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Everything posted by Stone

  1. I've got a very different set for our radio body, they have a much wider base section, a u-shaped bolt that fits over a protrusion on the radio body and a spring between each side of the bolt and a nut that retains the base and spring (the spring held in with a plate). I've attached a pic so you can see what I mean. (the radio body protrusions have a hole in the top that could be used with the type of clamps sabre showed, but the body wouldn't be held very securely...) I've got a spare set of four clamps I could be persuaded to part with if they'd fit what you've got, send me a PM. Stone
  2. I actually guessed this right first time, just joined in too late to play (dayjob has involved designing radar countermeasures) My guess is that the x-axis represents time and the antenna array is pretty highly directional. That would explain why the trace is broken with a much higher frequency for the vehicle than the man - it's measuring the frequency of motion so you're actually seeing the man's footsteps. You would swing the antenna array to look in different directions and the display would let you know about movement at different ranges. The range indicator double-lines work in a similar way to the range gate on a normal radar system - in this case they have a constant signal so it always shows up, and you can choose the frequency of oscillation so you would know what range it represented (and so what the range of the track you overlaid was at). The current Blighter radar actually works in a pretty similar way - the difference is that the beam is electronically scanned in both azimuth (by beam-scanning) and range (by altering the radar frequency). The operator display shows a wide field of view with a semicircular display on it and movement shows up as a range/azimuth 'cell' lighting up. You can then listen to the Doppler signature as an audio signal and can actually tell the difference between something walking on four legs (sheep) or two (sniper). Clever. Do I win a secondary prize? Stone
  3. Knowing Withams they won't have left the towing frame on by accident...my guess is that it's either knackered or has its engine sat in a puddle of its own fluids on a pallet somewhere. And they won't be cheap! Stone
  4. Might be able to get hold of a 6x6 (718K) manual, drop me a PM so I don't forget Stone
  5. Technically all 432s are over-width... In theory you need an H license (or a full cat B license, aged over 21, L plates and someone else in the vehicle who's held cat H for 3 years) but VOSA could give you six different answers if you asked them the date so see what you can get away with Stone
  6. Czech ones are OT-90s like Neil's, aren't they? Better spec... Stone
  7. There was an in-service Foden DROPS causing minor chaos in Luton town centre on Friday. Looked LHD, do we have any right-handers? From the way he was driving it didn't look like he could see much :rofl: Stone
  8. In fairness it'd hardly be a lot cheaper if VOSA let you drive it there, would it? You'd need a fair bit of diesel (and don't forget you're technically limited to 20mph on the road!) Stone
  9. Hadn't thought of only removing one lead Well, so long as the jump leads are thick enough for double the current, you just have to worry about setting their battery and radio on fire when the alternator kicks in :rofl: Makes sense to me. Probably easiest if we just carry a single spare battery around then - we can swap it over to get it started and then recharge the duff one on the generator, and not too much extra stuff to be carrying. Not a bad idea having some jump leads in the back, though! Rather you than me! :shake: Stone
  10. Bedford was flat the other day (someone left the isolator on, not me!) - we ended up taking the batteries out and charging them individually, but what's the correct procedure for jump starting a 24V veh from a pair of 12V vehicles? If you just parallel each battery with a car battery (still in a car) using two sets of jump leads, if an electrical connection is made between one car and the truck chassis or both cars, at least two batteries are shorted! Could remove chassis earth connections from the cars but then why bother with jump leads, might as well remove the batteries. So, have I missed something? Stone
  11. 'Can we have an export license, please?' 'No' 'Never mind we'll send them anyway' Did they honestly think nobody would notice?! :stop: Stone
  12. For reference, you can jump to a known lat/long in Google Maps by searching for it with spaces between the groups and a comma in the middle. Exampe: For 51 degrees 15 minutes 25 seconds north / 1 degree 10 minutes 20 seconds east enter "51 15 25, 1 10 20"; for south or west of the meridians put a minus sign in the right place. Should give you a random spot in some fields near Margate. HTH Stone
  13. Thanks for that, here's a link if anyone wants to look (might save you 30 seconds!) Stone
  14. Ours is labelled 13'6" inside the cab - that's with a box body and generator pallet though (both of which protrude well above the cab) so that sounds pretty accurate. A mast mounted on the rear of the box body adds another 8" or so...it all adds up! This diagram might be of use... Stone
  15. Do any Landing Craft (Assault) still survive? Was having a chat with my granddad (an ex-Royal Marine who piloted one in Burma) and he said he'd seen piles of them being burned as scrap after the war - but were any preserved? Look awkward as anything to drive, mind! Stone
  16. Try it with and without I think of it as an acquired taste - if it's the same as the British one it doesn't make it much sweeter but it does make it go white, hence the name. Doesn't taste much like milk (or indeed any natural substance) - I used to drink the cocoa powder mixed with the dried coffee and chuck the tea out though! Stone
  17. http://www.marshallsv.com/pdf/Matrix_Expandable_Systems.pdf Not 100% sure but AF35AA in the first pic looks like a Foden DROPS. They had one at DSEI this year, and I think there's an Eastern European (Czech? Turkish?) manufacturer that does them too. Stone
  18. I bet that'd go like the clappers with a modern electric scooter motor and some chunky batteries in! We've come a long way.
  19. The Beverage Whitener burns up a treat if you tip a mug of it on someone's hexi burner! :-D Stone
  20. Neil, Marshall SV make those expanding shelters as transportable hospital units - maybe there are some surplus ones around? They're definitely fairly common things... Stone
  21. Bar armour is usually fitted here, but as late as possible as they're no longer road legal when it's fitted! The bottom pic is definitely Tracked Rapier. Not sure what it'd be doing at the docks, they were out of service ages back... Stone
  22. Here you go, some Google action: BAT M OT-64 SKOT UAZ 469 BREM (BMP recovery vehicle) VT55 (T-55 recovery variant) DAC 6x6 ATS-59 MTLB Better? Stone
  23. You haven't been out to Mortar Investments, have you? (the recovery BMP is ringing bells) You need an MTLB Stone
  24. We had trouble with a bunch of surplus Ptarmigan kit for the same reason. In the end a dodgy guy with a Transit took it away for us :rofl: Stone
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