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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. no sorry just found that pic online ...........
  2. Check out Lytham War Weekend on Flikr , added todays photos , its on tomorrow too( tried adding on here just now, no chance ).......... http://www.flickr.com/photos/62607536@N06/sets/72157631116074250/with/7809426146/
  3. hey john there is a pic of a 101 not far from your number plate on flikr ( cant upload) was there a batch of them?.....
  4. just a skim of filler then ............
  5. Spotted there this morn 3 jeeps, dodge weapons carrier and ben hur trailer dodge ambulance dingo on low loader , oh and a jeep at the garage ,oh that was me filling up!!.......:drive:
  6. Crew of a Sherman M4A3(76)W from the 14th Armored Division "Liberators" drive through a wired connection. For added protection against 'Panzerfaust', the tank was coated with sandbags. Rittershoffen, Alsace, north-eastern France. March 1945.
  7. [h=1]GI's of the 1st Infantry Division "The Big Red One", hide the firing of a German sniper who has not yet been located, behind tanks Sherman M4A3E8 and M4A3(76)W from 745th Tank Battalion. Sankt Andreasberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. 14 April 1945.[/h] [h=3][/h]
  8. did it not have a front number plate mate?.......
  9. hi John , so you made it ! heres some pics from sunday mate ! mark
  10. welcome along mate , get them piccies out :thumbsup:
  11. its on the fylde coast ! check out spotted today too ......................
  12. ITS LANDED!! at dinner time today ...................lots more pics but forum/internet not great ..(easier to add to flikr )
  13. im with you on that mate, been there too .just had major work done , so hopefully ok now ...............
  14. im sure i put a wartime pic of a conversion like that on here once ........
  15. couple of pics from today ..... The 101 was newly acquired by a local chap John .waved at him the other night as we passed each other , he said he didnt wave as he was keeping it in a straight line !! I gave him the forum details , said he would be along .............
  16. just shown it on local telly , well some "german officers" in a trecker, and some champs............
  17. yes thought it might give the pillocks that rush up behind you an idea.........
  18. not seen left hand drive here before.......
  19. had ours put in on thursday , sorry cant help mate as we didnt put it in ..... hope alls well , just taking it easy for the rally tomorrow :drive:
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