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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. Get the forms in advance, fill them in yourself and turn up at the local DVLA office with the following:

    Insurance certificate

    Filled in form (can't remember the number)

    Dating evidence


    Money for tax, if required


    and hopefully you can walk out with a tax disc a few minutes later, depending on the size of the queue.



  2. John,

    The average person behind the desk at the DVLA doesn't know what one is, they don't know about the steering and brakes, or even care. All they're interested in is the cast vehicle form, and then typing away on a computer. As long as the form is correctly filled in before you get to the counter it doesn't take them a minute to do!


    I thought that perhaps it would give them a message when they typed in FV432, but aparently not. Perhaps if we'd tried to register it at Swansea or using the postal system we'd have had more problems?



  3. I'm sure someone has already beaten it, we just don't know about them yet...!


    Question for Clive... the photo of the red Pig, is that a roof rack on top? Looks exactly like the one on the Pig we had. We weren't sure if it was put there by a previous owner or a genuine mod. I almost ground it off, but decided to leave it on!



  4. Paul,

    The pack does come out in a big frame, be aware though that it has to be lifted quite high, and it is heavy. You can ground run it before you put it back in too, to check for leaks etc. The Mk 2 fuse box is in the oil tank, which is a silly idea, however you can just about see it with the panels off. There are 3 versions, Mk 1 (Petrol), Mk 2 (Diesel) and Mk 2/1, which has the NBC pack relocated inside the hull. The 2/1 is most desireable as it's about a foot narrower.


    There are loads about, and plenty of CES, so you should be able to get a good one.





  5. The reoad registering thing is simply a myth! I did ours the other day. In and out of the DVLA in 10 minutes, with a tax disc and registration documents. Someone said it couldn't be done, now everyone thinks the same... it is infact a load of rubbish! If you need any help doing it, let me know and I can point you in the right direction.


    The AA won't give you free fuel anymore, as they don't do drainage. (I know an AA man.) However there are plenty of places that do, best bet is accident recovery companies, who have plenty of cars to drain.



  6. Richard,

    The large side bin is the hardest to find, Marcus had some bashed about ones, otherwise it's finding a used one and repairing it. The bin next to the exhaust is the next hardest, I had the last one from Banistes and it needed tidying. The others are easier to find, again try Richard Banister, he will be much cheaper than Marcus Glenn.



  7. Richard,

    The trailers were originally designed and built to house communications equipment, for instance ours was a radio relay station. In the early 80's, I guess with the introduction of Clansman, they were withdrawn from service.


    The RAF took them and they were converted to Aircraft Battle Damage Repair kits. These varied between squadron and role. We have one which was used by 41 Squadron, who operate Jaguar. It was a sheet metal repair trailer, and still had some of the equipment, including sheets of aluminium, in it when we bought it.


    They are very interesting, and useful trailers. We just sold our second one, but you could quite easily start a collection purely of these trailers, as they are all different.





  8. Richard(s),

    I know the forum you mean. (I missed the word forum in the original post - d'oh!) Something went wrong and I think Jim just pulled the plug. I seem to remember it didn't get that many visitors anyway? I agree there was an awful lot of technical information on there, supplied by Alex, it's a shame that it's vanished.


    The Ferret was a good project, it did turn out nice in the end, but plenty of hours were put in to it. I just wish the damn thing would stop leaking oil. Recently it's more than the normal few drips, looks like the wheel stations need some attention!





  9. Our Spartan was brush painted black... it should be 2/3 green 1/3 black. I have seen some of those trailers sprayed green/black too. We've had 2 of them, I guess you've got an ABDR (Aircraft Battle Damage Repair) kit, rather than a comms trailer?

  10. Clive,

    I am aware of Darrens problem with his luminition module, but they don't have to be expensive. I bought a brand new one on ebay for £2 because the seller didn't know what it was!


    I have a couple of J60 distributors, and plan to try to fit the luminition gear into my Ferret. I have all the training notes and modification instructions, and can pass them on if required. I also have a source for complete distributors at a good price, better email me about that though!



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