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My 2008 in Pictures

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Twenty pictures from the twnety events I attended this year, with or on the odd occasion without the Jeep. Clocked up about 1200 miles this year, which is quite a bit down compared to normal, which is around 2500 miles. I didn't however take the Jeep abroad this year. This year saw the start of the conversion of my Jeep to a Flying Control vehicle, beginning in May.


We started off at Eden Camp, March 1st, then Weardale Railway for the Crank Up on March 16th. Next camp Hartlepool Classic Car Show at the Historic Quay on April 13th, followed by meeting Bodge at Troutbeck in the Lakes on 19th April. After that came the first big show which was the Route to Victory event in early May.


Here's the first five show pictures.






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A week after RtV on May 9th, Bodge-it set off for Elvington's Wheels & Wings show, got three miles from home and got a flat tyre ( you just can't get the staff! ). After a harsh talking to via text message, he carried his truck the remaining two million miles arriving early evening!


On May 31st, Lynne and I baked in the sun at the Teesside model show on the first day, and almost drowned on day two. June 28th was the annual Fire Engine and Historic Vehicle rally at Preston Hall, Middlesborough, and the day after was a helicopter fly in at the NE Aircraft Museum.


July 5th was the very damp Spennymoor Gala Parade which we attended, but rather than display in the show field as usual, Lynne and I drove south to meet up with the Yorkshire MVT for their summer BBQ.






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We drove through much heavy rain, but upon arrival at Nev's farm for the BBQ, the sun came out long enough for us to get our tent set up. The evening party was great, and the following morning we did a road run around five of the local Yorkshire Airfields, ending at Elvington for lunch.


Bishop Auckland Nostalgia Day came next on July 26th, where the sun made yet another rare appearance. We collected a few hundred pounds for a local childrens charity during the day.


After Bishop was a damp Weardale Railway wartime weekend at the start of August. We followed that with two weeks having a wet camping holiday, including visiting Jack's hideout in Dorset, before returning for the NE Aircraft Museum Jeeps & Jets event where Bodge once again made the trip East. One day was sunny, the other slightly damp, though it did clear up for his trip home again.


The August Bank Holiday was spent with the NE Military Vehicle Club at the Durham Light Infantry Museum annual event.






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The last five begin with our trip West to meet Bodge at Rawcliff Hall at the end of August. Again, the weather was mixed, but there was a great party where Bodge embarrassed himself with a large bottle of vodka or two. There was a good road run the following day.


At the end of September there was a Nostalgia day in the Durham market place which had good weather. Then on October 14th, I went to the opening of the Hartlepool Radio station, taking Percy Fielding, a Dunkirk and Arnhem vet for a ride in the Jeep before he opened the station.


Bodge once more was conned into driving East on the promise of good weather for the Sedgefield Living History weekend on October 25/26th. It was a tad windy! but a good time was had.


The last event in this collection was the trip to Stainton Grove Military camp, soon to be knocked down, as the local community had arranged some information boards around the site to tell people in the future what happened there once there's no trace of the camp left.


We may have one more run out with the Durham club a couple of days after Christmas, but no details are confirmed yet. It's been another good year, but it would have been nice if it had been a little less wet!








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