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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Mike, glad to see your making progress, getting creative with your talents reversing that box around. Did you come over on an open ticket? R
  2. What I will say is that you will have to resolve it with him or yourself. I have every sympathy for you and agree with the sentiments of those posting before me. Sadly in the end you have to watch your own back. I would suggest that you are valid in your feelings of being jipped or done over or stitched up, by the sounds of it I would be the same. I wish you luck in avenues like small claims court etc. I wont tell you how I would solve it or how I have in the past, but let us just say I believe in a natural justice but also employ others who are more persuasive when I have to. It feels awful when you feel like you have been taken for a ride by someone who knows full well what they are doing. R
  3. Perhaps if you are lucky you could find one of these which will get around all your problems in one easy step R
  4. I think both Bob and Richard have a different Ley of the Land than we do and that is why they can see the other truck that we can not. R
  5. With many thanks to Andy we have found this part in the Land Rover civilian dealership parts system and should have it in hand for wednesday. I'm thinking that this part is also used on civvy vehicles. Here is hoping this solves the problem. Thanks again to Andy R
  6. With tongue in cheek, as Mike and I have had a couple of sidebar email exchanges and I sense some cameraderie, I could be tempted to put a caption to the picture of "a tool, holding a tool" but some would say that was cruel;) All meant in the best possible taste:-D R
  7. Terry, I had always understood that Clansman didn't need radios to make the intercom work. You may be loading up more ironmongery than you need. R
  8. really? do you have a manual showing it in the CES then? R
  9. It came to us by way of a reputable dealer from the Grantham area:nut: I have long requested that our vehicles undergo a third party MOT prior to export but we don't seem to do it. Some of the trucks sold direct from BATUS this year have been positively cheap. R
  10. so that would explain why it doesn't quite fit right and rubs against the diff then if someone has used an RHD rod in the left hand drive vehicle then. I guess it is too much to expect that the part number is on the part eh?! R
  11. Dear all, Apologies for technical terminology but the descriptions should be clear for all to understand. On our LHD Wolf the panhard rod that connects the chassis to the axle across the width of the vehicle is rubbing the front of the diff cover area. This is preventing us getting it safetied (MOT) for the road. Q1 What part number is this item, is there a second part number for left or right hand drive vehicle? Q2 What changes between the LHD and RHD part ie how can we identify what is fitted now, we wonder if wrong part number is fitted. Thanks Robin
  12. I agree with Mark 100%. I hate the Sabre at work. Anything with a turret and a gun or look a like is a male member extension. I have always loved the really useful things like a Samson or Stolly with a crane and winch or an Eager Beaver or how about a CET with all its kit? Round here if I had a Samson at harvest season I don't think it would take many seasons of stuck combines in corn and soy bean fields to pay for it and the truck and trailer to float it around. R
  13. Dear Diego, thank you for posting the link and welcome to the forum. R
  14. Dear Lance, Welcome to the forum. Your user name intrigues me enough to ask, did you serve in the Household Cavalry? If so, do you have photos from that time, Many of us here look after vehicles from those kinds of units and long for more detail of the service life they experienced. Regards Robin form Eastern Canada
  15. Dear Simon, It was a pleasure to speak with you by phone the other day. I have thought long and hard about what you are trying to achieve. I even discussed it with a few mates over a wet one the other day. In the end, we felt it would if ours, and this is only just our opinion, mark the vehicle with your father's first name or his nick name or his initials in a neat stencilling about an inch high on either side in a contrasting colour so if in the green area do it in black etc. Then we thought making a small sign board that explains your Dad's career in the REME and what array of kit he would or did work on and that the Ferret hold sentimental value to you in this regard and is owned and operated and maintained in an effort to perpetuate that memory. That is a nice classy way of paying homage and not running amok of the rivet counters. As you say, it is yours and you may do as you wish. Look forward to meeting you in person should you come north of the 49th parralel. Regards Robin
  16. We are investigating all options as you have described, we too follow lateral thinking lines, even out here in the colonies. As the truck is being readied to be a runner for the droves of tyre kickers who will view it, just getting it running is the main issue, cheapness a directive issued by higher to be followed. We will of course follow the "no new holes nothing welded on" policy with whatever solution we opt for. Thanks R
  17. Dear Ivor, Thanks for that info that the 101 club has them, I was hoping to flush that answer out and give us an excuse to join. Cheers R
  18. It would seem that this unit is no longer available and the only option is a rebuild kit via Dunsfold. Any other options im missing? R
  19. Really? It is quite lightweight with only a U bolt style connection between the two beams. Do you access to one to measure it so we can compare notes? R
  20. I can hear it now, at the bottom of a garden, in a shed, somewhere in the Home Counties, "By Jove, we should make one of those for Belters next year" And so, another winter project started, all because of a silly photograph . . . . R
  21. This came to me recently. It has been in private hands for over 8 years and came from BATUS before that. There is a slight chance it may not be British as one other item from this same haul of treasure trove turned out to be Canadian. It is made from Aluminium beam stock. Not a mark or number stamped into it anywhere. My intial thought was a locally produced Ferret power pack lifting frame, my only concern is that the connection at the T junction looks a touch lightweight. Can anyone identify it please?
  22. Dear Bob, I know exactly that type of owner that you have described, the eternal dreamer and keeper of the rust coloured gold in the tall grass storage. No, that is not this guy, he is what I would call a Hitchcock type of kooky. Lets just say I think it will be a one attempt at getting it from him only. R
  23. I was out and about yesterday, locally, so local it isn't funny. Came round a corner and was confronted by this. I have lived around here for 10 plus years and have, as everyone else has, passed by within a 100 feet of this that has been lurking just out of sight. I have a reputation for being an MV kind of chap, but somehow no one told me this was around. It kind of reminds me of Sean Hindle's Carrier find in a hedgerow a while ago. If I tell you that the distance from my house to this, as the crow flies is counted in metres not kilometres does that give you an idea as to how close? I know to whom it belongs and who owned it before that but this is going to be very hard to acquire as the current owner A is kooky beyond belief B I flicked him the bird (middle finger gesture) a while ago for very good reason C see A I am not really wanting it for myself, she would likely shoot me I fear, buying a tractor the other weekend just after buying a non running 101FC has taken its toll on a certain person's sense of humour considering we have two Ferrets and not even a slab of the garage / workshop built yet. I am for sure going to make every effort to save it as it looks like it is quite complete. This will drag out for a while i'm sure. R
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