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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Coming up in a minute, just got to feed the cat & dogs otherwise I will get no peace.
  2. I can only find lists of codes for B Vehicles for the 1955 system I'm afraid. I have lists for A & B for the 1967 codes.
  3. But which Asset Codes do you want? The pre-1955, post-1955 or post-1967 systems?
  4. Thank you that is super link. My eyes are bit befuddled trying to spot my grandfather & his brothers. I'll have have rest & try again later. I'm impressed with the quality of detail & that so many managed to smile & some with a saucy smirk. Would be wonderful if you could only talk to them & see what their take on the situation was.
  5. Ah but what about UN marked tractors, would they be allowed?
  6. That's no problem as I had a reliable date to go on. What is a problem is where people can only come up with a vague few years & that would take ages trawling through thousands upon thousands of entries. Would be lovely to get it all on a database
  7. Just did & got "Vehicle details could not be found" PS But it may have now acquired an age related registration to gain Historic Vehicle status.
  8. Key, square, female, 3/8 in, for budget locks on engine covers FV51304 5120-99-813-9801
  9. Little bit of a catch on that one because the SO date was 21/6/77, this coincided with first day of Sale No. 147 that included a lot of similar vehicles. But it doesn't appear in the sales catalogue as the sale date usually follows the SO date by an auction or two. 39 FJ 18 was Lot No. 89 in Sale No. 148 17/8/77 I'll get a picture of that page posted up.
  10. Derek things have gone from bad to worse, Mr Sagdiev has now taken over the chicken house & declared it a republic & seeking to join the EU hoping for a farming subsidy. As if that is not enough he has been playing the 10-hour version of Gorki's hit on his betamax, the shortened version is bad enough.
  11. Pete more likely it was the 90A with the external Generator Panel. This was not just for regulation but also served as a junction box, provision for battery change-over relay & some suppression. I like scabby IRR paint. A lot of private owners go to great deal of trouble removing it all & present some nicely turned out vehicles. But in service this was not required to be done as the previous IRR layer contributed to the IRR behaviour under the new layer & even patch painting was encouraged. I admire owners who have to courage to take over-painted scabby paint jobs to show who may be sneered at because some think it should be all removed.
  12. Pete so was that in the Gen Panel No.9 Mk 4? or did your 109 have the VD 14X? Not come across that on pre Defender Rovers before. I bought several of these CAV modules quite cheaply for experimentation from http://bbengineeringsupplies.co.uk The one I dissected had an unsoldered joint of a component lead into the PCB track. It was tinned but not soldered rather poor quality control!
  13. If its definitely not 90A then I assume it is the VD 14X that is the 100A alternator fitted to early Defenders. The regulator module is item 11
  14. Quite. Well I have no wish to become embroiled in unintelligible correspondence from scammers of their various kinds from around the world. But it seems I am being drawn into a series of deals that I wish to be no part of. Things have taken a turn for the worse in that a Mr B.Sagdiev has turned up him & taken up residence in my chicken house together with his none too bright brother who has escaped from the state circus. The thrust of the deal seems to be that he buys my wife on condition that you buy his old wife who is now something of a burden to him. Rather than explain any further I enclose a transcript of a badly written note with a crayon on an old fertiliser bag. “Hi 5 is nice you are interest my wive. I am now live with the cliv who alow me his wive live her room , he is vary strange he has a huber pig that he love the very much, But in my country we call pig is dirty animal so i think cliv is not so sensible as he ptrend . i am famous on the line seller with many satisfactions mostly i like to do the same with you , please send me all the picture of youre huose as swell 10 million tengi to my account Weston union .., my wive also need red dress (ectra large) red washing up bowel , red bag for nostril hairs with many shavvers and 10 gallons of insecticide. if you like make her hoppy she like betamax casete of manly barrilow and famous local signer is called gorki borchek is numberr one in our top ten for ten years mostly. she aslo like riding , do you have a strong goat she can ride / in my country woman is not alowed to be ride a horse unless she is take it to vote for our glorious leader who is much respacted he think pleaee may I have you’re a dress to sent you nice photogarph oy youre bank detail and the pins , i am really to make deal but can make discount if you take my brother and give him nice pictures of ferrets that you fix , do you have to cook them first before you eat or can be eaten wearing his fur/ dooes you like my agent pay you cash in the hands with extra to take then you not have to pay custom tax on wife and gaot or for a litle moor you can bid for worlds largest artificial cardboard box that my brother has bean make , is very nice dark brown “
