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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. The biggest problem I can think of with Spartans is the fuel tank. They hold something like 495 litres, and unless kept full condensation will be an issue. They are also filled through a hole in the roof and sand and dirt can easily be washed down inside. Despite a lot of cleaning, we could never get ours fully clean and didn't have the cash to fill it up, so we run from a jerry can. Eventually we plan to lift the tank out and fit a smaller plastic tank inside it, some owners ditch it completely to make more space inside.



  2. Hi Clive,


    All the Snatches have the NI phone number etc underneath. The first ones shipped to Iraq simply had it painted out. The vehicles which went over after they were desertised still have it visible underneath the material covering. The camo material is barracuda thermal insluation, there's a metal foil type backing with the netting stuff on top. It's held on with velcro and tabs which pass through staples at various places around the body. The velcro is not like normal velcro, the only way I can get it to stick is by hitting it with a mallet!


    I'll have to take some more photos next time I'm over at the farm.



  3. Hi Matt,


    Do you have a Snatch, or have you just bought some rear bodies? I bought a pair of complete vehicles from Withams in the last tender. They were cheap enough. Both started easily and run and drive ok. I have kept one, 26KK46, which I will get round to restoring one day. At the moment I am collecting all the Snatch specific bits when I see them. I have posted quite a few photos to the gallery on my website which you might find useful:



    If I were you though I'd look at buying some in the next tender sale and save yourself a lot of time and money.



  4. David,


    There are Snatches with 1 alternator and Snatches with 2. Does it have the TUAMM brackets on the wings? If not, 1 alternator is all it needs. Mine was fitted with a standard 45ah battery which charged up after about 30 mins of running.


    I thought I had photos of both types, but aparently not!






  5. Yer a lucky fella...it looks an absolutely lovely condition vehicle......but that fact alone does baffles me......

    Has the Army withdrawn the FV seris vehicle now from use??????

    If they have ...fair play to sell them off.......but if they haven't?

    Just why is the MOD dumping a vehicle in such good condition as that one?..

    I can easily understand flogging off the worn out or broken down ones that are beyond economical repair anymore but....

    ...... if we're still using them where is the sense in selling good ones off 'cheap'???(in relative comparsion to a new vehicle that is)

    I don't think I shall ever understand how the MOD decides to use our hard earned tax pounds........


    They converted a lot to Mk 3, and sold off the rest... even the ones which had been refurbished and placed into storage. Most have been cut up.

  6. Not signed.... The 1973 cut off coinsides with the old number plates which is kind of nice. Most pre 73 vehicles need more care and maintainence so are owned by people who know what they are doing so for me the tax exemption is just a bonus.


    What about those of us who own vehicles from 1973, 1974, 1975 etc etc... do they suddenly need less care? What about the massive gap in vehicle history that will exist at the classic vehicle shows of the future. In 20 years time, how many vehicles from the 80s will be in preservation?

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