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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Sorry Lee I don't see the relevance to your comment. I'm not concerned with NLBA or their camping arrangements. I was just saying that the camping enclosed within the white fence boundary was by & large green which was the organisers were aspiring to.
  2. I hadn't thought of that Roy, it certainly looks as if it might be but it isn't.
  3. I'm afraid I have no idea what either of those two things are. The trouble is people will have quite divergent ideas as to what they like & want to see & what should be in a prestige position. For example the only things I photographed were a Humber 1-Ton, a brown jerrican for water, a WW1 latrine & a blue rotor arm for a FFR Land Rover. I think people would be dismayed if some of those things were lined up at the entrance :-D I think the answer lies in numerous ditch crossing points marked well with signs & on the map. Together with some hop on - hop off transport. This works well at Great Dorset Steam Fair. We only really got visits from the public on Sat & Sun because they had to park some distance away & were taken by bus to the exhibitors entrance so had to walk past some of our exhibits to get to the rest of the show. On the other days the public saturated the stalls & very few had the determination to get far afield that was not help by the frustration ditches that couldn't be crossed. I can't help but feel that the fair (that has little relevance to the event) occupied an unduly prestigious position that could be used perhaps as suggested by some of the prize winners. I must say I thought the idea of the green camping within the white fencing worked well.
  4. Any ideas? (yes & it was in a book I got at W&P)
  5. Well I didn't have to queue up for this one :-D
  6. Yes I saw him around the Dunsfold stall.
  7. Tim no trouble this time as it was early morning, last time it was lunchtime;)
  8. As many have said at any event there will be highs & lows. On balance there far more highs than lows for me. Highs Stopping for a break in Haywards Heath through choice where I had a burst a tyre on a previous trip to W&P. All the glue holding the interior insulation firm despite the heat (see another thread) Seeing a water jerrican in its original BROWN paint. (see another thread) Seeing some classic stationery! Seeing this line up parked next to me. Being able to shower & use the loo with relative ease & comfort. Although it could be confusing at times. Seeing Dale’s son Ashley presenting the Dale Prior Memorial Trophy to Roger Graystone for again winning best Humber 1 Ton award. Lows Long journey there & losing an hour due to the Goodwood Festival of Speed, which was something of a paradox! On the return journey getting caught up in Hastings with a festival of pirates. Late night noise (see another thread) Missing half of the show, as all but one day hay fever took its toll requiring lying down with useless & painful eyes kept shut each afternoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJi3xr5MfR0&feature=youtu.be
  9. A delight to see this at W&P. Brown seems to have been the only paint on it.
  10. Well just gone through hot weather trials with a week at W&P in the Shorland. This stuff (as linked by Lee) still hung on without any tendency to soften, peel or let go. :-D
  11. Matt here you are. I've put them up here as others may be interested. So hope its clear enough to print off & join them together.
  12. Paul I don't know where marshalls were but there are few camped opposite me so they must have experienced it. It's not good enough for people to defend this gross nuisance by saying if you go to a show you must expect this sort of thing. I am a heavy sleeper & with half a bottle wine & thick wax earplugs thought sleep was gauranteed but I was awaken at 0100 by the noise vibrating my air bed!
  13. Right this is a whinge & a very bitter one, not against the organisers, a few tweaks & it'll be fine. I had only a few hours sleep last night after a fun & exhausting day. We had loud techno music until 0415 that seemed be coming from the NLBA camp. Very selfish & the volume was such that it seemed a deliberate attempt to cause maximum disruption to everyone's sleep. Shame on you. Yet your Elvis evening was fun & at sensible time.
  14. I think I have (but nor here at a W&P)
  15. Matt turnlights are covered in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES V617 Mod No.76. I have this but not here at W&P.
  16. Furthermore the EMER instructing the moving of the Pig mirrors to the wing was not issued until May 1977. Apart from the Mk of Pig the RUC Pigs were all withdrawn in Jan 1970. So one might observe that the RUC are portrayed as wearing "CORKER" helmets. I have never seen pictures of these used as RUC riot gear, the cork helmet used was "SKULGARDE". I have about eight of them at the last count & there are significant differences. The riot shield is the wrong shape & the mesh is too wide. Those are fairly minor things that are forgiveable. But when a Pig is concerned nobody seems to have any regard to its context. Depictions of Bloody Sunday used Mk 2 Pigs despite pre-dating their introduction. I once saw a docu-darama of August 1969 with a Mk 2 Pig in it. Pigs are big things & very obvious. Do people not understand their various differences or do they not care? Why don't do proper research?
  17. John there was a certain concern from the staff of both establishments. There was an attempt to shoo me away irrespective of the rather obvious difficulties I was suffering.
  18. Only just seen this thread, I was on holiday when it was posted. So this is 1971? There were no Mk 2 Pigs in 1971! Operation Bracelet to up armour the Pigs to Mk 2 status ran from Sept 1972 - June 1973. Indeed the only 3 Mk 2 Pigs used by the RUC were issued in 1974.
  19. Maybe next year. I've only taken the Pig to W&P once so far.
  20. Arnie is this the Generator No.9 with Gen Panel No. 8 used in the Mk 1 432? I have some experience of that (as it was the system used in Hornet) but not the later ones. Measuring low resistances in the field is unsatisfactory but at home I use a 0-30v power unit than can deliver 10A. By measuring the voltage drop across a winding carrying a known current gives a clear value for the resistance. But the field winding & its brushes will be easy enough to test.
  21. Ah but I couldn't put it on the EMLRA stand. Of course speed is relative Andy, the last time the Shorland went to W&P this happened in Haywards Heath.
  22. Testing Service If anyone has ignition components (screened or unscreened) that need testing I can test your ignition coils, rotor arms, capacitors, sparking plugs, HT cable etc. I can measure leakage up to 50 gigohms @ 2.5Kv, inductance up to 200H, voltage up to 20 Kv, capacitance, resistance (also can test charging etc with a DC clampmeter up to 400A without having to break into any wires). No fee, no catch, not trying to sell you anything, I will have the gear with me so might as well put it to use if someone has a problem or wants to test their spares. I should be there from Sunday pm in Shorland with Ex-Military Land Rover Association (wherever that might be!)
  23. Lauren for some years I have been searching for a yellow flag with a red or white disc, but with no success. All I have found is yellow with a black disc, which in my book (1901) is also the letter "I". But of course the danger of displaying of such flags is that it could invite unwelcome contributions
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