  15. Can you expand on what type of generator was fitted for this particular contract?
  16. Are these locks not just Budget Locks as widely used in the coachbuilding/commercial vehicle world? These keys are easily available: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/T-Key-Zinc-Plated-For-Budget-Lock-Used-On-Horseboxes-Bus-Coach-Trailer-2257-001-/141542585603?hash=item20f4987503:g:OOAAAOSwzrxUt-K2 I suspect it is the same as a Pig in which case it is: Key, lock, square 5340-99-808-9419
  17. Pete thank you for your interest. The view from the top doesn't do them justice, they are both quite beefy books. The number of pages in the index doesn't do justice to the number of appendices oozing out from particularly OM(W) There was some fierce competition from someone else who badly wanted these two books. Although they were separate auctions the total outlay of £126 was more than I hoped to pay. But some of us might spend that on fuel at weekend or getting that special part that you are unlikely to see again.
  18. PS Is that a typo on the plug gaps by a factor of ten? Sorry I can't advise on the plugs, but if the same type were in place then seems sensible to stick with that type.
  19. Yes set the plugs to the correct gap. I think the thing to do is establish whether you can get a decent spark on the king lead & then test the rotor arm. Pity you aren't nearer, otherwise I could use my test gear on the whole electrical system.
  20. The MW Drivers Handbook is none to helpful. It says the points gap should be a sliding fit for the feeler gauge that is incorporated at the end of the small screwdriver in the tool kit. But it does say plug gaps .037" to .040"
  21. How was the condenser tested? With a multimeter? I'm afraid that gives very little idea of how it will behave when handling 300v. Needs to be tested on a Megger type device that can deliver that voltage rather than a multimeter that is only a few volts. I would get the king lead from ignition coil, unplug it from distributor hold this lead 5-10mm from a earth point & flick the points closed & open. You should get a healthy spark as the points open. If you get this the condenser may probably be fairly ok. Now hold the king lead end 3mm or so from the metal arm of the rotor with it still plugged into the shaft. See if you get a spark. If the rotor arm insulation is good there should be no spark. The correct polarity of the coil is important so that you get a negative spark, if you have a positive spark you could need at least 25% more HT to get a spark in the plug under compression.
  22. So the spark was on the sparking plug itself? To get a measure of the magnitude of HT you really need to test over a greater distance. eg from the plug connector to an earth point with a gap 5-10mm. If it doesn't do that you HT is probably inadequate. Capacitor = condenser Who/what is Rippo? Have you tested the rotor arm? I can explain how to if you are not familiar with the test.
  23. Is the spark you have seen just the small gap across a sparking plug? Or is it getting on for 10mm from lead to an earth point? A spark across just the plug may not have sufficient voltage when in the engine under compression to produce a spark. Is the new coil of the correct polarity? Have you tested the rotor arm? How new/trustworthy is the capacitor?
  24. These two little gems arrived last week, still working my way through them. I belong to a number of military forums covering the last 150 years or so. On some of these sites (I don't think it applies here) it is curious to see the snobbery that exists on any topic raised that is not during an actual war. Yet what happens prior to a war has a direct bearing on the conduct & success of that conflict. So it is nice to have these two from 1937 & 1939. Although Ordnance Manual (War) 1939 is bit of a swizzle as it contains much that appeared in various volumes of Field Service Regulations 1935.
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