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Everything posted by andrewroberts.1953

  1. Hi I sent paperwork from keeper of records for Auto Union, to DVLA for age related plate for the MUNGA. This was all original paperwork, and included the bill of sale from Auto Union. I enclosed an SAE with a letter asking for return of the documents, as being not replaceable. I sent all this to DVLA via registered letter. I was told first by DVLA, that the paperwork had not arrived. Post office said it had been signed for! DVLA then claimed to have found it, and had returned it. But it never arrived to me. DVLA, after long enquires tols me that the originals had been scanned, and then shredded! I asked them to obtain replacements, or compensate me for loss. No go, just poor photocopies of scanned documents. I asked if these would be ok if I need to provide documents in the future, and I was told that these were not any good! I wrote to my MP, and was told it was an internal DVLA problem! So I have given up, and in future I will take documents to my local office and have them copy them in front of me.
  2. Hi I have been involved with the kit that makes this work (sic). It does not work in tunnels, were the road in in a cutting, near power lines, close to large buildings ETC ETC! In fact it's miricle that it works at all. I suspect we get it working for about 50% of the time! :? Don't expect this to be in use any time soon. The cost for the billing system alone is huge :-o. But sign the patition it all helps. I did ask about what happens to 6 volt vehicles, no one had any idea. How about 24 volt vehicles that are not lorries, no one had any idea about that! Vehicles that don't have a windscreen (required to fit the antenna for the GPS part of the system), no one had thought about that! So As you can see, it's the normal mess :-o :evil: :eek:
  3. Modern Dutch coveralls are just what you want. Cotton, heavy,buttons, etc, in general these are copied from US war time item.
  4. Hi I seem to have a distant idea that some of the Cougers were "bright" versions. And yes, Motorola and many other manufactuers supplied kit. I know of at least one Mould transportable system being used in NI. But of couse Mould was really only fully available in EWS! The frequency planning (sic) schemes used north and south of the border are still very differant!
  5. Hi, The use of "low power devices", like the tiny FM transmitters has over the last few days been exempt from licencing etc. So Halfords should be taking the labels off soon. The use of ANY transmitter (apart from kit like above) requires a licence. Jo public is NOT going to get a licence! If you become a amatuer radio operator, you will be issued a licence. But it will not allow use of military frequencies, only those permitted for amatuer use. Yes, you can own and show a VRC 353. But once you turn it on, you break the law. If you really want to be picky, once the radio is available for use (connected up and power available) an offence has been committed! I know that OFCOM are at the moment tracking down use of PRR (personel role radio) use, as these have come on the market via Ebay. OFCOM have hundreds of monitoring stations around the UK. It takes only a few moments to find a transmission. Andy
  6. Hi Wrong place to post I expect, but I am sure Jack will move it iof required. If anyone requires ro buy a torque wrench, have a look in your local Lidel store. Seem to have piles of them locally, at about £12 each. These seem to be the same as the ones in Machine Mart. Andy
  7. Hi If anyone knew it was going to happen, then it was kept a very good secret! We were ordered by a signal in clear, not to return to normal location but go direct to a certain RN base. This was on the day of the statement in parliment, and we were listening to it on the radio. All hell was let loose, with everything in the wrong places. People were in the wrong place and all out kit was somewhere else. I don't think it's letting the cat out of the bag now, as it's on the MOD website. But the task force sailed with nuclear weapons, such was the panic in getting anything "south"! None of the weapons were for use, but no-one had made arrangements to get them removed! So as I said, if anyone had fore warning then I wish it had filtered down! Jack, please record the fact that UK forces have been in action since before 1900 and of course still are. No other countries arm forces have been in such long term action.
  8. Hi I can remember things happening which today would be unthinkable. A convoy of vehicles with no index plates, filled with jerry can filled with fuel about 2 miles long on a main road doing 10 MPH! Watching a logistics ship being loaded, and seeing a 9 cubic metre tipper lorry up end it's cargo of mars bars on the dockside! being in a civil port and seeing containers being unloaded as the MOD had "borrowed" them! Seeing the worlds supply of tents (it looked like all the canvas in the world) being loaded into trucks "to go south"! Working 18 hours days plus, sleeping on the floor were you could. The list goes on.
