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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Take a look round on Google earth. Merlin's Seat in the school. Spilbury Hill off to the West, Avbury.
  2. I wonder if though he was aiming for Croydon, with fog there might have been a diversion to Biggin Hill? As you can see from the map Biggin is only a few minutes flying away. The ground around Warligham is steep. Gatwick is south of the crash area. Wonder why the rest of the casualties are not buried in the same place. Google earth co-ordinates Cemetery 51 23.39.40 N- 0 07 25.47 E Walingham 51 18 34.12 N - 0 0316.94 W I'll try and locate the crash site and get some photos. Much thanks to all of you.
  3. The way buissnessis are going down at the moment, Croydon Auction rooms might be worth a look. Baillif sales are without reserves. There is a company near me called Airline, they seem to be good on prices.
  4. Proably a case of use what you can find. Didn't Smith's Crisps have a similar type of round top tin at one stage?
  5. Must say Clive, nothing you say is pointless, even if it only backs up another answer.
  6. I thought the tar barrels was Shetland way? :-D
  7. Part of an original map from a RA gunner. No futher info at this time.
  8. Clive they are a lovley vehicle, I've always coverted one. Most of them and the Troopers sseeme d to end in the hands of the BBC and CNN painted blue, so wouldn't dare comment on a vehicle with out asking it's history. I dfo have a couple of old PYE extension speackers if any use to you?
  9. Should work as you say Clive, add some gunk and stick inside a large plastic bag do it yourself steam chamber. Stick tank on a couple of bricks should give clearance for drainage. You can by small hand held household steamers for a few quid, work well on small parts.
  10. Lid 8 thou shet embossed W.C. & S. withe letter F under. *3/4 inch by 9 inch external with 1/4 inch recces. 13/16 turn at dge not rolled crimped corners. Main box same gauge steel rolled top dimensions 9 inch depth by 8 1/2 inch width Bottom is seperate piece embosed CRAWFODS on the bottom. I'm looking for another one to hang in the QL, we got the info from a veteran who remarked we were missing viatl kit, then explained how it was done.
  11. I think your right Mike. I've passed on info to Jan in Poland to try and find more. Just THINK we could be out at the pub, or watching telly! :-D Thanks for all the help, a simple question so much more to go delving into.
  12. Marlbourgh had a 'Great Fire' some time in the 16th Century. From then on thatched roofs in the town were banned. The local style of thatch is quite steep. The whole area is a historians dream, Avebury, Spilbury hill Martinsell iron age fort, Savernake Crofton pump engines, the Calne Hill flight of locks, not to mention the GHQ line. the whole area is also a conservation area, the steep roofs are a hangover from the thatch period.
  13. Thanks guys, I'll e mail the info to the Polish guy who asked for the pictures. the third casualty apparently drowned, swimmimg in a river at Gatwick hatch. strange way to go. Apprentlly the DC3 was ferying troops to Berlin and crashed on the rreturn trip. Warligham would make sense as it is near to the enough and St Mary Cray already had RAF casualities from Biggin Hill. Funny though that Orpington wasn't used. Maybe there wasn't enough room in the CWWG section. Mystery on the doorstep.
  14. Most were blued tin. They were often used half filled with sand on bunges with a Primus stove in. Do you know what I mean by the old Crawford's Tins? I'll post some pictures.
  15. Its the little beast the fire chief is driving that fascinates me though.
  16. Carb cleaner will remove it but you need a lot of cans. Acetone or Carbon tetrachloride. Parafin and disel mix slightly warmed and sprayed through a parrafin gun works, you can burn the resultant goo or dispose of through a recyle bin.
  17. Welcome , just goes to show the green disiease is higly infectous and beyond cure.
  18. Rural England has some strange rituals. Singing to the Apple trees then firing shotguns into them . Killing a Wren (Well would you take on a flaming great eagle or similar?) Having a dark haired man deliver coal at midnight January the first (Well thats Scotland but they are still attached) Saying Good night when you leave someone, regardless of time of day, tipping your hat to Magpies. Does make you wonder what the turkey is stuffed with though. PETN paste?
  19. Looking for something else came across this site. anyone identify the vehicles? http://www.members.shaw.ca/j.a.brown/FireService.html
  20. No, but the crew names were Brzezina, Stanislaw and Grodzicki Stanislaw DFC. Aircraft was from 74 Squadron.Both are marked as RAF personnel.
  21. Catweazle's nightmare? I have always wondered, how often and where do you fill the fuel tanks?
  22. Can anyone advise where I can find information on a crash that happned in 1946? The incident involved a Polished crewed DC3/C47 that crashe in dnese fog into hills in Surey. Date 13. 02 1946. Two of the crew are buried at St Mary Cray in Kent. I was wondering why they were buried so far from any possible crash site.
  23. I know that area, used to work at Wotton Rivers, I wonder how they got on with the switch backs later on? Not to mention the narrow bridge over the Kennet & Avon canal. That incidentally was also a defence point , I belive the pill boxes are still there. There are also two on small bridges at Wotton rivers, one on Manaor farm where I worked.
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