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Posts posted by antar

  1. Wow, those stickers are pretty old!


    My (very ;)) informed guess: it was used in Harrier flight trials. RCS is radar cross-section or your standard gauge of 'stealthiness' - the chaff measurements would be for evaluating the effect of dispensing chaff against standard enemy radars of the time, maybe for measuring speed of breaking missile lock with different tactics etc. The Zeus Integrated Defensive Aids System is the radar warner + accessories in the Harrier; the idea in that sort of thing is to reduce the reaction time for the pilot, so the system can automatically chuck the appropriate type of countermeasure out depending on the type of radar you've been spotted by and what mode it's in. They mostly do this sort of stuff at Spadeadam now, not that we really build many fighters these days...


    Don't think Zeus was installed until the GR5 and GR7 (source); if so that'd date it fairly accurately to 1976-ish. I should probably get a spotter badge about now :cool2:




    Thanks for the response Stone perhaps I should have saved the piece of panel with the badges on before it all got scrapped

  2. John,


    because of you're remark about the buildings being in Holland

    I did an re-check at primeportal for the other items that may be visible

    The buildings itself where no good lead, however the various crawler crane's in the background of some picture's where :cool2:


    And through this I have found both truck's :clap:

    They are at an Dutch company called Sindorf Trading Holland


    Go to the section trucks, the second in the list are the M746 truck's

    And it are not just 2, it seams that there are 9 truck's there :wow:


    Concerning the trailers you're right about that, they are German SLT-50-2 Faun 8x8 trailers

    Sindorf also has some Faun truck's



    Excelent work MichelK,

    Unbelievable that they have 9 of them I wonder where they came from. Most of them were sold off in the early 90's in Germany. I went to one of the DRMO sales where six were sold, they were around $18,000 then ! Never ever thought that I would ever own one of them a few years later !


  3. Hi John , have you any plans to take the beast to any shows this year as I'd love to see her on the move ? Very rare sight I imagine ! :-D


    Evening Andy,

    I do intend on getting it to Beltring at some stage, plan was for this year, but progress does not seem good at the moment. I need to get my Crusader 35T tractor unit back on the road so I can put the M746 on the M747 trailer to get it there. At 2.5 mpg under its own power and the 38mph it is somewhat prohibative for the 540 mile round trip !!!

    If you fancy a run up north I will let you know when it is giong out.


  4. Many thanks for those excelent pictures Tony. From my records 44KJ71 and 44KJ75 were sold from Whitams and scrapped. Nice to see a Terrier too, I heard on the grapevine that they have troubles with the final drives.

  5. Mine was when we were engaged and looking for a house to buy together. After spending a few weekends looking around various local housing estates, Suzanne came home from work one day and called me up to say "I've seen a fantastic house for sale from the train today, i'ts got a massive garden you could get loads of trucks in". Thats where we have lived happily for 18 years, and yes there are trucks and tanks in the garden.


  6. Hi antar,


    thanks for the picture's


    There is not much picture's to be found of the M746, except for the 1 at primeportal


    And I agree with you, it's nicer to see them "a-life" then to be placed in an museum




    Yes I have seen the pictures on Prime Portal and tried to track down who owns those 2 trucks. They look like they are in Holland by the surrounding buildings. The trailer coupled to one of them is not the M747 but I think a later German one for the Faun Eleffant 8x8. I have sent E-mails to the guy who runs Prime Portal asking him if he can forward my details to the photographer of those pictures "Rolf Mulder" but as yet I have had no response.



  7. Alan thanks for posting those superb pictures. Most seem to be of the prototype/pre production/trials ones on SP plates. A couple of years ago one of the SP ones came through Withams but unfortunatly it got cut for scrap. For those not too familiar with CET the hull is alluminium so there is some considerable value in the scrap which tends to keep the value of them up irespective of their condition.

  8. What is the seating arrangement on those ? what I mean is there a driver postion and a commander postion ? that switch depending if the vehicle is moving say in convoy or if using its bucket for excavation work ?


    For road use they are driven with the bucket at the rear, the driver position is then the forwards one. The "earth operator" then acts as commander and also faces forwards directly behind the driver. When earthmoving the crew stand up onto their seat base lift out the backrest and fit it in the other side of the seat base and sit down again facing the bucket. You then flick a single togle switch on a control box which swaps over all the gearbox controls (fwd, rev, 1,2,3,4) at the same time the transfer box drops a gear so that driving in all gears is aproximatly half full speed in the driving direction (35mph/18mph). The "earth operator" then has control of the vehicle including all the bucket controls. The driver now acts as commander. There is an extra pedal in the earth operator end for "transmission dump" when operating the bucket similar to modern day loading shovels.

  9. i never worked on cet but was taught that they were designed with close cooperation with RE so i suppose you can blame them for some of the faults,i was also taught that the cooling system was badly designed and ran the wrong way ie hot water fed to the bottom of the rad and not the top ,not sure if they ever fixed it ,maybe someone could enlighten me ,it all sounds a bit negative but squaddies always moan about the kit they're issued no matter how good or bad it is.




