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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The German searchlight bunker at L'Etacquerel and one at St Catherines have both ben turned into fish farms.
  2. He proably checked it whilst writing his diaries. Could be a proper ...wind up?
  3. Well they do rely on Sat Navs now! Incdentally a guy at the local boot sale has an almost complete set of wartime British Costal charts for £50. Hie late Farther in law was coaster captain. Some have the courses marked- with compass points. the reason it's a nearly complete set is I've got the English Channel Mid Section with the Channel islands for £2.50
  4. This late? At least you have somewhere warm to put your hands on a cold night. :-D Try this though.
  5. it is a full moon though.:shake:
  6. Nice to know they take the Forum seriously anyway.
  7. samsungVP-DC175WB available for wel under your budget at Amazon, not HD but has disc and card recording and very usefully a remote control.
  8. http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html :cool2:
  9. The idea of 'HMVF lonleyhearts ' is a non starter then? :-D
  10. Insurance claim should make intresting reading. Mind you, some years ago the personal pilot of Middle Eastern head of state was conducting a ground test of engines on HRH's personal aircraft. He chose to operate the throttles whilst standing bettween the seats. As the engines built up power the aircraft jumped the chocks, our gallant pilot then exited aircraft with extreme agility. Aircraft then entered a hangar, all on it's ownsome. Apparently a sudden vacancy for 'Personal Pilot' appeared.:cool2:
  11. The thing is ,we look at things like this agast. At the time it was 'normal'. Thankfully life has changed.
  12. Looking at the wheels I wonder if it based on a LGP bike of some sort. Be a fun thing to build though.:-D
  13. Welcom to the forum. Don't let'em grind you down. The electronic kit from WW2 is neglected area of restoration, preservation.
  14. Maaaybe we could persuade certain gentlemen to add a 'mistaken' live round to the firing displays? :cool2: at least we now know why the Tresury purse strings suddnely burst open. Fortunetly the Departerment of calvados have made it quite clear the Vetran's are and will be the Distingushed visitors.
  15. says a hell a lot for the stabilty of the design though.
  16. the Jackal was at the Lord Mayor's show in London. The guys were only to happy to let me poke and photograph. Many of the members of the Forum have military or para military experience. None of us are stupid, we all know when to keep our mouths shut.
  17. Hi Maggie, welcome to the funy farm. Funny how the 'overseas' branch of the forum go for the Forign English vehicles while we have the Yank ones.:thumbsup:
  18. Hi Gumby, the records are now kept here http://www.army.mod.uk/rlc/history/348.aspx
  19. Should have read the label 'Do not Wash in Hot water'. :-D
  20. Didn't a lot of sections end up at Walchern to repair the dykes? Must have an HMVF invasion day to that area! A story realy very little known.
  21. Welcome, your English is great, my French is terrible!
  22. Hope to be down for Sunday, Garrison will be there.
  23. You know when you've been in all male company to long when........ :shake:
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