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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. 1 and 5 are some of the boxes you would use to set up an intercom. The IB3 (no 5) is the main box in an intercom system and is where the power, radios etc connect. The drivers box (no 1) is designed to be used in a tank, but is rarely used and a Crew Box 2 set is usually used instead. No 2 looks like a power distribution box. No 3 is used in a VRC353 installation and goes between the TUAMM and the radio. No 4 is an initiate box and is used ina 351/2 installation. It does look like someones bought some random boxes and bolted them to the dexion as not many seem to be connected!



  2. I've seen 2, but neither of them had the winches fitted. Note the ground anchors either side of the rear door in these photos. The shiny green one used to belong to a friend, it's a Mk1 and was equipped as a standard APC. The other one with the cut down rear door was at Withams in 2005. 24A is a REME LAD call sign.





  3. Maybe I imagined it, but it sounds like a better idea than paying for it myself


    :nut: :nut: :nut:


    So, do we have a decision then, boys and girls? Early evening or AM before the arena events start?


    Evening, but remember a lot of stuff goes on in the evening... practice for the mock battles, starting point for the various convoys etc, might be best to check with Rex which evening is best before arranging it!

  4. Okay just supposing one had £50,000 to spend on toys, what should one do...


    this is my list...

    Spartan, Sabre or Scimitar...10-12k




    Where did you get your 10-12k estimate from? I think you could easily spend your £50k and not get 3 CVRTs... not nice ones anyway!

  5. well what a great start to my Military Vehicle ownership, I guess this means Bella is confined to the Museum until further notice Oh well you live and learn


    There's a big difference between your tyres and some on a Defender! If you're worried about them, get someone to check them over and give you a verdict. I'm sure they are fine for the limited miles you're going to do.

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