of course :confused: Richard
  2. Catweazle, That photo is showing now, thanks. :tup:: There was a photobucket warning that showed up before saying the pic was not available, I guess you could not see that.........odd :???
  3. Catweazle, what has happened to the images you are posting tonight? The one on the Antar thread is also not showing up.
  4. Hi Newcomer, Try the Post Office Vehicle Club, they hold vehicle records right back to 1906, here is a link to their website; www.povehclub.org.uk/intro.html there is also a link on their site to a related Yahoo forum, might get a quick answer if you sign on to it ! Richard
  5. Richard Farrant

    BSA m20

    It is the 1941 Army Motocross championship .........probably at Tunnel Hill, Pirbright :-D those that know the area will remember the m/cycle events that used to take place there
  6. So where is our leader, Jack? Cannot see him in the photos :???
  7. Thanks John :tup:: It will not be this weekend though, :-(
  8. May go about halfway down......not attended for several years, used to go regularly.
  9. Catweazle, The Michelin van looks like a GPO body but has later wheels. I see it is at Brighton. Are you going to see the London to Brighton Commercial run tomorrow?
  10. Clive, welcome back :banana::banana::banana: You have come up the ranks in a short time, Corporal in 1987.........and now a Major-General................well done :thumbsup: Richard
  11. I am sure it is a Morris, one thing that they supplied the GPO with vans from the early days and the other is by comparing the radiators of the Morris in the link I posted and the Beans...........oh and your photo. The matrix aperture of the radiator shell has straight sides and a flatish top, whereas the Bean aperture tapers towards the top and is curved at the top.
  12. It is a Morris, about 1928-29. Looking for a photo,,,,,be back in a minute :readbook: Richard here is a pic of a 1928 Morris GPO van http://home.freeuk.net/s-parrott/po-images/omv3.jpg
  13. I know a chap who got a satnav, thought he would try it out on a trip to the Isle of Wight, turned it on whilst on the ferry crossing and it replied back "return to the road immediately" :-D:-D:-D
  14. :shocked: Oh......that was right then? cheers !
  15. Is that a Snowflake rocket ? Think they were used by ships to light up the sky when spotting U-boats.
  16. Thanks John, That would be a costly exercise, but to think of loading it up with tanks, etc and unloading at Arromanches when completed :-D
  17. Other than it was a Royal Fleet Auxillary vessel, what was its history? Richard
  18. My screen has just gone green, looks good, more restful on the eyes :tup::
  19. :-D:-D:-D thats like an atlas, the detail you are looking for is lost where the pages fold !
  20. damned satnavs..............what is wrong with map reading? I have managed to navigate myself around some desolate corners of the world with only a basic map. :readbook:
  21. Andy, That was using Multimap, going shortest route, via A27/ M27. I appreciate it is a bit of a fast road for an MW, after using it once in the QL going to Goodwood :shocked: Years ago when the MVT had end of season events at "Bovvy", used to ride my M20 down and it was about 180 miles from here, going via Heathfield, A272 to Winchester, then Romsey and on to the A31 through to Bere Regis. The worst part would be across the New Forest to Ringwood, after that the traffic slows down a bit. Richard
  22. Hi Rick, Happy Birthday.........guess by the time you read this it would have been yesterday regards, Richard ( a fellow member of the Band of Trackers ) :-D
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