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Everything posted by HWade

  1. Hi every one I hope you have all had a good Christmas, I have a small up date for this blog, I managed to get part of the underside of the trailer blasted and in primer today. I am hoping to get some more done on Friday.Should be able to get the primed area in drab tomorrow. well thats it for now. Howard.
  2. I have now been working on some of the small parts that go on the chassis before the body and cab. I removed the radiator from the cowling and blasted and painted the cowl, I also managed to blast and paint some of the other pieces. The radiator should be fitted in next week. I will take some more pics then, I would like to be getting on quicker, but I am working this in amongst other jobs coming in. Thanks Howard
  3. I worked a bit later last night and managed to get the engine back into the chassis, will be blasting the radiator surround, and other parts tomorrow, so get what needs to be on the chassis before the cab goes back on. I have also made a start welding up the cab.
  4. Well yesterday I spent welding in new metal to the floor supports of the cab, and got most of this done. Its now time to remove the side steps and spot weld in the new ones.After these I hope to get in the cheek panels, I will take some pics today,not sure about tomorrow, I have a Chevrolet 1.5 ton chassis coming for blasting and priming so that will keep me tied up for tomorrow. Regards Howard
  5. Hi Joris, I am just lucky in that I can drop straight onto my work when I get a bit of free time inbetween other projects, or I tend to stay on at work in the eavenings.I will keep the pics coming as and when take some. Howard
  6. I have now managed to finish off the rubber seals on both doors, so thats another small job out of the way.I have also got all of the data plates fitted in. well thats about it for now.keep you posted on other jobs carried out. Howard
  7. Bit more of an update on the control unit. I managed to get the engine blasted and primed today, also two of the seat bases as well. Should be top coating the engine tomorrow. can then think about geting bit bolted back on to it, and refitting into the chassis.
  8. Not really a great deal to say but I did get the tool tray made up and painted and fitted, it just bolts in behind the electrics box behind the spare wheel, I will get a pic tomorrow, thought this tray would be handy for wheel brace, jack ect.Just got to make a small canvas cover for it. Howard
  9. Hello Vulture Thanks for that, I managed to get the headling fitted in the cab today, bit of a sod to fit, but its come out ok, I still have the sides of the lining to fix down but I have to fit the door seal at the same time as this is sandwiched between the inside of the cab and a metal trim. I take a pic at some time. Cheers Howard
  10. Bit of an update the spare carrier is now fitted, looks better than what I thought it was going to.
  11. After considering weather or not to put a spare carrier on the back of the tractor unit I have decided to add one, I was concerned it might spoil the look of the rear of the truck, sad I know but I just love seeing the back of the cab.Its not often you get to see the entire closed cab, however after a good measure up I have fabricated a spare wheel holder that wont impose to much on the rear of the cab, I have built it so it bolts down through the boards and chassis rail, so it will have a good fixing. The spare wheel is held onto the holder with two large studs and butterfly nuts.I may well get a canvas cover made to tidy it right up, but thats an extra for later. Heres a pic of what I have fabricated up, part of the holder came off another GMC I am braking for spares.Sorry about the pic taken with my phone always give the impression its a misty day. Howard.
  12. Well heres a bit more of an update, I have had a good day blasting and priming I managed to blast two n.o.s cheek panels, all of the wheels and rings, right and left steps, front grill and other parts. Howard
  13. Not a great deal to report but I did get some canvas mud flaps made up for the rear of the truck, got them fitted the other night.I also got some of the data plates fitted.Thats about it for now. Howard
  14. Hello Hanno Thats a nice looking truck and semi trailer, got to admit the early trailers that are rounded on the ends do look the part.I do have another picture of this set up from a different angle, but its nice to see different pics, you can never have to many of those. Thanks Howard
  15. Hello Skeggy Many thanks for that, I think reading all that info, that I will be ok with the braking system, only down fall is going to be the parking brake,it does not have one. But again I think i can sort this out to. Many thanks Howard
  16. Heres a nice pic of a semi trailer i came across on the web. Howard
  17. Well after getting the cab stripped out, I set to and blasted what I could get to today, and have uncovered alot of rot in different places. After blasting I removed the front wings, these will now be relaced with some new ones, which luckily I have on the shelf, the other panels that I am going to have to replace will be the front cheek panels these have both rotted out at the bottom, also one of the vents have seen better days.both side steps are showing signs of rot, and both front mud guard panels are also rough, but I can use these as a pattern to have some re fabricated.There is also some holes in the back of the cab at the bottom of the windows, so more welding to be done there.The cab runners underneath the cab are also rotten so again I will cut out a nice piece to use as a pattern and have this made.here are a few pics of whats gone on so far.
  18. Just got two more pics.Even though I say so myself I think the rear mudguards I have fitted on my unit definitely finish off the rear of the truck, even though they did not have them on them. Howard
  19. Hello N.O.S Yes you could well be right, the axles certainly look like old truck axles, just wondered if the trailer in the middle pic is based on an old truck chassis. who knows I have sent a message to the sender of the pics to see were they came from. Howard
  20. I had these black and white pics of GMC tractor units with semi trailers sent to me, thought you all might like a look. I would like to know how they had there braking system hooked up to the trailer. note one of units is a winch model, the fuel tanks are all in the same place, and looks like a spare wheel behind the cab.Looks like there are some sort of straps or something coming from the top rear of the cab going down towards the spare wheel. Howard
  21. Well I managed to get a few hours in before going of to Heathrow, I managed to get the front brakes rebuilt and refit the hubs, and also the drums.I have attached a pic. Should have the chassis back on wheels tomorrow to move it into the workshop ready for fitting the new brake lines. Howard
  22. Brief update for the Bedford, I managed to get the two rear brakes refitted along with the hubs and the drums, thats all for today, hope to get the fronts done tomorrow, thats if I get time,off to Heathrow Airport, so hope the traffics ok. Howard
  23. Hello Gordon With reference to the brakes, I was going to fit one of the in cab controllers but hide it, just so it didnt look out of place, the power for the brakes would come from an inline battery on the trailer, and the system would also have the safety brake away switch so if the trailer did become detached then the brakes would come on automatically. I was not aware that they could not be used here, but then again I did not go into it.Thats really the only option I have anyway, I have used these before and never had an issue, but thanks for the information. All the best Howard
  24. Work on the Bedford is going well, I managed to get the chassis in Gloss black today, and I have also started stripping out the cab ready for blasting. there is a bit of rot in the cab, but nothing to major. But the blasting will find all the rotten areas that i cant see. Heres 3 pics of the chassis and drums in the black gloss.I hope to get all the hubs and new brake cylinders on tomorrow so i can have a rolling chassis, and get it into the workshop. Howard
  25. Hi quick update for the semi trailer, some of the other side wall is now in, and I have a window and frame on order for the front window space, at the moment its just glass, so an opening window will be a lot better.Now waiting for a delivery of some 3/4 ply for some other fixtures. Howard
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