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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome in. Sounds like you have an intresting job, what do the models look like?
  2. See earlier in the thread for markings. Force 135 had the seal of the Islands, a red sheild with three golden Leapords/ Lions (They ar edescribed as bothe) and a sheild with blue back ground and six red Orbs (Being carful of nomaclature ) Used as the main infantary force of Force 135 were retrained costal gunnery personnel , nicknamed Gunfintrey. Ask Tony at Axholme, he can do some nice copies that you can put on magnetic paer.
  3. Shame. I have always fancied a Whippet tank.
  4. I do remeber something about a WW1 tank being used as a pillbox in Berlin in 1945. Found it! http://beutepanzer.ru/Beutepanzer/uk/MK_V/Mk_V.htm
  5. True. But intresting, I never thought it might have been used in tank. Though given the link between London bus companies and the general mechanisation of the British Army it shouldn't be suprising. See what looking at lumps of old scrap can teach you!
  6. I know the Agate ware shop. Will be over there in May for Liberation Day. If he lived there prior to WW1 then he would have been part of the Royal Militia Island of Jersey. Contrary to popular belief there WAS a place in the United Kingdom where military service was compusory, the Island. However, Jerseymen could only be conscripted to fight abroad 'To assist the Monarch to regain the throne, or to release the Monarch from captivity'. In the Great War the law was changed to allow conscription to the general forces. Many men left the Militia to join up as individuals. There was a small group joined up and became part of the 7th (Srvice ) Battalion Royal Irish Rifles and subsequently the Hampshire Regiment. So he maybe listed on the Milita roles, depending on where he lived on the Island. The rest of the Militia performed gaurd duty at the St Quen's POW camp, just ner the pond.
  7. Mk IV tanks definitly went to Russia supplied to the White Russian forces, and some were used post war in Germany during the riots of 1919. seeing where it is, it could also be assciated with buses. It was the date caught my eye.
  8. Dated 1918 according to plate. But what's it from?
  9. Ah he was on the Rock ay? So, what was his name and any idea where he livied? Try this place. http://search.jerseyheritage.org/
  10. Probably one of those things that was 'To useful' sold to civillians and worked to death. What a great find.
  11. You can get replacement fluid. It is sometimes nessacary in marine compasses. http://www.trademarklondon.com/Compass-Fluid/
  12. There will always be some air in the compass, assuming it is liquid damped. Does the liquid cover the card? If so it will damp the card, which is what it should do.
  13. Welcome along. Buy with head not heart, is always good advice. Try looking at Dodges as well, better value and nice trucks.
  14. Welcome in youg man! Nice vehicle you've chosen very much underated poor little things. Most were worked death in the late 40's-50's. Every black and white Brtish film of the time shows them loaded with ladders and bricks.
  15. welcome, should be able to give you info on Dodges at least.
  16. No it's when Henry II married Elanor of Aquitaine in 1151after the anullment of her marriage to King Louis IV of France, her coat of arms had one Leopard (Or Lion, there reffered to as both) Henry added the Leopard to his coat of arms to get one over the French. As for the Great War, Jersey never had a 'Pals' battalion as such. The one large group recruited became known as Ours, and were attached originally to the 7th Royal Irish Rifles, then the Hampshire regiment. So there was the never mass losses as at Cambri and Lys. Though the prison camp at St Quen's did house officers who would later serve in the Occupation forces of both Islands.
  17. Ah my boy! But do you know why we have three leopards as opposed to our Norman Forefathers two? I'll set my slugs on your carrots. Though I hate to say it, I do need to get a Gurnersey flag. The Western front commemerations over the next few years, and do always take both flags.
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