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Everything posted by snowtracdave

  1. Sorry to hear that Dave is poorly , hope he's up and about and on the road to recovery very soon . Get well soon mate .
  2. Have a look at the Frost website - they do a wheel restoration kit although I've not tried it , the last one I needed done I sent to Wheelwrights in Morecombe who did a fantastic job but obviously significantly more expensive .
  3. Hoping to get there as MOP sometime over the weekend but having to make arrangements for the wedding may get in the way !
  4. Hope to be there too recalcitrant vehicles permitting ! Big bruv might even be persuaded to bring the (ex porta - forum member) Gaz along .
  5. To quote antarmike I wasn't there so I don't know . What I do know is that an acquaintance of good repute and with strong current military ties and access to information passed this on to me along with the related info that the actual manifest of the Conveyor had not , at that time , been made public so there was no definitive answer as to what was on board .
  6. You didn't happen to have your camera about your person at the time did you Chris ??
  7. I understand that six of the remaining RMC snow tracs were used there and I have been told that approximately sixty others went down with the Atlantic Conveyor .
  8. A friend used to have what I believe was called a Tugmaster - a lwb DB with fluid flywheel and lots of ballast weights . That was finished more of a grey blue but it was fifties vintage so probably a different colour scheme by then .
  9. Happy Birthday Joris........... The cokes are on me
  10. Past Parts are a company based in Bury St.Edmunds who specialise in refurbishing automotive parts . Very good at what they do and give good service . You should find their details elsewhere on the forum as they've been mentioned several times before by happy customers
  11. On Tony's advice I bought & fitted a classichead kit to the WC 54 & it cured the starting problems straight away . Unfortunately the starter itself has now ceased to function so I'm not a lot better off but I live in hope !
  12. Well done everybody involved , you have been a part of both creating and re-creating history and I , like everybody else here , take my hat off to you for the work put in and the sacrifices made . I'd hoped to be there but life has recently taken one of those unexpected turns and I wasn't able to attend so this weekend I got engaged instead !
  13. Always thought they were one of the nicest looking versions of the 101. (Welcome to the forum by the way) !
  14. Would make (probably speaking heresy here) a very interesting trailer mounted exhibit . Are you going to frighten us with the price or was it case of "If you have to ask you can't afford it " ?
  15. Welcome aboard Denzil , endless amounts of Jeep advice available around here......some of it even constructive or helpful ! Davie (Colchester)
  16. Do you have someone to supply timber Lee ? We've used Derek King at All Oak & Hardwood just outside Galleywood for some time now - he's done us a lot of stuff for work and he also did me the big bits of ash for my wagon chassis at a not unreasonable price ( relatively speaking ! ) . Can find you his address & number if it's of any interest . D
  17. A couple of years ago a site was cleared for redevelopment next to the Crossways garage at Frating just outside Colchester and as the house came down a carriage appeared , was never able to get any pics but I suspect it may have been saved .
  18. Welcome to the Forum Keith , I arrived here via the worlds of hot rods and customs , motorcycles , classic tractors , and classic cars before dipping my toe - alright , jumping in feet first - to the world of MV's . Enjoy your time here , you'll soon realise how addictive it is !
  19. Kept them in a barn ?? Spot of poetic licence there . Brian and family seem to own most of Rawtenstall judging from the number of signs with their name on around the town and when we went up to buy the ST we saw only part of the collection stored in some of the redundant mills he owns there .
  20. Welcome along Robban....two of my favourite vehicles there too .
  21. Very best wishes Snap , hope you're on the mend and had a great day .
  22. I suspect the problem is closer to home..............I reckon it's a vampire bus where you store the OT been sucking the life out when you're not around .
  23. Got home and unloaded a little while ago . We've had a great weekend and it's been brilliant to see friends and acquaintances old and new . In a way I'm glad the Dodge played up and we took the ST instead as all weekend people have been stopping to ask about it and chat . Thanks to Markheliops and the lovely Deb for tea beer and entertainment , Chris G for cake and beer and Grasshopper and Nick for more beer and entertainment and of course to Mr JB for being there so we all had somebody to take the mick out of . See you all there next time . Oh - and by the way , before Ivesy says anything I only pushed that fence post over a bit and it wasn't really in the ground far............and I promise to adjust up my brakes . Honest .
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