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loud bangs could be banned !


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Hi all,

half heard this on the radio to -day that the European commision belive that the sound of gunfire during salutes i.e. 25 pdr. (or thier equivilents) have been deemed too loud and steps should be taken to quieten them down somewhat :lol:


I wonder if this would also affect those who take part in re enacting senario`s as they may be able to keep thier guns as long as they do not make `loud` bangs onlyquiet`ones `Food for thought



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Some one should tell the EEC where to go stick their stupid <censoreds>!!!

Hell - if artillery salutes are too loud I shudder to think what they'd say if a Stalwart did it's party trick near them - probably have them drop dead in fright!!


Come to think of it..................... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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I think its time for a whip round to buy Neil a Stalwart,


Brussels awaits you mate :lol:


Ooohhh - YES please!!!!! :D


Looking at a couple now - Nick from Tanks-a-Lot has 16 up for disposal and there's a Mk 2 up in Rochdale that I've been talking tothe owner about.

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So much for the bangs, gang!

Latest piece of pc stupidity 'Baa baa black sheep have you any wool'

Is now..........................


'Baa baa RAINBOW sheep have you any wool' sounds like the rule makers have had the wrong acid drops if they can see rainbow sheep!!


This gem was found in the Daily Express


Poor old England


Regards Frog 'who hopes swims'

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So much for the bangs, gang!

Latest piece of pc stupidity 'Baa baa black sheep have you any wool'

Is now..........................


'Baa baa RAINBOW sheep have you any wool' sounds like the rule makers have had the wrong acid drops if they can see rainbow sheep!!


This gem was found in the Daily Express



And in the Daily Mail.

Humpty Dumpty has also had the "PC" treatment and now has a happy ending. Something stupid like " he counts to ten and get back up again" :twisted:

I can't see whats wrong with him ending up with his brains scrambled all over the floor, if he's stupid enough to prat about on a wall then thats his problem. It's a good message to children " Don't prat about on a wall or you'll fall off and kill yourself!!


:wink: Regards


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Does anyone remember Judge Dread? his versions of several nursery rhymes would give the PC crowd something to worry about :twisted:



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Hey Matt nice one! I didn't think anyone remembered Judge Dread now.

He really knew how to sing nursery crimes.....

I still have a couple of his records in amongst all the Trojan stuff.

Good music good times .....................


Regards reminicsing frog

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Yes but does anyone remember the real Judge Dread created by Prince Buster? (The name was later hijacked by a boy singing rude nursery ryhmes, which were funny enough but nothing to do with the original).


I cannot understand all this rap stuff now, but Prince Buster really had something for real Jamacan music (not the weak UK stuff that followed many years later).


Remember 'The Ten Commandmants of Man' & 'Al Capone' & all that stuff?

Going on about 'shanty town' with the 'sound systems' & of course the local 'rude boys' (in case Borat's watching rude = cool)

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Indeed I know who Prince Buster was,although I'm not old enough to remember him first time around. I must admit I like some of the "Weak UK stuff too" :)


I can't stand most of the stuff in the charts,rap or otherwise.



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Oh I didn't say I didn't like the weak UK stuff, that had an enthusiasm all of its own. It's just that I can remember living in an area of Bristol in the late sixties where a section of the population were living & breathing this stuff & I would creep into record shops & partake of it.


Somewhere I have still got 'Rude girls' by Gloria & The All Stars. But Buster's non-PC "Ten commandments of man given to woman through the inspiration of I Prince Buster" had some little gems about, 'not searching my pockets at night, annoying me with your hear sayings & something about seven days a week & twice on sundays' :wink:

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