  9. To all owners of PRC 344 radios. Don't for any reason dial up 243 on the frequency selectors!!!!!! :shake: :-o This is the distress channel and is monitored 24/7 by ALL aircraft military and civil, and by ground stations etc. This is a safety of life service, if you cause a problem you will get a visit from OFCOM and MOD police. Both your vehicle and radio will be impounded, and don't expect to get them back. Also don't switch to beacon, it does what it says on the tin! You will be sort of doing a "all aircraft I am here". You will be very lucky if you hear anything very much. Transmissions are short, and some are now is secure form. Two of these radios can work up to 5 miles at ground level, with the tape antennas in open flat country. An airbourne platform can hear one about 300 miles away! if you need more info PM me. Andy
  10. Hi Welcome to the forum. The photo I think is Okehampton a couple of years ago? Andy
  11. Hi, Welcome to the fun! Nice to have some more V8 power on the site :-D Andy
  12. I have been to events were a chap in his 60's has come over at the trot to climb all over, a ferret, a humber 1 ton cargo, a series 1 landrover, a champ, a bedford rl, etc. The comments from these pw veterans about 39/45 vehicles was less than complimentry. Mose so if a white star is in evidence. But again, that's all to do with the public that come to events. We all like differant things, for differant reasons. But in general I hope that we all have this dreaded virus because we want to preserve things. The danger is that we don't preserve the thinks that one day we turn around and find are no longer about.
  13. The light unit (glass bit) is the same as early minis and moggy 1000 etc.
  14. Part of the problem with military VHF radios is the low frequency. very good for large open areas, no good for built up areas like towns and cities. This is why the blue light services (police first) changed to UHF and VHF high band systems. UHF radios also have much smaller antennas, so making covert use much easier. For my sins, I used to (with others I worked with) have a lorry load of radio to fix from NI, about ever couple of months in the 80's. It was just about all civil type of kit. Mould, was also in use at the time. But that's a whole longer and more involved story! Some civil kit was fitted with secure speech equipment, again of civil type. The other thing that civil kit could do then that even Clansman could not do is selective calling. Ie, a sort of telephone numbering system. The technical aspects of radio use in NI would fill a lifetime to document. The regulator at the time RA (Radio Agency), had three men doing nothing but that! Andy
  15. Hi I know Andy Lane, if he can't help then no-one can. A really nice bloke, and knows more about Landrovers than most people have forgotten. Welcome to the mad house which is military vehicle ownership! You will get lots of support here. Andy
  16. Hi, I was asked a few years ago to help provide vehicles for a end of post war conscription event. The organisers wanted only british, postwar vehicles. The local pre 45, and US, owners were very upset! The event when ahead, but the organiser was given such a hard time it's not going to happen again. I have been to another event this year were only vehicles from the 50's and 60's were asked for. Again the pre 45 owners threw all the toys out the pram! But why do people do this? All military vehicles are historic once out of service. What's in service today, will be of interest to the people that used them today. The veterans of Falklands will expect to see Landrovers, etc next year.
  17. There was hugh amounts of PYE stuff about. Included in the list was a covert version of the "pocket phone PF70". Whitehalls were used, as were Olympics. The kit was in all sorts of bands, and in both AM and FM versions. A version of the W15 Westminster, in a manpack frame with a battery etc was also used. I also think some Nolton Nova's found employment in the province.
  18. If the rounds hit at anything other than right angles to the surface, the holes will not be round. The speed, barrel length, etc etc, will effect the round, and it may tumble in any axis.
  19. Try this site http://www.subbrit.org.uk/rsg/index.shtml ! But be warned, some of these places are still owned by MOD etc and many are very dangerous! :shake:
  20. Hi Does anyone have a copy of the MUNGA EMER? The British army used the MUNGA in BAOR (Berlin), and produced an EMER. Thanks Andy
  21. Hello I have a full set of modern (now) paperwork, which I can copy for you.
  22. Hello As british army has been in effect at war since long before 1900, it does seem a bit odd that people are only interested in 39/45. Next year being the 25 years since the Falklands war, the requsts for vehicles of that period are being made. I have last weekend attened an event at a military base, only 50/60 British vehicles were invited. I have been to other events were the organisers have asked for only vehicles of a certain period, or nation. I have with others taken part in events for post 45 British veterans, and this has been great fun. We always try and have the right clothing. We have the green combat suits for vehicles of that period. But when all is said, it's a wide church. If someone wants to put on 49 pattern BD and drive a series 3 rover, or soldier 90 PDM and drive a 43 jeep whats the problem? Well I bet this starts a few replys! Andy and Trish
  23. Thanks for the info. I have something like it, but I really need to find a portable one that contects to vehicle battery. Sparkrite did one many years ago, but not seen any for a long time. Just a useful thing to clean plugs once you are away from the home workshop.
  24. Hi Yes, it's a very good feeling to be able to put some history back in place and see it live again. :-D I would love to drive it this evening, but we are due to be out to see friends! But come the weekend!!!!!! All the work has been worth it in the end, and my German even got better a bit. It's a good job Trish is a mental health nurse, I all but needed a jacket with the buttons down the back at times! Is anyone on here going to Mount Edgecombe at the end of the month?
  25. Hi Does anyone know if anyone still makes/sells spark plug cleaners?
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