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Now with the hot weather..........

Lord Burley

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Ive been using the 101 as convertable sports MV..........





The vettes been relegated the last few days. I had planned to water proof the hood. Which i have now done with a gallon of Thompsons brick seal. But seeing as we have had nice weather i have been using the 101 as my everyday motor to and from work. The school run,and trips to the shops.


In true sports car style. I even managed to get pulled for speeding yesterday morningfool.gif

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Rain, Hail, or snow (sometimes Sun) the desert ready jeep (43 GPW) is out with no windscreen on it or top. Big greatcoat or desert duffel coat, gauntlets and a wooly hat mit goggles and away we go.



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Rain, Hail, or snow (sometimes Sun) the desert ready jeep (43 GPW) is out with no windscreen on it or top. Big greatcoat or desert duffel coat, gauntlets and a wooly hat mit goggles and away we go.



You show more commitment than me. Only other person i know like you is Nick Johns.
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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

That ugly thing you left in the yard is longer than the 101 so of course there will be an extra charge,also as it sticks out i expect john will of clumped it a few times.:-D

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That ugly thing you left in the yard is longer than the 101 so of course there will be an extra charge,also as it sticks out i expect john will of clumped it a few times.:-D


Engine fallen out and made it's way over to the Champ by any chance?

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That ugly thing you left in the yard is longer than the 101 so of course there will be an extra charge,also as it sticks out i expect john will of clumped it a few times.:-D



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Big greatcoat or desert duffel coat, gauntlets and a wooly hat mit goggles and away we go.




Gary, Dont tell me you still wear all that gear in THIS Weather?!!.....:rofl:


Well this is Scotland and summer means warmer rain lol

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