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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B

    Big ray

    Same to you Ray, enjoy yourself.
  2. Tony B


    Check the garden wall Richard! :-D You might find something on the lawn! Reminds me of a triple nine call I took. Weather like this. A lady phoned up on a Sunday morning. The kids had ben giving her hell being stuck in the house. She had finally lost it and dragged them out of the front room up to their bedrooms demanding that they tidy up. Just as they got to the top of the stairs there was tremendous crash. A car had left the road and come through the wall into the front room.
  3. Tony B


    12:15 Heavy snow falling. Due to do a late shift. I'll get to work, I'm going to make them pay me.
  4. Worth tghe wait. with current weather it will probably be February before you can move.:-D
  5. Tony B


    Midday Friday. Started snowing again! Supposed to be on a late shift today, keep coming! :cool2:
  6. Yes please, I've found several odd photos scattered round the web.
  7. Mickey's big hand is pointing ...........:-D
  8. There is very good eveidence of an FT17 in a tunnel in Gurnerusey. I know a thourgh survey is being attempted. Though it is near a States housing estate. There was oner shipped over to Jersey a couple of years back in HO8 (Undrground Hospital) I never saw it because the place gives me the hebbies , I won't go in.
  9. What a great picture. Was Mr Coombes A. S. C.? The Royal appelation wasn't applied till 1918.
  10. Ahh My Boy, I'll refrain (with difficulty) from carrot and Donkey jokes.:-D I show my Dodge in Force 135 markings, and have developed a great intrest in the Island's Great War History. Any idea where the shot was though? http://www.greatwarci.net/ Don'tmention the Murrati!
  11. May you live forever, die happy, and be in Heaven before the devil knows your gone! :-D
  12. Just been trailed again. Time of transmission is 19:55z.
  13. Yes Mike, which is why despite, proably through Enigma intercepts, the British knew the aircraft was from a special service squadron. The story comes from a TV interview with R. V. Jones. The crew were plaxced in a bugged room (So un British!) Where the remark was heard. This lead to every part of the radio equipment was tested and checked to the enth degree. That's when the modifications were noticed.
  14. I have the number of tanks deployed somewhere. Most were French Renaults I belive. a lot of the original turrets mounted 37 and 47 mm guns and some were only machine guns. These were removed and mounted on various fortifications.
  15. Just a quick clip including a shot of SP guns. They look to be running along the coast road near La Haule in jersey. Odd as the rest of teh clip cover 'The Other Place'. http://www.sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1080737 Most of the clips appear to come from a film made by the Ministry of Information just post war.
  16. Is Bakerlite still in production? As an aside, what are the dust risks of machining any of this stuff?
  17. Lorenz, not Loran, sorry mind took a holiday. :blush:
  18. Yes, Number One Son has been given SOP. When on excersise collect left over packs! :cool2: Tuna in 'light mayonasie' anyone?
  19. What? Does Lee mean 'BUS'? Have you seen the forcast?:cool2:
  20. The Knickerbine system was discovered after a microphone picked up a remark by a German aircrewman saying 'The Brititsh will never find it'. The result was every piece of radio equipment was gone over again. The Loran navigation system was found to be very sensitive and outside the usuaul frequency.
  21. Tony B


    Thanks, now where can I find a couple?:-D
  22. It wasn't that British radar was any better, or worse than German stuff. It was the way it was employed. German controllers used a box system. One fighter One Radar, One controller. As a rauid left a box another aircraft took over. Britain used a larger Sector system, with a controller able to call on any forces within that sector, or aquire units from outside. These units were then tasked to a and raid and operated autonmously.
  23. Seems to have survied in remarkably god condition. Will look great when done.
  24. Tried it with a can of soup once. Got told by an 'Old Soldier', 'Dent top of tin before you put it on'. Stuck under the manifold of an old dumper truck we used round the stables. Didn't work. Mind you the bang and suden spray of contents could help consipation. (How I survied childhod I do wonder :-D)
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