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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. What a haul !..............................:wow:, So whats next ! Rob...............rnixartillery
  2. Thanks for the offer Chris but I am going to do some more research first,if the pans were removed for the portee role I am happy to leave it as is.Do you have the Gun layers arm paddle by any chance ? this is the arm that is fixed to the saddle and runs parallel with the barrel so the gun layer can lean on it. Also is the ID plate on you gun pressed or cast ? Rob...................rnixartillery.
  3. I wonder what that was all about ! :nono: Rob................rnixartillery.
  4. Pics attached Niels,sorry there not great. I am looking for any bits for this gun so if you come across any please let me know,particularly wanting the wooden cleaning stave that's located on the back of the shield. Cheers Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  5. Chris, If you believe what you read on the net it mentions that the Anglo-Sudanese contract that ended up coming to Britain was made up from Swedish built Guns ,you mentioned in an earlier thread that yours was polish built. The one I have is a Danish gun and I am beginning to suspect that the contract was fulfilled by any guns that were available at the time to make up the numbers. I have pictures of my gun taken many years ago when it was in its original paint which was a dirty sand colour,the chap I bought it from gave me a jar with sand in that he cleaned out of the suspension units when he cleaned and repainted it. I have also studied old photo's and read that in some cases the seat pans were removed when the guns were used in the portee role to allow more space for stores and ammunition .The gun I have has not got the seat pans fitted and as far as I know has not had them fitted ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  6. PM Sent ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  7. I live on the edge of Catterick Garrison and I'm pretty sure the Helicopter pilots use my place for simulated battle training what with the Artillery I have outside :whistle:. They are constantly flying around our Farm ! :angry Rob..................rnixartillery.
  8. Lol.........................:-D well its been located but this one is a tough egg to crack ! if I can get a complete Gun I will have a lovely live Barrel and ring to sell on but for now I will have to make do with bits ! :cry: Rob.............rnixartillery.
  9. Latest edition to the collection, this one has been around for many years ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  10. It is for sale !........................................ Rob.............rnixartillery.
  11. This is not a no29 18 PDR limber ,most limbers are loaded from the rear and not over the draft pole,the exceptions are the French 75 limber and the 4.5 limber.I should think the one you mention is that of the French 75. I do own a no29 limber so know this item inside out. Good luck with you project. Rob............rnixartillery
  12. I've been involved with a couple of concrete Tanks, pictured is the last .It still houses engine and all internal components. And yes I re-covered it for future extraction ! Trust me when I say It is not an easy task removing the concrete from these hulls, concrete was at its best back then ..............One of sand two of cement ! Rob..............rnixartillery
  13. Ross, The difference between the Irish and British conversion was the addition of a steel constructed box very crudely riveted over the top of the original wooden foot board which contained the wheel brace and jack and a spare wheel bracket on the top of the limber box. The Martin parry conversion kits were supplied to 'approved' contractors who would complete the conversions for the various contracts. The contract for the Irish Limbers was carried out by D&P ltd in the Buquor Works in 1940 . These kits were also fitted to the French 75's and accompanying ammunition limbers the Irish had . Rob.................rnixartillery.
  14. Ross , You are in the right part of the world ,the Irish Army were the last nation to use the No 29 limber although they did have a couple of minor mods fitted, the picture in your thread shows the British variant. I would advise that if you attempt to build a replica you must view one personally and take all the necessary patterns, dimensions and measurement's yourself this will help ten fold when you come to build it, taking someone else's word doesn't always work ! There are several No 29 limbers over there that you should be able to cross reference and I know where you may be able to acquire a Martin Parry conversion that has been removed from a Gun. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  15. Hanno, I have bought new 6.50/20 for this Gun but I had a choice of 6.00,6.50 or 7.00 they are readily available. The tyre from the original pneumatic conversion was US Royal and although this make and size is still available today the tread pattern has been changed so I went for a make of tyre that had an almost identical tread pattern. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  16. Lex, They are very similar but a 20 " Rim. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  17. Ive put them back on,I don't know where the others went but I have noticed a few have gone missing ! Rob...............rnixartillery.
  18. All of the 3.7" Gun shields were manufactured square with straight sides from pre WWI, it was only when the pneumatic conversion was introduced that the shields were altered at workshop level to allow the wheels to fit and later the disrupted (wave) pattern around the edge of the shield was introduced early WWII, Very similar to the 6 pdr,Hotchkiss etc Gun shields. These were cut out very crudely probably in the field. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  19. Just to conclude this thread, I have attached a few pictures of the finished Howitzer after under going a full restoration. The Howitzer was stripped, repaired, blast cleaned and painted ,a more suitable tyre tread was located and fitted and I managed to retain the original hand painted 4th Indian Div sign which was painted on 40 years ago. This will soon be moved into another building along side the 6 pdr and very shortly to be joined by another little cracker ! Rob...............rnixartillery.
  20. Lookin Good ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  21. At least they are being preserved while they can be ,a mammoth task so Good luck to them. Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  22. The 18 pdr Limber at Fort Nelson is a well made replica, one of two made for the film Michael Collins. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  23. Found this pathe Film with two rarely seen items ! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b6e_1300469087 Rob.............rnixartillery.
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