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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Robin LV/NEU doesn't make sense as a VAOS Section. I think you will find it should be Section LV7/NEU (meaning NEUtral) as in commonality of parts used in American & Canadian 'B' vehicles.
  2. Not a bug but an improvement after this morning's adjustments, thank you. The new message: "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read." I do find this quite useful, knowing how far down to look, as I often flit in & out it is easy to forget what's new & what ain't. Although I have to remember to log in for that to update, but I do that more often now to get rid of the visitor message;)
  3. and I've only got a little one...
  4. The marking was a one-piece transfer. This is North East District & 220 is the Army School of Mechanical Transport which was on my Pig. Sometimes these markings were stenciled on a wing or front bumperette & the rear body. Thinking about it yours probably wouldn't have had a District Marking as just 21/3 which is a Brigade numbering. I think 21 is the Royal Corps of Signals. So being a FFR makes sense. So we just have to work out which RS Unit was /3.
  5. First of all welcome. So was this on the top edge a wing facing forwards? I would expect it to be in white letters one inch high. Was there anything else in front of it eg LOND 21/3 or SOW 21/3 etc as this would define the Command (area) it was in & then one could define the unit. Or was it large & somewhere else?
  6. There are some examples in here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?27143-Land-Rovers-that-fire-missiles! This "conversion" is only taking it back to what it was originally. The NSN is not given but the Asset Code 1720 19 1777 makes no sense (to me) as in 1964 Asset Codes became 4 + 4 digits displacing the earlier 6 + 2 + 3 digits. As it happens I have in front of me DCI (RAF) 1972 which lists all RAF MT with their Asset Codes. It confirms the description given above & indeed agrees with the record card. I see it gives the capital replacement cost as £1,555. It lists a number of Trucks, Utility that includes Rover 1 to Rover 11. Interestingly it also lists Cars, Utility These include Rover 9/2, Rover 10 & Rover II. I suspect there are various typos. As I think last type should read Rover 11 & in the Utility section it includes Series 1A & Series 11A. So there were 7 types of Rover designated Car, Utility & 31 Trucks, Utility including 4 which are CL models.
  7. Snap! (I think) My label is completely faded so nice to see what it should say.
  8. Have to remember to divide by 12 to convert inches to pounds. I got caught out once on the fly wheel of the B60 Mk 5F only realised after I snapped a stud:blush:
  9. Yes. Its good to routinely check so you have a base line for future comparisons. The thing to be wary of is if the readings are down a bit & similar on 2 & 3 or 4 & 5 as the gasket isthmus is very narrow between these pairs of cylinders. The other problem is that a socket will not seat onto the nuts on the exhaust side. The EMER & RR manual advise a box spanner & Tommy bat to tighten it. Not very scientific, depends on your muscles! I use a crows foot socket for these, the type that just extends around the far face of the nut to hold it in place.
  10. I,ve received a red replacement, but wonder when these thefts took place as I bought a vehicle over a year ago & was given one of the new red ones.
  11. I assume this is: NSN 2330-99-808-6928 Asset Code No. 3075-0735 Publications CES Army Code No. 33909 Pub. Sep.1973 Maintenance Schedule Army Code No.14767 Pub. Jan. 1980 Illustrated Parts Catalogue Army Code No. 6061 Pub. Oct. 1972 Illustrated Parts Catalogue Army Code No. F6061 Pub. July 1983 (ie fiche) EMER WHEELED VEHICLES U 260/9 - 269/9 But there was no User Handbook. Brockhouse easy mistake, there was a Brockhouse version & a Sentinel one.:-)
  12. Oh I misunderstood, as it was extruding text out at me so seductively it seemed to be beckoning me to click it. I then thought I had broken it, but it stops extruding after 20 seconds or so.
  13. Seems to work ok now. Although the "News" button doesn't do anything for me.
  14. Generally you would find the chassis contract plate (6" x 3") mounted vertically on the chassis in the vicinity of the front (tow eye) end & the body contract plate (which could be a different manufacturer) mounted vertically on the lower front corner of the side of the body. Both of these tend to be on the near sides of the trailer.
  15. Can you be a bit more specific about it please? ie the name on the contract plate, FV No, Asset Code, NSN etc then I can cross reference it to publications of their various kinds.
  16. Just upgraded to 8.0 but still the same.
  17. Rob it has a similarity to this: Limber BL 12Pr 6cwt (Mark II) L
  18. Yes Andy I get the same. It is the lower right hand corner that is the problem trying to go to another page where it is overlaid by an advert. I usually manage to guess the mouse in the right position, not a major problem. Although on the phone, I have to especially careful if my finger misses the button as all the background surrounding all buttons is a trigger to take me up the amazon.
  19. Richard when I got in yesterday, it felt as if the "skin" was missing to the pages, it had a basic feeling to the display. Although I could navigate around, the top part of the home page still stayed there.
  20. Ah but not today! The security warning is back. I note that it say it is blocked on the basis of my security settings. Maybe my security settings dropped down a scale for some reason yesterday?
  21. The malware warning page has now gone & the site seems fully accessible.
  22. Well done Dan postwar British wheeled armour, wonderful! Yesterday I was trawling through some Commons exchanges recorded in Hansard in the 1950s. I was bit surprised when I came across a reference to "salad in armoured cars" then I realised! But I wonder how many of the MPs of the time did :-D
  23. Oh goodness me no, this is the age of science. Amazing we are in the era of the B Series engine yet others are dangling lead weights over parts manuals. So do you use a danglely thing at work for those hard to solve cases.
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