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We recently conducted the annual inspection for our Club's military vehicles and among those presenting for inspection were two wreckers - a Diamond T and an ex Aust Army International 6x6. The inspections were carried out at an Army Reserve barracks so we were able to round up a current wrecker to pose for a group shot. From left to right, they are the Diamond T, the Inter and the in service Mack.




Both the Diamond T and the Inter have Holmes recovery gear on the back - the Inter has some hydraulic refinements and the ability to operate from the rear of the vehicle. The Mack is all hydraulic and is devoid of any Holmes type boom.




Diamond T's are a heavenly truck, but if you have the original hercules engine it may hurt the pocket a bit in fuel consumption Jack. If money was no object and I had a giant shed I'd get one. But things are not like that...unfortunately :(:x :cry:


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