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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. If the army place near Derby is Anchor at Ripley, then I'm not surprised the green was rubbish. I used that paint for a Spartan... never again! It's expensive and poor quality, after a few weeks in the rain the paint stained heavily where the water was running off the vehicle and it needs to be painted again.


    I now get my paint from http://www.crosbie-casco.co.uk/crosbie/home.htm


    The best option is to spray it with a cheap compressor.

  2. Last year I had 2 Sabres moved by these guys on a weekend for a reasonable rate. They used to be based in Luton, so if they can't help they may know someone who can. Ask for Terry.


    T Doherty Plant and Transport

    Office 05601860382

    Terry 07980 938406

    Hassan 07984 077189

    Jeanette 07786526954




  3. Get a cheap electric sander and plenty of sanding pads from ebay. Give it a good rub down and try again with a roller for the green. I sometimes use rattle cans of matt black for doing the camo, usually just marking out but they can be used with good effect to paint the whole thing. Remember 2/3 green 1/3 black.



  4. What are you all worried about, you know Jacks history with vehicles, he will just run out of fuel




    I think we are more worried about his wheels & tracks coming off!

  5. FV688415 - LV9CVW/2540-99-821-5684 - Box, Stowage, Vehicular Accessories.


    This fits on the panel infront of the fuel tank besdie the drivers right shoulder in Fox. As to contents - it's shown in the stowage sketch I have, but the contents aren't listed.

  6. Hi Rodney, sounds like you have been driving your sarry! Did you have some manuals during this episode/ordeal? You would be one of the lucky few! I don't have a troubleshooting manual and it would surely be handy now. Do post more pics!


    I have some original NOS user handbooks for sale. PM me if interested.



  7. thanks adrian

    in my "b" mech(softskin) way of thinking i thought it would steer like a 432 but it sounds more like a cvrt setup. the craarv must have the same type of steering as i remember being at borden outside the tank sheds when a craarv came tearing down the road and then tracked left to enter the shed but he must have been in too high a gear as it rammed the wall where we were all stood having a brew, fortunately tea, not blood was spilt and a sheepish reccy mech reversed his blade out of the wall to cheers from those looking on. i believe the term w#nker was used alot




    I have heard stories of squaddies driving off cliffs etc in CVRTs because they changed gear part way round a corner, the radius of the turn changed and they went over the edge.

  8. Vince,


    I fitted a new tail pipe and a new down pipe. Didn't change the middle bit as it looked fairly new - just replaced the rusty bits. The tail pipe fitted fine, the down pipe was another story. That was on and off about 20 times before it lined up with the rest of the system!



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