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Anyone computer savvy know this?

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Since yesterday I've found that some threads that obviously have pics in them are not showing them. Some still are. Linked pictures still work. Even pics by the same poster, one post shows - the next doesn't. Next time I'm on sometimes its the other way round, but certain threads still no joy. To the best of my knowledge, - that bit is stressed :). I have changed no settings on my machine and I am still logged in. Suggestions?

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I'm having this problem sometimes, it's due to the pictures timing out. If you press refresh, or F5, then they should load. If you're getting the little box with the red cross, you can right click on it and select show picture.

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Old threads, new threads:confused: if old threads a lot of the attachments were lost in the big forum crash & those with photo links some still need repairing, just PM me threads with them & I'll get them sorted. Also if someone changes the location of photos in their photo host folder that breaks the link..


Can you let me know what threads you have problems with...

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Old threads, new threads:confused: if old threads a lot of the attachments were lost in the big forum crash & those with photo links some still need repairing, just PM me threads with them & I'll get them sorted. Also if someone changes the location of photos in their photo host folder that breaks the link..


Can you let me know what threads you have problems with...


pre carsh = all adrian's range wreck photos in this one ....


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