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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. I do not know when the MoD is planning on retiring the rest of the fleet, but around 10 years ago they did a life extension program where around 1000 of them were fitted with diesel engines. Sabres were not converted and so were disposed of in 2004, along with a few hundred Spartans, Sultans etc which were not converted. The majority of these went for scrap as the market for these vehicles is limited and the MoD wanted the money. The same happened to the Strikers, where other than the handful of petrol vehicles which trickled out over the years, the entire diesel fleet was scrapped or used for hard targets.


    Just recently they have scrapped a load more, deciding it was easier to just have the money there and then than have the hassle of selling them complete. I was told that any future vehicles which might go for diposal will be bought back by BAE Systems so no idea if any will come onto the market in future.


    As for spares, you'll need the obvious, belts, filters, pads, wheels, sprockets, track, engines (at least a couple), gearbox or 2.



  2. Thanks for the update Lee, I spent a few hours cleaning the Wolf today with the pressure washer and there's still mud on/in it.


    other than the mud I had a good week, it's a shame we were somewhat cut off from the rest of the show as nobody seemed to venture past the mud into our field, but I had a few bargains and got a chance to drive around so not a bad week!



  3. Hi Mel,


    The best places for Mutt parts are all either in the USA or Germany. I found the German dealers to be more expensive, even if you include the shipping from the USA, but they are faster if you need it in a hurry. eBay is also a good place to look and there are dealers in the far east who list on there, but not everyone will ship to the UK. To get things out of the USA the dealers need an export licence and they won't all have one.


    Try here:





  4. Buy it when you see it is the name of the game. Unfortunatley you need to keep a stockpile of things that wear out or go wrong. The problem with the FV432 is that nobody else uses them, any which have been cut up went straight to the scrap man. At least with the CVRTs there is a large end user market for the take off parts, which is why Withams stripped them and sold them off in bits. The good news is that they are still in service, so there are parts in the system which will come out eventually I guess.



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