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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The engines Land Rover should have used over here! :-D Another good point at least in UK Isuzu are very helpful if you phone up to ask questions.
  2. Get one! I had the same engine in a Range Rover did 500.000 miles I know of before I manged to knock a hole in the sump. I do miss it! The only weackness of the engine, don't overfill it with oil, the turbos don't like it.
  3. Welcome Thelma, obviously a Lady of sublime good taste to get a Dodge.
  4. As the USA was actually planning to invade Canada, maybe the Victory pictures were printed up in readyness? :cool2:
  5. Story from Jersey 60th Liberation Anniversary: Because the Lieutenat Govenor, the Queen's representative on the Island (We don't have a Govenor, The Duchess of Normandy rules,( She is also Queen of some back water place called England) was ex RTR they sent over a couple of CVR(T)'s to the parade. The Sargent in charge nearly hugged me when I called them CVRT's he was pissed off with people saying 'Nice Tank'. Anyway they had been doing the usual , school visits, photos with local hirachy etc. The other thing that had got him upset, 'We've got a pair of $%^** CVRT's with ****** top rate kit in it and all the stupid ******** ask is 'What's that lever in front of the seat for'. It moves the ***&^ seat up and down! '
  6. Can't quite get my head around a MV earning money? Though to misquote UK credit card add, the fun they have given me, Priceless!
  7. Well any time you fancy working on 1:1 scale. Those are superb.
  8. Does make you wonder what would be sent to those we don't like.
  9. Less frivoulous? Theres a thought. We chat as intillgent friends I suppose. The American Civil War is ofetn quoted a sthe first 'Modern War' Quite often as we are in Great War Centenary in Europe.
  10. I had the 6 volt LED problem on my WC54 Katy. Decided bugger it as LEDs normally rate at the maximum voltage, ie 12, lets try it anyway. They work fine.
  11. Welcome in, that is a nice model.
  12. Actually there are a lot of HMVF members vehicles on various you tube clips. :-D Jack has established a world wide platform for the Green Disiease sufferer, thanks are due to him, we do not suffer alone!
  13. Nice work, a bit tight for a camper though. The old 101 had a lot more room. :-D
  14. Welcome in. What's your history intrest? Great fun having arguments..er discussions on, various points. You get a world wide set of views.
  15. Don't work! on one post they are blocking part of the text!. :-(
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