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Everything posted by martylee

  1. Am I getting more and more stupid? I thought I used get bigger photos in here!? Only thumbnails this time... Better look into it. Anyway the meeting is still going on so you can just make it! They even have a license to use the armys training ground. New meeting in the spring/ early summer. Then I'm going myself in the Dodge! Enjoy Marty
  2. And at last my favorite. And one of the few ww2 that were not jeeps. http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/465/img1124yy6.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7889/img1125xm5.th.jpg[/img] The question is what really happened!? Did he the car into a tent which was already standing there, and in that case, what happened to the people sleeping in there??? :-o Marty
  3. some more... http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/3534/img1131iv1.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/895/img1134hc3.th.jpg[/img]
  4. More photos... http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/9354/img1116gz8.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/3248/img1117sh5.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/4960/img1121ce4.th.jpg[/img]
  5. Here are a few photos taken yesterday at Trandum of the winter meeting there. I only showed up for a few shots and went home. Season doesn't start until may for me, if not the easter brings great weather. http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1586/img1108zt2.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/866/img1110wq8.th.jpg[/img] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5339/img1114fv5.th.jpg[/img] Marty
  6. Cool video! Isn't this what our childhood days used to be like!? With the kid I still get to play the same, without someone looking weird at me. At least not until the kid says it's time to go back inside and I start crying.... :-D Marty
  7. Both B-17 and a WC51 in one shot!!! :-D :-D :-D This is what I like! Marty
  8. martylee


    Found some real intrestin, though a bit customized Lego at a site. http://www.angelfire.com/mech/military_lego/wc51.html Very impressive details. Marty
  9. Thank you for sharing these photos. It's good to see some good ol' green stuff again. Especially since mine now are stored for the winter. Marty
  10. Hick or not! Thanks a lot for haring those wonderful photos with us. I really enjoyed them. Marty
  11. Now I'm OD all over, green with envy. Not only is it to d*mn cold here, but I want some of that you are towing behind the trucks. Looks like a really great day. I've always thought that the trips in the worst weather is always the most fun. Would it be possible to get some more photos of the cannons? You could mail them to me. And I never get tired of watching Dodge photos. (M)arty
  12. I guess that would have to be what you call September the 5th??? :? Or could it actually be August 26th? Marty
  13. I guess this must be what it feels like, especially in march and april just before the driving season really starts, those months feel like they last 50 or 60 days. Not to speak of january and february... 120 days??? Or it might just be someone doing the keyboard shuffle. :-D Marty
  14. A real long shot, but might be of itrest to one of you. An old railway with an old train running thru nice norwegian scenery. On august the 36th they're having a special day for old military vehicles. Sounds intresting to me, I might show up. Never been there before. And the link: http://www.kroderbanen.museum.no/download.php?objectId=159 Marty
  15. Ben, looking at the lines of that truck I would have to agree that those might be the most sexy lines seen on a army truck. However if we're talking about the toughest, most brutal looks my Dodge would be way up there in the charts. Add a winch and get a wc52 might be even a more tough looking vehicle, but not sexy. Marty
  16. Intresting thought! Having the kind of goverment we do at the moment in norway, we use that as an excuse to arm ourselves. That's possibly what's going on elsewhere as well? Do we have any chart showing just how much we got of the different vehicles? Almost forgot: Welcome!!! Marty
  17. martylee


    Yep, the Stigas are cool, but we got something that's a bit faster than that... http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7948/img05655pc.jpg[/img] Marty
  18. martylee


    Looks more like dandruff than snow to me! :-D If it really is snow, You better gear up like me! http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/2834/img01924ls.jpg[/img] Marty
  19. Wow, I heard about it on the news here in norway. Thank you for letting us see how it was. And as you say, how often is it you get to see a shipwreck!? Marty
  20. If any of you decide to visit Norway, and the area around Oslo I'll join you and show you around. As for me taking the Dodge to Britain... I'm afraid it won't happen this year. But when I do!! I'll come looking for YOU! Thanks to everyone posting these nice photos! I also love lighthouses, so that was a bonus! Marty
  21. This must have been right after the war. Someone pointed out to me that this was a driving school for girls and they're wearing swedish uniform. The photo i taken at the Jorstadmoen army camp located just outside of the olympic city of Lillehammer. Must be quite rare in norway this vehicle. Marty
  22. Now, I have a picture of the car mentioned. http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/8772/jobb36ho8ka.jpg[/img] Looks like a 1/2 ton doesn't it? Marty
  23. Yo Enigma! I was just looking thru a book about the army command structure in norway after the war until present and there I saw a photo from a military driving school. They had several different vehicles and one of them looks like yours. I didn't know we had that kind of vehicle in norway. Unfortunately, I don't have my scanner here at the moment. Just felt like sharing this with you! Actually all of you! Marty
  24. Thanks, still look like a cool place to visit. Marty
  25. Now, that looks like a really nice place for a picnic. Even the weather looks good!? Are there any photos of the actual OP? Nice photos! Marty
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