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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. CW, from the left, in my opinion, Austin K3, Bedford OY, Ford WOT2, Hillman Tilly, Austin Tilly, Vauxhall ( Velox ?).
  2. Apparatus for cleaning pistons :confused:
  3. Sorry, that info must have been from a duff source........another look and found this.. 1965, Atkinson bought up the Rotinoff spares, stock and designs and appeared to be planning production of Rotinoff-type prime moves.........but none were built.Re. the Viscount 6x4, the one I know of, was built with a Rolls supercharged diesel, 6SFL. It had a gross train rating of over 61 tonnes.
  4. When I first started work with the Army, in early Seventies, the Morris Minor Traveller was still in service, large staff car was the Austin or Morris 1800, smaller car was the Mini, usually black, the 1800 was seen in green , red, etc. then the Hillman Hunter took over, along with Ford Escort, next Vauxhall Cavalier and the Shove-It, sorry, Chevette :-D. I seem to think the Ford Escort made a return with a new contract, forget the rest :confused: The green Bedford coaches were the large SB3, with a front grille like a RL and double doors at the rear for its dual ambulance role. The later body style was a rather plain front and was in tow sizes, the SB with 300 petrol engine and the VAS with the 216 petrol engine.
  5. No, I remembered it from coming across one of these Atki's in Australia some years ago, also saw a Rotinoff Viscount as well.
  6. I feel another story coming :-D...................looking forward to it
  7. Just watched that clip, would not mind watching the series again, its that long ago since it was on. :tup::
  8. I have done work on this Humber and also modified the PLM gun mount to take two Brens.
  9. I think this truck owes a lot to Rotinoff, Atki's bought up the designs I think.
  10. Nigel, I suspect the Humber Scout Car with Force 135 signs on, is one that belongs to a Guernsey resident. Not seen the photo in MMI yet, does it have a twin Bren mount on top? If so that is the one.
  11. Don't let him book a flight .....never know where you might end up :shake:
  12. Why would you want to go to the middle of Nigeria :confused:
  13. Rick, That sounds like the work of Fifth Columnists :??? :rofl:
  14. Tues 8th Aug. 1995 We left Mataranka camp site and drove up to the town, to display our vehicles to the townspeople and local school children. An army foot patrol turned up for a look as well. From here it was about 100 or so kms to the town of Katherine, according to my diary, we were doing convoy control again, which meant going on ahead to direct the packets off the main highway to our campsite. While we were waiting for them to arrive, a jeep was seen approaching, it was not one that either of us recognised and certainly looked the worst for wear, loaded up with kit and flying a large Union Jack flag, we stopped him for a chat. It turned out he was from South Australia and been chasing the convoy all the way non-stop and it had not been an easy journey after a near miss with a kangaroo, he hit a post. A road spring was well out of line. He was later assisted by the RAEME LAD in getting his old jeep fixed up. That afternoon we were invited to an Australia Remembers barbeque at Katherine Museum. In the field next to the museum, a huge army field hospital had been set up as part of the military exercise which was well under way. A M113 had been brought up to the museum for people to look over.. The following day we went back to the south side of Katherine, to RAAF Tindal airbase. The original "Track" that the wartime convoys used, went through the airbase. As security was very tight with the exercise on we were under strict instructions, no cameras :-(. We drove slowly through and there was so much kit around. F18 aircraft taking off, also Kiowa helicopters, etc. Hidden under the trees were M113 carriers and Leopard tanks. We returned to our camp with the rest of the day to ourselves. I went down to the low-level bridge over the river, no crocodiles to be seen though. There are freshwater crocs in this area. In the evening while going back to the Land Rover, I heard something, turned around and it was a big frill necked goana or similar.......I am afraid I did not hang about as he looked a little disturbed........not half as much as I was :shake:.
  15. No signs of siezing on the other bores? Maybe it was an obstruction to the cooling as first thought, and this one siezed first, for some reason. Perhaps we are looking at this the wrong way around, it could be not so much the piston expanding but the block / liner distorting due to overheating?
  16. Hi CW, That is a mess, judging by the extent of the sieze, could it be a fault in manufacture, ie, expansion rate more than the clearance allowed? When you give these engines full power, is it considered to be neccessary to give the pistons more clearance, as you might do with racing engines? I cannot see it is lack of oil as others would be effected.
  17. Here is an ambitious diorama of vehicles and stores being unloaded from a landing ship. This photo was taken by my brother at the recent Euro Militaire model show in Folkestone.
  18. That sounds like Tom Osbourne's one, he had a civvy type trailer. I think the one in question came from Midlands area :confused:
  19. A couple of photos from past Corowa events, these are from 1999. The Murray river was in good flow then. The other photo is of "Half Safe", a GPA, which went around the world in the Fifties, first leg was across the Atlantic. It was then rebuilt in England and later continued on its trip including a long leg swimming across the top of the Pacific. After reading the book about the trip, it was eye opening to see it and how small it was inside. This GPA was specially transported to Corowa from its resting place on display at a school in Western Australia.
  20. Rippo, If you are talking about Maurice's MW........he restored it originally and took it to that Tenterden rally in '86.
  21. Sounds like a good name for the GMC..........it has had so many stories told about it :rofl:
  22. Rippo, That is Maurice's MW :-D Here is a photo of it at IMPS Tenterden rally in 1986
  23. Mark, Did "Time Team" do a dig on this site once? I recall something like it, where they "discovered" a street and cellars under houses, even locating specific houses and their occupants.
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