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Everything posted by griff66

  1. any one who responded to consultation will be contacted when there is any firm news one way or the other,so there should be lots of emails/letters sent to forum members who have contributed to this thread as it was important to send a letter to dept of transport voicing our concerns. I will write to the person concerned to see if they mind me posting the letters here,as i am sure you will agree that is the polite thing to do.
  2. hold your breath with change of government etc it might not even happen ,this is from most recent letter i have had from vosa:cool2:
  3. well got the sterling mk 4 L2A3 very good condition , sling ,3 mags ,285 quid, cocking lever moves.
  4. hope the organizers announce his arrival/ departure so we can all dive for cover!
  5. no, smoke dischargers have been discussed at acpo level and are not sect 5 they do not need to have slots machined etc,and i have letter from lewis firearms dept confirming previous.
  6. smoke dischargers are ok well ferret ones are if u search forum been discussed a few times
  7. ear plugs and ear defenders on!, thick paint air chisel,: rust and thin paint needle gun:D
  8. wire em up to the mains!!! only joking of course!:cool2:
  9. topdog cant remember wot your paint like ,mines a pain cause every time i wash it ,its getting greener! any paint job from 64 to disposal would be authentic.
  10. wiil post pics when i can down size file size!!
  11. well have started on stripping down exterior of 18 ea 36 ready for new paint, existing desert paint in very poor condition no prep at all before they slapped it on so far all bins off and removable items from exterior being removed for red oxide primer
  12. very dodgy area i totally gave up after my first show of letting people inside the ferret let one kid inside and u suddenly turn into the pied piper !public liability insurance is the issue, oh plus a certain child slamming a ferret side hatch on the tips of my fingers !
  13. dont forget a flux offers breakdown for about 35 quid
  14. a good ferret with spot on mechanicals and decent paint job has got to be worth 8-9 grandlot of the stuff u can fit in a single garage is going up!
  15. having to replace both of mine as both batts have a internal fault , nother 120 quid!
  16. tells u which one to take off on plates on batt box lid
  17. when looking at batts r/h one just undo lid of batt box lid l/h one remove air cleaner one large bolt on side one jubilee clip for pipe to carb take care aircleaner not to heavy just awkward to move about cause you are leaning fwd to lift it.
  18. now the japanese are going to release radioactive vapour to release pressure in reactor
  19. dont worry its all meant to end dec 2012 anyway!!!!
  20. griff66


    too much information!!!
  21. griff66


    with the way fuel is heading more show organisers are going to have to think about incentives for mv owners same as steamers have coal supplied plus cash!
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