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Everything posted by HWade

  1. Hi I know when I was running my 975a, its was quite load, and as the other guy said the silencer was very small for the size of the engine. But she did run very well, but she did drink the fuel some what.The main reason why I sadly had to sell her.But was a great sounding truck. Regards Howard
  2. Hi Steve thanks for that, I will keep a look out, I will have a word with clive at some point, and see if he can post a clip here.I was hoping to have taken a few clips myself but as I was driving and had no passenger, I was unable to do it. Cheers Howard
  3. There is some really nice pictures there well done. Just wondered if anyone has got some video footage of the convoy, I would love to see the vehicles in action. Really wanting to see my tractor and trailer on the move. Cheers Howard.
  4. If any one is interested in another little event theres a Wartime Fete at Rougham Control Tower, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds. Regards Howard
  5. Well guys firstly I would like to Thank Clive and Tony ( N.O.S) for putting on a great event, I would also like to praise the outriders for doing a great job on the Saturday Convoy. Although it was very overcast we managed to escape the rain on the convoy. There was also a great line up of vehicles.I did not get any video footage of the convoy but I have a few pics of vehicles parked up at a museum for the 388th bomb group. Heres a few pics. But I am sure there will be some better ones posted. Thanks Again Howard.
  6. More really nice pics. Thanks for posting them, its nice to see whats about on the scene.Howard
  7. Looks like you all had a cracking day,and theres some great looking vehicles as well. Howard.
  8. Hi Andy Great pics thanks for that, a credit to the owner of the chevrolet Tractor and Trailer very nice.keep the pics coming. Howard
  9. Hi Andy Mmm I think I know the truck, a nice set up, I looked at that when it was up for sale a few years ago. Cheers Howard.
  10. Mmm I am still waiting, just going to make a coffee how many sugars N.O.S.
  11. I didnt get to the Show myself, just wondered if anyone got any pics to post. Howard.
  12. Well done Malcolm, that looks like a very nice little project, you were in the right place at the right time. I try and get over to have a look some time. Howard.
  13. Here are the pics of the RL with the markings Howard
  14. Thanks for the kind words, the red and white chequers are now on the top edge of the body, I will get a nice pic and post. Thanks Howard.
  15. Hello David Thanks for that, looking forward to the convoy event in July going to be a good weekend. Howard.
  16. Hi Goran I have sent you a PM. Howard
  17. Hello Goran, Yep a nice pic I wouldnt know where to start trying to age the pic. Cheers Howard
  18. Hi Goran I take it you were at the rally then, or have you worked some photo magic.Glad you like the set up. Regards Howard
  19. Hello Joris Yes Its all worked out very well, and very comfortable, you certainly wont get cold at night. mind you I have only had 3 nights in it, As for the truck on the road it seems to pull the trailer very well, mind you when you get to a hill its a different storey, but then I would expect that, as for the braking the truck brakes alone seem to cope with the trailer very well, but the trailer brakes work very well to from the dead man.I am hoping to get to Beltring with it, I am planning on driving down there after the MY Little Friends Weekend. There is a few of us going to convoy together down there. I think we are planing to leave at 10am on the Sunday Morning, so if there are any other people wanting to follow us down then please do. Leaving at that time means theres no rushing about and we can do a couple of stops on the way there, for a coffee break. Howard.
  20. Just thought some of you might like this picture of the Unit and Trailer that I took to a show last weekend, Managed to get quite a nice pic before other vehicles arrived. Howard
  21. Hi Malcolm, Nice job on the stencils, they have come out well. Tony Regards the Led bulbs, you are right I have them in my GMC and they seem to be alot brighter.And a longer life to. Howard
  22. Those wheels I do like those wheels,mmm well you have got your work cut out there again, but it will look very nice when complete, I am cean to look at the braking system on the trailer. all the best Howard.
  23. Thanks for that guys, yes those belly boxs make a big difference, they were all ok apart from the large one,and that had to be rebuilt, quite heavy as well. Had to use two jacks to put it in position and bolt on.Howard.
  24. Well I managed to get the truck top coated. I did the stencils today, The truck is now just about done on the outside. It now leaves the interior to be fitted out. This is going to be fitted out as it should have been, when in use with the AFS.He are a few pics. Howard
  25. Hello R Cubed, Thats an interesting set up you have fitted to your truck, I will be interested in seeing how it performs, what does it seem like to be like. all the best Howard
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