    The rads are set at about 15 degrees from horizontal in the raised part of the structure on the other side of the hull fom the Driver/Earthmover seating position. The coolant entry and exit points are all at the lower end of the rads as they can be lowered down for cleaning purposes. Above the rads are two hydraulically driven fans which have variable speed dependent upon the coolant temp. The biggest problem seems to be with the temperature thermocouple activating the controls on the "fan pack" which is a transfer box driven variable flow hydraulic pump. Basically as the coolant gets hotter the fans go quicker. When you enter the water when swimming the rads become water/water heat exchangers at which point you flick a swich on the drivers console which turns off the fan pack so that the fans are not thrashing the water about. When leaving the water you are supposed to swich the fan pack back on again.


    If there is a fault with the thermocouple there is a manual overide on the fan pack consisting of a 1/2 unf bolt which you wind in, when this is activated this puts full flow of hydraulic oil onto the fans overiding the thermocouple. To access this overide you have to take off the hull top plate, remove the air cleaner ( which is massive and shoehorned into the tightest space imaginable), then stand on your head next to an incredibly hot engine (exhaust and turbo are on this side) with a 1/2" spanner ! It is no wonder that so many of them had cooling problems.

  10. This vehicle is bedford based and recently appeared as seen in a local scrapyard. It looks like it was some sort of monitoring unit for some sort of trials. There are badges stuck to the panneling next to the drivers position. Inside are the remains of computer/communications racks. On the roof there are three plles which fold down look like they were to carry radar dishes. Anybody any ideas ???





  11. Had 2 at one stage, now got one, sold the other one to Turboventure up in Newcastle upon tyne. Wonderfull bit of kit if you know what you are doing. They had / have a terrible reputation in service but I suspect that a lot of that is to do with how they were not looked after properly.

    They were clearly designed by a bloke in Nottingham (ROF) who clearly had never and would never have carry out repairs or maintenance on the thing. The main issues I have had are with the steering and braking control unit. It is prone to water dripping through the front deck straight into it causing all the air valves to sieze up.


    It drives and steers really well now, acceleration is pretty good over flat ground with 330 bhp C6T engine. They are a very versatile bit of kit.


    I have never been tempted to swim it as there are a number of buoyancy floats that are required to ensure the correct trim which I have never been able to find.


    If you ever fancy a closer look at one send me a PM and you can come over the hill to have a look !


  12. I would advice you to make an stop there, if you have the opportunity


    In it's kinds it is the biggest collection of military vehicle's in Europe

    Most of the military museums have an lot of AFV and an limited number of other military vehicle's or equipment


    At Overloon it is the complete opposite


    I have some more picture's of the M26's there, so if some one is looking for an certain view let me know

    Perhaps I can help, I have also picture's of the Hall-Scott 440 engine

    How ever I do not have picture of the inside of the cabin, they are not accesible :-(




    Any pictures of the M746 / 747 combination they have ?

  13. When i fist joined the MVT in 1992, i was told of a remarkable clip of film from 1970 shown at the local MVT meeting. It showed a place in Exeter known as Guys yard which was packed full of interesting MV's.


    Just received this link today which shows the same clip of film. Actually four clips of film each over ten minutes long. The yard has an incredible and diverse selection of MV's and lots of 20 somethings playing around with them. Not sure what happened to the MV's all but suspect they were mostly saved for preservation. Sadly the incredible line up of AFS K2's didnt make it and most (if not all) were scrapped.


    This link should take you there. You will have to scroll to the bottom. It may take a while to work, but it is worth the wait




    Some of you older ones may recognise the people here. I can identify just the one.







    Anything to do with Charlie Mann ?

  14. I did a search for the name "Les Oakes", scrap dealer collector but nothing came up.


    Reason being is a photo on ebay of a modified hearse http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Daimler-DE-36-straight-eight-hearse-romany-caravan_W0QQitemZ190369419582QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item2c52e6d13e ....with something interesting in the background


    I google earthed Cheadle, stoke on trent and found the yard, not enough detail to know what else is there.


    Regards rog8811


    I drove past it this morning, it is just up the road from one of our factories (JCB) it is made of plywood and as you say os on a landrover chassis, It has been there a very long time it is just about to completly fall apart. Next time I pass I will call in and take a couple of pictures to post.

  15. they are going to become russian ural 14/20's bit bigger and i will have to cut the body work under the cab a bit to accomodate....so the bar grips are on their way out...I am hoping that with the reduced weight will make sure the bevel boxes dont crash on me...although tractor joint wear could be an issue...


    anyway with her coming in at around 5 tons about 3 tons less than normal i am hoping she will fly along and have enough grunt to takle most hills and muddy bogs...shes a bit big to follw a landy but she should be okay on most routes on slab common for instance...


    You won't be going tooooo far without that 100 gallon petrol tank though even if you lose 3 tonnes !!!!

  16. Spotted a very nice looking CET parked up in the front vehicle park of Ashcurch yesterday.

    Was surprised to see it, especially in "just refurbished" state, though the MOD had got rid of them all.


    Surprised, there are still around 90 of the original 144 still in service... have you seen an operational Terrier yet ? that is what will replace it when they can get the thing to work !

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