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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Playing akward then, that would make it a ..fake. The thing is the original equipment does work, and if it does fail is easy to repair. The last Dodge Dynamo I repaired was due to a failed bearing, dated 1945. Whole job including going to get a new easily available and cheap bearing was a couple of hours. All done under field conditions! The only 'Gadget' used was was an electric grinder to touch the inner ring of the old bearing. Besides maintinence, on a nice day!, is an excuse to putter about for a couple of hours telling all comers S*d off! I'm Busy!
  2. First it ain't nuclear! It did have the capability of being armed with a nuclear tipped torpedo apparently. It used to be Woolwich , where I went abaord it. Currently it is being used a fish feeder.
  3. AH!!! But When the Bomb drops!! All this new fangaled elctricicamals will be knocked out by EMP, us sparking igniton boys will keep rolling! If your'e converting why not just go for a 12 volt Alternator? The starter would stand it.
  4. Definitly!!!! It would only work as the Rosie calander!
  5. I'm baised towards your points Pete. On a 12 volt I'd have no hesitation, the replacement would be a gel battery. But for the 6 volt, I think I'll stick with conventional. The T-214 engine is a big lump to turn over. The original fitting was about 116 amp/hour, though changes in how the rating is calculated complicates things. Most importantly the lead acid is robust enough to soack up the changes in charging rate of a Dynamo as opposed to an Alternator, Optima's own text is very prcise on charging requirments. I doubt an old system could be adjusted that finley being mostly mechanical. One problem with a 6 volt system is you have a lot less margin to play with on charge states.
  6. I've got Christmas to think about it. Optima, The pros are, price much the same as conventional, holding charge when at rest, more efficent cranking (Claimed!) Drawbacks , looks, but how often do you drive with bonnet up? Questions I've heard over build quality and reliability in hard use. Original lead acid battery Pros- Conventional known technology, looks the part, cost the same. Cons- I've encountered problems with modern chargers to bring a battrey up from flat. Loosing charge when standing, cranking power when there is the slightets drop of charge.
  7. I do hope you are suggesting Victoria's Secret supply the models, and us the vehicles. The alternative would lead to wide spread panic in the streets.
  8. Now, I have an Odessey in my Discovery. I would like a gel battrey in the Dodge, as you say many advantages for a vehicle that dosen't do much. The last time I talked to Optima on the subject the answers were ambivalent. I'd be intrested in your opnion. The problem is the regulator charging off a Dynamo, I've heard Optima can be very prissy about garuntee, and I was recommended by 4x4 competion people that Oddessey were the better kit, but don't make a 6 volt.
  9. Being doing the trawl around the net and local factors. Lincon , as usual, have come up with the best deal I can find. A 143 amp /hour battery at £131.23 inc vat and delivery. The original were 116 amp/hour so given the quality of Lincon should do nicley.
  10. Intrresting reference to Halstead. I think that would be the quarry below the Fort. The Fort also had a number of WW2 German equipment installed. Wonder what wil happne to that when it finally closes.
  11. Welcome in. Please post pictures of all your kit, past and present. Sounds fascinating.
  12. Mike, are you suggesting the HMVF couldn't do better than the WI ?
  13. The joys of 6 volt. My old battery has turned up it's terminals. So start looking for another. An obvious question has just come to mind. What sort of amp hour for a 6 volt Dodge? Trouble is half the voltage , twice the price. So I don't want to end up paying a lot more for unessacary power.
  14. There's a good reason why a HMVF calander is not on the agenda. :wow:
  15. The 4x4 version was a bolt on attachment. I had R4 cars and vans, with Kliber M&S tyres. They were fantastic little things. My party pice was to run sideways up a 45 degree embankment to park. Some clown tried it with a Triumph Herald and flipped. I'm sure the Britsh Military trialled some at one stage. For the doubters amongst you
  16. I'll stick to the Potten! The reason for Irish literary genius. Leaves you with a total clear head, just total disfunction from the neck down.
  17. Visions of Jack on a Catwalk.... You know I wish didn't have such an active imagination.
  18. Well if you only want second hand tyres. I've got a couple of Norwegian clover leaf, off road use only though. Looking for a home.
  19. Uniform if relevant. But RASC badged. Bit silly to play infantary now. But lightweights are standard dress for me anyway. Far more practical than jeans.
  20. Welcome, I ll swop you the Renault 4 for some tyres!
  21. To answer Jack, your baby has mutated somewhat. Yes I know it is The Historic Military Vehicle Forum, but it has grown to be a multi faceted (Oh Sh*t, I'm going PC) forum opening many aspects of military history and conflicts to disscusion. Of a very high standard. Be Proud of it mate! As for the actual sites of events and behaviour whilst there. Yes, I'm back on my little soap box. A peculiarity of the United Kingdom is that the borders have stayed stable for centuries, and no armed invader has walked the land since 1066. The respect is for the memory of those who served and sacrificed. As for personal feelings, we are all diffrent. I have no hatred of German people, but would never be happy wearing a uniform of the Third reich, and whilst I agree each conflict needs at least two sides. I am still uncomfortable about Third Reich displays. This is due to my upbringing, and I have to live with it. There is a lot of diffrence in attitude to those who regard a place as sacred because blood was shed for it, and those to whom it is a place you played, grew up, work and look to the future.
  22. Degsy, you mujst be near lambing again. Pity nature didn't choose a better time of year.
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