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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. Just found this pic , not seen it before .
  2. hi mate i have trouble uploading too (no other site ) put on flikr or something then post a link
  3. cheers for the replies guys , think i better get the guy that just rebuilt the engine to do it ....
  4. On a Jeep, not a mechanic so bear with me . is it straightforward to change the gaskets on the oil pump?(The bulgy bit under the manifold area ) see told you i was not a mechanic ! .are these gaskets in a main head gasket set ? cheers guys :thumbsup:
  5. :thumbsup: engine still wanted please........
  6. 101 ? really? what about other units ?
  7. we had some dodge ones like that once , jigsaw was handy on the tyre ...........
  8. hand and dagger end of oct i think
  9. one will appear for you mate ................
  10. Wont be much getting done the next couple of months guys , dads in hospital next week to have a hip replaced (3 days before his 73 rd birthday ) this pic was taken earlier this year , munga more complete now...........
  11. hi mate , good luck in your search for one , ours was £100 .......its getting there now
  12. we found the wood useful when we did ours years ago ....quite straighforward as we are not mechanics............
  13. i am mate , check them out...............
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