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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Okay ,well the BAT fires a 120mm fixed HESH (High Explosive Squash Head )Round and weighed just over 59 lbs,remember this weapon was introduced to replace the 17 pdr anti-tank Gun but this was down to development in Ammunition. The round was ignited through an electrical connection so did away with the conventional Firing mechanism. The L2 BAT didn't stay in service for very long partly to the fact the shield made it very cumbersome and difficult to manhandle in the field thus removing the weighty shield and giving us the MOBAT making it quarter of a ton lighter but giving the crew no protection. The hitch did not affect the barrel which is rifled but it was under slung when reborn as the MOBAT. Hope this answers some questions. Rob..................rnixartillery
  2. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b6e_1300469087 The beast in action. Rob.................rnixartillery.
  3. A new arrival to the collection which is most welcome, a very complete and original 120mm Battalion Anti-Tank Gun L2. There are not that many of these weapons around these days and most have some part or the other missing so I should think this is one of the best example in the UK. This will be displayed along side the MOBAT but the issue now is whether to go the whole hog and acquire a Wombat and Conbat ............:nut: Rob.......................rnixartillery
  4. Although firearms legislation and law is pretty much laid out in black and white, Unfortunately it is interpreted very different between County firearms licensing departments ,in short depending on which county you live will depend on what you are allowed to keep on a section one Firearms certificate. Im sure other forum users will know what I am on about and where the not spots are ! Rob.............rnixartillery
  5. pm sent. Rob.........................rnixartillery.
  6. Like this one ! Rob...................rnixartillery
  7. Dave, I restore my Guns to the best of my ability and generally to Blank firing standards, as Im sure you will appreciate finding the seals and packing's for the recouperators is not easy anymore and I don't think the old seals would take the charging pressures that are required to fire a live projectile. Personally I do not fire my Guns at all ,I have been through that faze many years ago and don't get kicks from it anymore plus I hate the cleaning process that follows. I just like to look at them every day ! :help: Rob....................rnixartillery.
  8. The tyres are New but made from the old moulds a US Import, there were only 6 of these here in the UK and believe me I was in shock when I was told how much they were...............................frightening ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  9. Pm also sent Rob.................rnixartillery.
  10. The Mk V was quite a leap forward in development standards particularly because they introduced the split trail for increased travers, from what I have read this improvement was not received very well amongst gunners maybe because it was something new and unfamiliar with. As we all know the 25 pdr reverted back to the old style box trail. The original format would have been fitted with wooden Artillery wheels but not the same design as the earlier Marks, the MkV wheel had a larger thicker tyre. The Gun I have just completed was fitted pre WWII with the Martin Parry conversion for mechanized movement which was the preferred conversion by the Irish Army, the Guns in British service however were converted to take the standard 9,00/16" Hub and WD split rim.attached are a few pics of MkV's on wood. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  11. More pics ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  12. I am just coming to completion of an 1920 18 pdr MkV restoration which has been ground up. This piece was an absolute B*****d to break down into parts and took quite some time. This mark of 18 pdr is by far the rarest surviving today and is one of only a handful in preservation. Without going into too much detail here are some pics,I am still in the finishing process so hopefully a couple of weeks should see it through ! Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  13. Hello Jay A couple of nice L5's you have there to play with ! Yes I have restored a few of these in the past and I currently have one in my collection, a very nice and unusual piece indeed. They are a pretty easy gun to restore, not that many bits to it in comparison but in my experience I find the hardest part of restoring any Artillery piece is taking the thing to pieces without causing damage. What ever you break will have to be fixed and trust me there are very few parts available for this weapon. DONT TAKE A BIG HAMMER TOO IT ! Plenty of heat will probably be requires to loosed the components if the guns have been stood as Gate Guards, for example I am just coming to the end of my current restoration of an 18 pdr MkV and it took me three full days to remove the Barrel and jacket alone !. I very much doubt you will get any help from the Artillery Museum regarding parts but as the guns look relatively complete that shouldn't be the issue. If the guns had been regularly serviced you should be able to strip one in ten minutes as you have probably noticed there are no tools required to do this ,its a case of pulling pins and flipping catches. There are quite a few Aluminium components on the L5 and these are the bits that normally corrode first, I had to have these re-made. If you need to know the strip down procedure pm me and I will take you through it step by step ,I will send my e-mail address in return . Its a walk in the Park ! Rob........................rnixartillery.
  14. New Old Stock...................NOS . New parts that have been shelved for many years. Rob................rnixartillery.
  15. Well spotted Runflat,this clip shows the 18 pdr MkV and the French 75 in Irish Service ,note on the French 75 limber that the ammunition is loaded from both front and rear of the caisson . I wonder if my 18pdr is one of those ? Rob...................rnixartillery.
  16. An excellent extract Robert especially in this time of remembrance , Thank you. The Arsenal was certainly a hive of activity and a major employer back then ,very interesting to realise how much railway track was used inside the Arsenal for moving heavy stock. Rob............rnixartillery. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  17. Ten Million and a plot at Larkhill should do it . Rob.................rnixartillery.
  18. Lots of work left to do on this one ,which country are they in as I may be able to help with spare parts ! Rob..............rnixartillery.
  19. I have a spare NOS Tool roll for the Bofors , shall I put it with the other bits ! Rob.............rnixartillery
  20. Modified Limber Wagon for the Irish Army with the use of the Martin Parry Kit. This conversion was different from that of the limbers supplied to the British not having the tool tray or the wheel carrier. Rob................rnixartillery.
  21. I Quite agree ,well done a worthy candidate to be preserved. Just need some horses now ! :rolleyes: Rob..............rnixartillery.
  22. Yes, I've noticed some of my pictures have gone AWOL ,I have no idea where ! Hopefully the pheasant restoration will Resume once I have finished the 18 pounder I am currently doing. Rob................rnixartillery.
  23. Paul, When all of the Greek 105 Guns were disposed of they had these parts Cut, hence the shortage of M4 Quadrants and M21 Sight mounts. The M4 is particularly hard to find but there is a guy on US E-bay selling the M21's. When I restored my M2 Howitzer I had the elevation springs made by a spring manufacturer in the UK. Unfortunately due to the extensive damage inflicted on these Howitzers they can be an expensive project to restore properly but well worth the effort in the end. Rob................rnixartillery.
  24. That's called progress .I have also been there and think its Over rated , not to mention a money pit ! Rob................rnixARTILLERY.
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