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Everything posted by Stone

  1. Brakes have always been a problem, see here: More here: Less than a million pounds, oh that's ok then! :argh: Stone
  2. There's a plane in the background - airfield patrol vehicle? I like the lap belt for the MG operator! :rofl: Stone
  3. The AT-T is a good choice If money and export licenses were no object I'd go for a 9A39MB (SA-11 launcher/transloader) Not only is it a reloading vehicle with crane to transfer missiles around, but if there's a radar-equipped launcher around it can launch them itself! How cool is that? As it is, when I have space I'd go for a MT-LB or SA-6 TEL. Stone
  4. How close is the Stormer to the other CVR(T) series in terms of parts etc? I'd noticed the extra road wheel each side but not the added width... Looks like a nice step up from the CVR(T) but not as chunky as the Warrior Stone
  5. There's one on Milweb at the moment (here) So, who has any details? To my eye they look a lot like Streaker / Shielder but those new light clusters make them look a lot more aggressive, the rest of the CVR(T)s are a bit 'My First Tank' :cool2: Stone
  6. Now that would be a nice project, but I'll save it for after the Lottery win Stone
  7. Is that a standard NATO box size? If you've got any documentation for it I'd be very interested Stone
  8. Have you tried ringing Fischer Panda? They might know... I tried a similar tack with an Acal power supply and the nice gentleman on the end of the phone gave me part numbers for all the mating connectors! Stone
  9. Not that many Scammell ones still around though, I thought? The wrecks at Withams were all Foden ones with a few DAF. I've been corrected that there were never any RHD DROPS vehs - I was confused 'cos they made loads of RHD S26s like this: Stone
  10. What would the permanently fixed equipment be? :??? If you attach a display board then maybe (still a bit dodgy) but it would have to stay on while you were on the road. I'd go for the MOT, you might get away with an exemption form but PC Plod won't be your friend if VOSA stop you... Stone
  11. Here's what it looks like overdyed...bloody awful. Must be feeling pretty desperate to even think of doing that, can't be great for morale either! Stone
  12. Couldn't afford the licence fee, last I heard... It's a fair enough thing to do, their main problem is that you can usually choose beforehand if you're going to need desert or temperate camo and pic that, but operating around the green zone you may have to flick from one to the other. There were loads of pics of our soldiers who'd dyed the dessie stuff green in huge vats of dye to make it stand out less than the issue kit... This was the new cam system being introduced for armour and belt kit: It's quite similar to the existing dessie stuff but with enough green in it that you look like a shrub against a desert background but a sandy patch in the green zone. They've been doing absolutely tons of trials so you'd like to think they know what they're doing The idea is that you only issue one set of bergens etc and people can wear them over whatever uniform kit is issued without having stupid colour clash when your plate carrier's desert over your temperate uniform etc. The system is called PECOC (Personal Equipment and Common Operational Clothing) if you want to Google it a bit more easily. Stone
  13. I've changed my mind, it fits better as a BTR-60. (check out the screwtop fuse locations right of the driver; black in this pic but silver in the OP) Would be a more reasonable vehicle to capture too since they're big and impressive :cool2: Stone
  14. You'll have to get another one that pulls the other way to even your arm lengths out. Simples! Stone
  15. It must be a pretty close-run thing, the 432's only about 20cm wider than a Stolly. Mind you, I wouldn't be dead keen on hauling a Stolly around on one either! :shake: Stone
  16. Those 6x6 Landies are great, never seen the like... Stone
  17. Full instructions with diagrams are in the manuals, 'Repair Instructions 2' chap 3. Shout if you've lost them and I'll send you the link again Stone
  18. Careful, you'd have to downplate them to drive on a Cat B :nono: (GVW of 5000kg so require Cat C1 to drive laden) Any idea how much Withams wanted for the comms body ones? They are nice little things, just a bit scared of the horror stories! No smoke without fire, I always reckon... Stone
  19. I've done some touchups on the Bedford and radio body; compared to IRR green it's surprisingly close. Where I've stuck it on a bit thick you can see where the edges are but only when the light catches it, if that makes sense. If you feather it on properly (and the can's full enough...mine's running out of propellant even though there's paint left) it comes out really nicely, if you did a whole vehicle in it it'd be really hard to spot the difference side-by-side. The satin finish is slightly shinier than the IRR matt but hopefully it'll last a bit longer! Stone
  20. Agreed, driving position on the left, agricultural look...Could be a BRDM-2? Seems to have vision blocks and hatches in about the right places, not sure on scale though. If not I'd guess at BTR-50. If it is a BRDM-2 it seems to have some extra controls on the rightmost edge of the dashboard compared to the one I linked to...could it be one of the radio vehs or maybe decontamination unit? Stone
  21. Does this help? I'll have another dig later on. Stone
  22. Stone

    Petrol Price

    Have you seen those foldup briefcase thingies for this? Can fit two jerry cans side by side (upside down) and with a hose thing on so you can leave them draining into the vehicle tanks Stone
  23. Stone

    Petrol Price

    I drove past it again this morning, it's very much current! That's a Shell one. I still remember it at 83 just a couple of years ago... Stone
  24. Stone

    Petrol Price

    It's 96.9 here in Luton. Haven't driven past the local Asda to check though...(Tesco and Asda are fighting to lure the Christmas punters in) Stone
  25. If only I had somewhere to put one...(and I might need to buy off the missus!) Stone
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