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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B


    You sure you stayed on your FEET? :cool2:
  2. That's the good thing about sick jokes, you can bring them up anywhere!
  3. #do the twoi Allen keys on the front adjust the position of teh numbers? I wonder if it may be for setting up a disiel injection pump or such like.
  4. Tony B


    Trouble is the gritters will be out. A gritting lorry came past me the day before yestarday on a narrow road with parked cars on one side, very fast and very close. Passnegsers and passers by started screaming. how the hell he missed me I don't know my eyes were shut.
  5. If your talking about Pastparts, it isn't an idle boast. they re-built a QL master cylinder for a freind, and did exactaly that.
  6. No 'may she' The Lady deserves all the Peace eternity has.
  7. Welcome to another ambulance owner. There is a lot of call for them at the moment. The snowball fights round the clubhouse are getting quite violent, since the Sherman boys started firing them out of the main armements. Though the Artillery bunch are holding their own.
  8. Always worth trying this palce. http://www.pastparts.co.uk/
  9. Looks like a tool for seeting static timing or a clutch allingment. I would guess the numbers adjust to give an angle?
  10. Tony B


    Wednesday morning, the thaw continues with rain. EH!! Well the 'Rain' is white' hard and currently eight inches deep, No, No, It will all be over by Saturday', quoted a goverment official. Sound vaguley familiar? In the mean time, WHOOPEEE Four wheel drive rules! :-D
  11. Proably saw the intrest from this place and ran for cover! :-D
  12. Another place to try is Modern Screws at Bexley, commonly known as Bexley screws. They are very patient and understanding of tearful, mud staind distraught MV owners. Can't post a link: :mad: but search for Modern Screws Bexley, it will bring up their site.
  13. Fate! :angel: aplologies Tan, but as you see were as mad as a sack load of Weasels. Please don't let that put you off (Much).
  14. Paddy Ashdown was asked about the current situation in Afgahnstan latley on the Radio 4 Today. He came out with a beauty 'The English think of it as their problem, the French as their's the Germans worry about their bit, and the American's do it from 15,000 feet'.
  15. Well your not putting any effort into it are you?:-D
  16. The joke in that is you WANT to borrow a Vauxhall? :shocked: Bloke goes into a scrapyard, says 'have you got a windscren wiper for a Skoda?' The other blokes purses his lips and replies, 'Yeah OK mate, sems like a fair exchange.'
  17. Considering both are named after Horse breeds that originate in the mountains of Austria, they've got about a bit! :-D Steyr Puch also make the four wheel drive system for Fiat. As for fitting in a box. Blimey! A Haflinger will fit in a shoe box!
  18. We actually used it more less to warm the battries on the truck up. As it had decided to stop right across a road junction it was desperation measures. I've actually just finished playing with the thing. I'm still trying all angles to get an old 6 volt battery up. So I put it in series with a 12 volt and wound the old Chore Horse up. I will point out it was outside to allow for any hydrogen to gas. The output measured at full blast across the sytem was 20.26 volt starting at 1 amp then going up to 20 as the system heated up. Unlaode voltage measuered at 30. Unfortunatley though two cells of the 6 volt started to gas one didn't , so it has breathed it's last. The manual says that you can use 250 feet of cable from the set to battries, so it is a powerful little beast. Considering the thing has sat in the shed for about two years, was dragged out filled with fuel , given a whiff of Easy Start, and away it went, they are tough old beasts. I have tried to pul start it, took about a week for the shoulder strain to go away, with no starting! So now I put it on a charged 12 volt and use the little red button. This reverses the flow so the rotary dynamo becomes a starter motor. Once running it self sustains on the magneto. The engine is fixed on a mechanical govenor. Voltage and ampage output is variable by a conrtrol knob. Though I do keep a seperate meter across the system. Worth having about the workshop if you can get one.
  19. so that's where the Triffids from the TV series ended up! :cheesy:
  20. Hi Rob, nice to see someone else reasonably close by.
  21. :cool2::cool2::cool2: A US, French, German and British NCO were sitting in the bar, when in burst the Devil! The French NCO ran screaming, the US NCO dived over the bar, the German NCO sat rigid, the British NCO just sat there with his beer. The Devil rampaged round screaming breathing fire smashing the place up then disappeared. The NCO's reapperead congratulating the British NCO on his courage. The British guy just shrugged 'Na mate! I'm used to it, been married to his sister for the last ten years'.
  22. The diffrence is really the plate on the outside. The BSA is almost an exact copy of the Chore horse. Engine wise the side plate which has the points and magneto and the flywheel with magnets have to be paired together , but will fit both. Air cleanears etc look slightly diffrent but will fit. Carbs are interchangeable but a real swine to set up. I was lucky apart from changine the flywheel, ignition plate from the BSA the Chorse Horse ran sweetly. I had the top off to check the condition, this is where the oddity of no head gasket came up. I just Hyolmared the top back on. Wheather permitting I'll strip the top of the BSA carcase and see what's there. If you post pictures of your kit we can give you a better answer.
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