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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Very interesting....I haven't even begun to flog the Iltis yet - and it has to go and I need a garage for it. But this is all in hand. The Champ really appeals - James wants one so he can do his PW Brit re-enactor stuff in it. His mum just wants shot of the Iltis. I'm still easy going about it. I've always liked M38s and being very pro-Canadian in outlook I wouldn't mind making one up as a CDN version in one of the regional command liveries - probably Western, as they have a great MV club named after them in BC and beyond. I digress....
  2. In Japan they are editing out the horrors they committed and will eventually become the victims and get that sort of culture visible in elements of German life - but by no means universally so. We have to remember that under the Bushido code, they didn't do anything. They had a completely different mindset to the west and were becoming a totally brutalised martial society. It bares analogy with the attitudes of middle eastern fundamentalism in some ways inasmuch as we cannot put western ideals into the heads of people who are just not like us.
  3. Maybe they're working with Bruce Forsyth at the moment. Never mind - Where Eagles Dare was on Channel 5. Broadsword calling Danny Boy.....
  4. What Otto Carius book??? My ignorance is showing. Can you blokes give us more details about these important books please. I want to be sure we share this information around to everyone - because I don't mind admitting I do not know them and now want to. Thanks MB
  5. Interesting point. I wonder if they'll re run Colditz or the other series - Secret Army??? something like that. Good for the time. I never got into Tenko. I think I was drunk for the period it was on. Yoof. M
  6. I was always impressed they bothered to get a Cromwell at all. I suspect Shermans are "easier" to find. I still think the Brits were just standard Hollywood I say chaps/arrogant/dim rather than what we know to be true: ie a smidgen of this mixed in with an awful lot of high quality people. Hollywood just has to have it's little pop at the Brits. Having said that I was intrigued to see in the recent Keira Knightlley vehicle Atonement that one of the Dunkirk scenes British soldiers is black and wondered how likely it was that a black soldier would have been with the BEF at that time - though we know there were plenty elsewhere at later dates. I presumed it was just another bout of political correctness. I await to be educated otherwise.
  7. Good points. Haynes may have a Christmas smash on with this one. Pure post lunch indulgence as you sit in your comfy chair ignoring the Sound of Music while munching a minced pie. As you say, completely useless which is why it is so useful. Boys own stuff. Who can resist a cutaway?
  8. Advance to go and collect £200! Good call. I contacted Haynes PR people a few days ago about this and presumably they had a little look at us before letting us post their press release. I've asked them if it is likely if the other BBMF planes will get similar treatment. Given that the Lanc was stripped back for a rebuild recently, there would have been ample opportunity to do the sectional photos. I hope they do. Persuading them to do tanks is the next step. MB
  9. Although many of these hits reflect repeat visits by the crazy gang, there must be many a magazine publisher who would love 30,000 sales a month. But obviously some of these hits mirror people who pick a mag up in Smiths and put it back on the shelf - but it all ads up to us having a big punch not to be ignored. These stats show that HMVF is the place to be. Friendly, serious, plain daft and always interesting. More please. MB
  10. Snapper

    Sniper One

    just started it. so far so good. mb
  11. Snapped a tired foaming Pig for CMV a few years back. Didn't look in any better condition than the one shown in the snaps here. Shame. I'd like to see a full line up one day. I love Pigs. MB
  12. Belated greetings to you Stef from over here. My dad was in the Royal Berks and the 56th London Div. He was a pre-war Territorial in Stoke Newington. Lovely fleet you and your mates have got there. Is there any interest in Italian vehicles from the period? Those Lancia artillery tractors in Bart's books always look great to me; but then I've always been a sucker for a Lancia - tinworm, pantomime electrics and all. Does this bring the Italian branch up to two members. Good. You'll get your list of clubhouse duties soon. You obviously suffer from enough nagging - in the universal language we blokes understand - so no need for too much hectoring from the Moderator squad. MB
  13. I know of a nice VW Iltis going for a good price. But seriously, welcome aboard. You will get some clubhouse duties soon. It happens to the best and worst of us.
  14. You deserve a treat???? don't make me laugh. Go and tidy your bedroom, you little s.........
  15. Are you referring to the religion of my neighbours or their manners? Chucking out time in The Plough does lead to the occasional bit of takeaway junk being left in the Iltis...and a tramp slept in it for a couple of nights.
  16. nah - they're on the other side of the trough...............
  17. Will a decent looking airsoft do? We like ours.
  18. True. It was invented by John Millar, their master brewer. My wife's maternal grandfather. He died in 1963. We have his recipe books. Total gibberish to the unwashed. But what a product!!
  19. 2200-ish. Mine needs tidyting up. It is not a perfect example visually - but the potential is there for someone with brains, time and all that jazz.
  20. Model making is something I'll do when I've won the lottery. I have a house full of unmade stuff which James and I were going to do before he discovered the bass guitar and I started to lose my eyesight. We also collected Minitanks and 1/87 scale mvs, Infact, auntie Rifles, I have four partially completed BMP1s in 1/87 from sdv. My love has always been diecast - but have run out of room and impetus. My favourite recent discovery is Authenticast of the USA who made solid cast recognition models for the US government. Ships, plans and mvs - in various scales.. I got a Pershing, a Panther and a Centurion from a shop in Rye - £8 the lot.. When I checked them up I think the Panther might be £400 on it's own - but there are many remakes as the dies were sold on. Don't care - because I love them and that's that.
  21. You have to see this thing. http://www.funtrak.co.uk the thing will be in the sun tomorrow as well (read someone elses - this is not an advert).... MB
  22. Jenny, Jack may be the boss, but if you check out the fine print, you are still destined for clubhouse cleaning duties. Once the septic tank has taken his turn you will be ready in time for Trafalgar Day. Bring your wellies.
  23. Men, The time has come for me to prepare the ground for flogging my Iltis and buying something else. There is a sequence of events to this which I'll save you from - but my innitial thoughts are about Champs. I'm not going above a jeepish size motor. So, whats the SP on Champs. Good, bad, what sort of servicing required. All thoughts welcome. Alternatives: a jeep, an M38 or a Mutt - any other suggestions. MB BTW - anyone want an Iltis?
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