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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Thanks for info. Any contact details? Anyway Steve you'll be there in spirit (Best Calavados of course!) with mine. I intend to take Katy onto the beach,
  2. Ah, memories. I worked at Woolwich just as it was closing. The Arsenal employed about 20, 000 people at the end of WW1. In the 1919/20 winter there were suvire flods which washed a lot of stock stashed outside into the river. Apparently the store men at the time were delighted because it made the record keeping a lot easier. :-D
  3. If I remeber there was about 120 miles of track standard and narow, plus 6 vessels and two barges, Gog and Magog. Woolwich Arsenal even had its own defaced versio on the Blue ensign, and a gasworks.
  4. Welcomein, vehicle sounds intriguing.
  5. Land Rover have there own one shot grease for steering hubs.
  6. As one veteran was heard to mutter during the Buerocracy of the 60th anniversary 'They didn't ask me for a bloody passport last time'. :-D
  7. The location is at La Douet De Chouain. Follow the D6 just before junction with D187. There is a beautiful walled manor house behind it. They produce and sell the best Calvados in the world. But only at the farm. The story I was told was that when the CWWG came to gather the reamins for commital in Bayeuax the locals kicked off. They said that these men had come to the hamlet to liberate it, had given thier lives, been buried by the hamlet, and were the hamlet's responsibility. There are also oddly for WW2 teo unkown graves, and at least one Army Chaplin.
  8. Trailer done, WC54 running fine. Just the kit to pack ready for next weekends last minute panics.
  9. Travel safley guys! hope to se eyou over there.
  10. From past experience the Vetrans are quite capable of keeping us, 1 In our place 2 Entertained with stories 3 An almost limitless capacity for tea. :-D My journey is not only to pay respect to them and those that never returned but also to Carol. We always said we would take Katy back to Normandy, unfortunatley now it is only me. On the happy side! The trailer is now rewired and all the glow worms get agitated when current runs through. So time to start sorting and packing. I make a full detailed list of kit, and then go through ruthlessley with a pencil crossing out!
  11. Welcome Adrian. The green sickness never goes does it?
  12. Got to rewire the trailer, a couple of hours. Pack kit, sacrifice Jeep to Dodge Gods, then off on the 2nd. God and Weather permitting setting up at Ver on the evening of the 3rd.
  13. Been thinking about this and gone back to first principles of stupidity. What's the diffrence between starting on the starter and the handle? Speed and vibration. So get the vehicle to where it plays up and then put a spark gap in bettween the plug and lead. Turn over on starter and see if you get a spark. If you don't there is a problem. The other thing is a mechanical fuel pump. When you use a handle the fuel is in small quantys at low pressure. Could the pump be flooding the carb? Or creating a partial vacum and starving the fuel. Either way I'd change any flexi pipe between tank line and fuel pipe, they can wear internally and cause all sorts of weird things.
  14. Strange, it starts on the handle. If it was a major problem it just wouldn't go. Does the starter sound as if it is slower when turning the engine hot? I'd have the starter out and check it.
  15. Hopefully Steve my WC54 will be back there after 70 years. You all know the story, she has to get there! Problem at the moment is trailer wiring, but 5 m of 7 core and a couple of hours should cure that.
  16. If your looking for help. Forget it, your here, the disease is incurable. Welcome
  17. Two things come to mind. First check every connection on the starter, is clean and tight, even if it feels tight. Check and clean battery earth Ditto! I've had similar problems in the past, and all lead back to these very simple things. They may look clean and tight, but can still play up. Solinoid also comes to mind, check that, and the wires to the ignition switch, same principle can appear tight and clean, but only needs a slight movment. Is this a sudden problem, or long running?
  18. The joys of the older vehicles is that they are fixable. If you can read the manual and know one end of a spanner from the other you can learn. The uses of a place like this is the experienced people willing to help. Be realastic on what you want and can afford, and ALWAYS take a second opinion with you. Even Land Rovers are getting stupid prices now. Be very honest about your own , mechanical skils and equipment , work places available. Avoid the odditys such as a 101, great vehicles but they do need a lot of maintince and spares are expensive.
  19. At the 60th anniversary we had an Morris C8 being awkward. We were at the head banging stage when two old French guys, in thier 80's came over and shouldered us out of the way. They took off jackets and got stuck in, ten minutes later the truck was running sweeter than ever before. :-D I was talking to one of the old guys son, the other was his uncle. He told that following D-Day the pair of them had gone round with a pair of horses and dragged a dozen or so wrecked trucks in. They managed to get a couple running and persuaded the authorities to give them fuel to go round the local farms and collect produce to take to market. The result is now one of the biggest haulage companies in the area. The sight of a bonnet up attracts like a maganet.
  20. Joys of owning any 70 year old vehicle! We took Phil's Wolsoley for a 'Shakedown' on Saturday before Normandy. Took a day to bolt the bits back on! After the trip 'Na! Never a worry about the old girl!' (Frantcally punching wood)
  21. Better get more tea and milk then. Bring your own mugs!
  22. Simplest is a modern system fitted in a couple of ammo boxes.
  23. Eh, should have mentioned that! :blush: All the gauges seem to overead by a bit. Scared the S88t out of the first time it happned. All you need now is a lap full of water from the canvas, and you are a real Dodge owner. See you at Ver Sur Mer! Temp sound right.
  24. Must try that on my local A&E!
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