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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. My thanks to Richard and Graham for their replies and appologies for my late acknowledgement.
  2. The first few shots from Sunday David Brown tractor and bomb trolley Bedford Bedford 2 Bomb trolley David Brown tractor
  3. Yes I've got a few Degsy. Thought some of the participants might have posted some but if nothing appears I will post some later today.
  4. As I was passing yesterday thought I would photograph what used to be the Queen's Hotel in Old Colwyn, taken over for the duration of the war by the Ministry of Food and the address where all the Queen's Messenger vehicles were registered.
  5. This Ferguson TE tractor was at the Llandudno Transport Rally yesterday. The owner found it derelict at Donnington Depot and has restored it to its present condition. Has anyone any history on it for the owner? The plate reads - Ministry of Supply TRACTOR 4x4 C.L. FERGUSON TE - D20 Chassis No. TED224422 Contract No. 6/VEH/8181 Vehicle No. 16 BY 36
  6. Spitfire Tr9 PT462 overflew Llandudno yesterday. Possibly part of the Victorian Festival in the town and the nearby Transport Rally. Pity I can't replicate the sound !
  7. Presumably this one. No idea which circus had it.
  8. Excellent lists and notes Alan, thank you. There seems to be a shortage of motorcycles from early 1941, I wonder if they had been supplied by the Ministry of Works with London registration numbers rather than with local Denbighshire numbers? The few fleet numbers that are quoted seem all over the place, presumably the Queen's Messenger convoys didn't have a block all of their own.
  9. Hello Ted Yes I have a copy of this excellent book and looking at the photo on page 250 I see there is no mention of the Queen's Messengers, just Ministry of Food. Perhaps these Commers weren't for the Queen's Messengers but for another organisation. On page 249 in the same book there is a photograph of some mobile canteens operated by the Salvation Army, perhaps these were also supplied through the Ministry of Food. I have found about 150 Chevrolet trucks with CUN registration numbers. I'm assuming these were registered by the Ministry of Food but who for I can't say. Most survived into the 1950s and last owners were usually private, in a few cases though they were latterly operated by local council education departments for their school meals service. Perhaps that was the original function of all of them. In an earlier post Alan states there are a number of files relating to Canteen vehicles at the National Archives, perhaps the answers can be found within their pages. Dusty
  10. Some more vehicles for the Ministry of Food and the Queen's Messenger food convoys. Some observations - Conveniently there are 21 Ford WOA-2 utility vehicles but only 13 motorcycles, even these consist of five different makes! The Commer Canteens were a surprise, I wasn't aware the Queen's Messengers used these chassis'. CUN 358 is a Bedford OYC chassis, previous canteens were on the OXD chassis. The last licensed dates are as they appear on the cards. Some of them would appear to be incorrect but this time I double-checked as I made the notes! Queen's Messenger Vehicles 4.doc
  11. Some more vehicles for the Ministry of Food and probably destined for the Queen's Messenger Food Convoys. All Bedfords this time with the exception of CCA 882 which is a BSA motorcycle. Not sure if this was for the Ministry of Food but as it fell in the middle of vehicles for them I have included it. Queens Messenger Vehicles 3.doc
  12. Some more Bedford and Guy vehicles registered to the Ministry of Food and used in the Queen's Messenger convoys. Queen's Messenger Vehicles 2.doc
  13. Been to the Denbighshire Records Office in Ruthin today to look up some details of the vehicles registered to the Ministry of Food and attach what I found. This covers only the CCA 900 - 999 batch, still plenty to find when I next go back. Queen's Messenger Vehicles.doc
  14. No I can't. However the website does say they have 11 million photographs but only a small proportion can be ordered on-line. I guess the one you want to see just hasn't been put on-line yet.
  15. The circular structures appear to me to be the concrete bases for the guns. The black lines which eminate from the centre of each circle all point towards the Control building and my guess would be these are ducts set into the concrete to take the cables for supplying electricity for the predictors. As you say only a site visit would determine what is actually at ground level. Unfortunately I am too far away to offer any assistance but would be interested in any information if anyone could visit.
  16. Ah, understand now. I have clicked onto the photo and have high definition. Didn't realise that was the way to do it. I will see if I can identify any of the other registrations. Many thanks.
  17. GXA 322 was first registered in November 1942 and issued to the Home Office (National Fire Service). It was in Fire Force 32, which was in the London area, in 1943. There's a good chance quite a few more could have been with the NFS but I can't read any of the registration numbers.
  18. I like this photo very much. Is it possible for you to read the registration number of the bike on the extreme right of the row in which the auctioneer? is checking? Could it possibly be GXA 322? I would love a high definition copy of the photo if that were possible.
  19. Dusty

    Lynx helicoptor

    Seen yesterday flying low over my part of North Wales was this Army Air Corps Lynx Mk7 (I think). Rare to see one of these in this neck of the woods.
  20. A recent cliff collapse at Porthkerry in South Wales has revealed that the caravan park is located on the site of a World War II HAA Battery. More here - http://heritageofwalesnews.blogspot.com/2011/11/caravan-catastrophe-brings-to-light.html
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