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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Depends on how well the plug is put in! Then they spoil it by bringing it up again.
  2. Thanks about the SORN. Is that HGV or LGV as it is now only?
  3. Basically yes. Once you have signed it. You will have to take it in person to a taxing post office or your local DVLA office. If you take it to a post office, don't be suprised if the person knows nothing about it.
  4. How about, a member of the great unwashed walking up, thumping the side of the 101 and asking 'Is it real?' No you $%^^&*$ it's a Corgi toy!!!!
  5. Sounds like dear old Earth again. Check the wiring
  6. That looks very like the old RN money belt.
  7. Regerneration by Pat Barker. A novel based on Siegrfried Sasson's time at At Craiglockhart Hospital after he wrote his declaration. Totally absorbing.
  8. Shows gren disease is international and incurable. Welecome to your safe , sane, understanding home on the web.
  9. NOW!! Pass. pay or ******offf! AND I'M NOT KIDDING!!! :-D In my dreams.
  10. Definitly speack to a Solicitor. If you want to get some advice before hand, ask theCitezen's Advice Beaurea or local law centre. They are a very powerful implement. I to had dealings when my Mother's Altzhimers got to bad.
  11. Never rush!! Took me two years to find my Dodge, but worth it.
  12. Question is, which one would I be driving? :-D Seen a Horse's arse go through a bus windscreen (Down Degsey!:-D }
  13. Don't forget the common law right of Ancient Light. Pre dates any Goverment legislation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_light
  14. Knew you'd get it! Yes, Jon Petrwee did a radio programe that was replayed on Radio 4 and BBC 7, who are replaying the Navy Lark. He told how when HMS Hood was being redyied for sea to go after the Bismark, he was told to report for an interview for a commision. He passed the interview and was transffered into a Pilot boat to go ashore as the Hood sailed. He said that for maonths afterwards he would met people who thought he had died. Fascinating man and a great story teller. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Pertwee
  15. The one I loved as a kid was L'Attaque. The pices were placed back to back and had to be challanged to find out what they were, then remebered as your opponent moved them.
  16. Right stay with Hood. Who is the person, that links and the bonus what other ship is he famously linked with. The clue is in the question. :cool2: Degsey I'm sure you would have listened to the Light programe on a Sunday at 2pm.
  17. Maxim demonstarted his gun, by shooting down trees at Eltham Palalce.
  18. Funny you should think of that! :cool2:
  19. And which other two fought in the same areas?
  20. Yes.:cool2: So far. So first what litterally links the two pictures? When you see them? Denmark is the first important point. Being helpful, a city in the second photo will give the hint.
  21. I have to much time on my hands. So this should be easy for those of a certain age. Where are the places? What is the link? Who is the person, and what is their link? As an extra dip in the biscuit barrell. What other ship is the person famously assocaited with?
  22. You never do anything by halves do you? Great work she is a beauty, and the men who built her would be proud.
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